Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 142 Entering the Wilderness

In the next two hours, Mark introduced all 25 mining rights.

After his introduction, Ye Tian has a basic understanding of these mining rights, and has a general goal.

Next, it's time to go on-site inspection, and that is the basis for deciding whether to make a move.

However, there is still a question in his mind, which urgently needs to be answered by Mark.

When everyone walked to the display board of the Gonzales Gold Mine, he immediately asked:

"Mark, what happened to Gonzalez's mining rights in the lower reaches of Clinton Creek? As far as I know, his 20-year mining rights are still too early to expire. Why was it put up for auction?"

Mark knew the relevant matters very well, and after a little thought, he began to explain.

"Obtaining the mining rights means that he has 20 years of prospecting and mining rights, but after the gold mines are mined, various taxes and fees will be generated every year, which must be paid in time!

If the arrears of taxes and fees exceeds a certain time limit, the mining rights will be taken back. He owed the taxes and fees of the previous year for more than three months, so he was taken back for auction.

Gonzalez has already died in Tijuana, and it is certainly impossible to make up the tax, so it is logical that the mining rights will be taken back for auction! "

After hearing the reason, Ye Tian couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Mining rights are a curse! It's not over after the shooting, there are many follow-up things!

And Gonzalez's death didn't seem as simple as it seemed!

Maybe someone has taken a fancy to his gold mine, so he borrowed the help of Mexican gangsters to kill people, let the mining rights re-enter the auction, and win them at a low cost. Everything is possible!

Then he thought of Gonzalez's mining rights lease. I don't know if it is still useful?

"Mark, Gonzalez's mining rights lease is in my hands now. Is it still useful? If it is useful, can I renew the lease? I am also willing to bear the taxes owed by Gonzalez.

To tell you the truth, we came from Jack Wade, where I photographed Gonzalez's warehouse, got this tenement lease, so wondering about this"

Mark's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at Ye Tian in disbelief, his eyes full of envy!


He immediately exclaimed.

"Wow! It turns out that you are the super lucky one. You dug up a large amount of gold in Jack Wade. The Yukon mining area has spread all over the world. Everyone is almost crazy with envy! Congratulations!"

"Thank you, the news spread really fast! It's only been a day, and everyone knows!"

Ye Tian sighed with emotion and smiled helplessly.

"That's a lot of gold! It's worth nearly two million dollars, how can it not make people crazy?"

Mark said a few more words with emotion, his eyes were a little red.

Then, he quickly adjusted his mood and began to answer Ye Tian's question.

"It's a pity! This mining right has been withdrawn. If you want to get this gold mine, you must participate in the auction. There is no other way.

But with this lease, you must have a better understanding of the mining rights than others. This is your advantage, and it may be useful in the auction! "

After talking about mining rights, everyone talked about field inspections.

After pondering for a while, Ye Tian began to talk about the investigation plan.

"In the next day and a half, I plan to inspect all 25 mining rights. I will go to the eight virgin lands in Klondike in the afternoon and try to leave Klondike tomorrow morning.

Then immediately go to the Yukon River side, and then spend an afternoon and a whole night to inspect the 13 mining rights in the Yukon River, and return to Dawson on Wednesday morning to participate in the auction "


Mark was taken aback and said in surprise:

"It's crazy! The 25 mining rights add up to dozens of square kilometers, and in two places more than 100 kilometers apart, it must be too late to drive, and it would be difficult to drive all the mining rights.

I can only rent a helicopter. Even so, the time is very tight, and I can’t stay in any place for a long time. In addition, continuous field operations require a lot of physical requirements. Can you survive? "

"Then rent a helicopter, two if one is not enough, we must go through all the mining rights, as for our body and energy, don't worry, there is no problem!"

Ye Tian said firmly, his tone and eyes full of confidence.

After finishing speaking, he immediately stepped forward, approached Mark and whispered:

"Mark, I can give you an extra $5,000 for this trip, but you have to help coordinate some things, such as renting a helicopter, renting a car in the mining area, and so on.

I definitely can’t walk all over the mining area with two feet. If I’m so exhausted, I won’t be able to inspect all the mining rights. The cost of renting a plane and a car is not a problem, and I will bear it all.”

There are tons of dollars to be made! This buddy is so generous, I love Chinese people!

Mark's eyes brightened instantly, and he was so excited that he almost gave Ye Tian a warm hug.

Immediately afterwards, he immediately whispered excitedly:

"Steven, you're so generous, $5,000! I'll do the job! Renting a helicopter or a car is fine, anyway, I'm also from Dawson, so it's easy to do this!

Also prepare exploration tools, such as metal detectors, gold pans, etc. Fortunately, these things are everywhere in Dawson, leave it to me, I will borrow four metal detectors"

"That's great!"

Ye Tian praised and continued to listen to Mark's story.

"There are some things I want to remind you, those virgin lands can only be accessed by helicopter, the environment is relatively primitive, there are many wild animals in both places, there is a certain degree of danger.

There are dense forests on both sides of Davis Creek, and there are a lot of grizzly bears. Elk Creek is also densely forested. There is a pack of 10 North American gray wolves, which is even more dangerous!

If you're going to spend the night in the wilderness, be prepared, bring camping gear, and always be armed in case something unexpected happens"

Ye Tian and Jason immediately looked at each other and smiled, each other's eyes were full of confidence.

arms! We have enough reserves, let alone a small pack of 10 wolves, even the famous Druid Peak wolf pack in Yellowstone Park, buddies are not afraid!

"Mark, don't worry, we are all prepared for this!"

Ye Tian replied with a smile, extremely firm and confident.

"Good! One more thing to say, grizzly bears are protected animals and should not be hunted unless they are a real threat to your life.

You must hire a licensed bear hunter to accompany you. They have the right to kill approaching grizzly bears and keep everyone safe.

Then there are outdoor survival equipment, intercom equipment, satellite phones, GPS, outdoor first aid kits, and outdoor cooking utensils, etc., all of which are indispensable! "

Mark listed them one by one, detailing everything, and taking into account all possibilities.

It seems that this buddy is an outdoor master! No wonder! He used to live in the wilderness! How is it possible not to have these survival experiences?

Ye Tian secretly sighed a few words, now he has more confidence in this inspection of mining rights, and he is more yearning for it!

After Mark finished speaking, Ye Tian immediately went on to say:

"Mark, please help me contact hunters with a bear hunting license. The rewards are quite good. I believe many people are willing to make this trip.

Let's take care of the outdoor equipment. The hotel we live in has an outdoor supply store. You can rent or buy things, which is very convenient! "

"Well, let's set off in the afternoon, I hope you can find high-grade gold mines!"

"I will definitely find the best gold mine, as long as it is here!"

Ye Tian said confidently, and shook hands with Mark at the same time.

It was afternoon in a blink of an eye.

At exactly one o'clock, two Bell light civilian helicopters took off from the front of Dawson's Auction House and flew straight to Davis Creek 20 kilometers away.

The road to the gold mine is officially open!

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