Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3218 Black Baron Treasure

Latest website: Chapter 3218 The Black Baron’s Treasure

During the journey, the joint exploration fleet changed its course several times, throwing away all ships trying to track the fleet, and finally stopped on the sea.

This sea area is about seven nautical miles from the Moroccan coastline and about five nautical miles from the high seas, basically in the middle area.

There are no islands around it, and it is not a cargo route. It is very quiet, and there is only endless sea water within the field of vision.

As soon as the joint exploration fleet stopped, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Mattis, take those media reporters to the super yacht where the Moroccan exploration team is located, and then draw a warning zone with a radius of one nautical mile with the Intrepid as the center.

Four luxury yachts and two Moroccan coast guard ships were sent out, and the speedboats carried on the luxury yachts were released to patrol the sea and drive away all ships trying to break into the warning zone.

This area is not a cargo route, nor a tourist area, nor even a fishing ground for Moroccan fishermen. Any ship that appears in this area is coming for the joint exploration fleet.

After the arrangement is completed, the radio silence can be ended, and a warning is sent to all nearby ships, warning them not to approach this warning area, otherwise they will bear the consequences."

"Copy that, Steven, leave these things to us."

Mattis responded and immediately ended the call.

Immediately afterwards, Yahya asked curiously:

"Steven, why are the joint exploration fleet coming here? Please introduce the situation in this sea area. Although we are Moroccans, we are still confused now and have no idea where this is!

What did you find in this area of ​​the sea? Is it a clue about Atlantis or some other treasure, such as an unknown Spanish or Portuguese treasure ship? I'm curious! "

Not only Yahya, but also Professors David and Paul.

Everyone was confused at this time and had no idea where this place was, what secrets or treasures were hidden here, or even how far it was from the coast of Morocco.

The only thing that is certain is that it is still within the territorial waters of Morocco.

The reason why this can be determined is that the ships tracking the joint exploration fleet in the high seas did not approach.

Without exception, everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​looking forward to his answer.

Ye Tian smiled and shook his head.

“What I can tell you is that this place is a certain distance from the Moroccan coastline and a certain distance from the high seas. It is considered a middle ground.

Regarding the details of this sea area, I will introduce it to you in detail after Mattis and his colleagues have completed their arrangements and ended the radio silence."

Hearing this, David and Yahya shook their heads helplessly.

"You are a cunning guy, you are always so mysterious. No one can figure out your thoughts and actions."

Professor Paul said helplessly.

Afterwards, everyone could only wait patiently.

at the same time.

On all the ships of the joint exploration fleet, everyone has this question, and everyone is confused.

Naturally, these include media reporters.

Those guys were standing on the flybridge deck of the luxury yacht they were traveling on, looking around blankly.

"Guys, where are we? What secrets or treasures are hidden here?"

"Who knows, that guy Steven led the entire exploration fleet around the sea, and he has already confused everyone. Who knows where he is!"

While he was talking, a security officer suddenly walked onto the flybridge deck and said to these media reporters:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have just received instructions. You need to transfer to the super yacht next to you. Please follow me. The speedboat is at the stern."

"Man, why are we moving to that superyacht? Where is this?"

a media reporter asked.

Before he finished speaking, another reporter asked:

"Why did the joint exploration fleet stop here? Is this sea area the target of this exploration operation? What secrets or treasures are hidden here?"

The security team member looked at these guys and said angrily:

"I also want to know the answers to these questions, but no one told me. What is certain is that if you do not transfer to the super yacht, you will follow us to patrol the perimeter.

The next joint exploration operation basically has nothing to do with you. You are unlikely to know any secrets or treasures discovered by the joint exploration team here at the first time! "

Upon hearing this, the media reporters immediately changed their attitude.

"Okay, in that case, let's move to that super yacht. The facilities on that yacht look more advanced and comfortable."

Then, they followed the security team towards the stern of the ship.

At this moment, a speedboat suddenly drove out from the stern of the super yacht next to it and headed straight towards the luxury yacht.

Obviously, the speedboat was here to pick up these media reporters.

In a short time, these media reporters were successfully transferred to the super yacht next to them.

Immediately afterwards, the four luxury yachts and two Moroccan coast guard ships in the joint exploration fleet sailed out in all directions and began to delimit the operation area of ​​the joint exploration fleet, which was also a warning area.

At the same time, several speedboats launched from four luxury yachts also began patrolling the sea.

Once a ship of unknown origin breaks into the cordoned area, these speedboats can speed out and drive away those ships as soon as possible.

Not only that, the three helicopters on the Intrepid and the two superyachts are also ready to take off at any time to perform aerial security missions.

Outside the territorial waters of Morocco, the waters are on the high seas.

The ships from various countries that had been tracking the joint exploration fleet from a distance stopped one after another.

While stopping, they also determined the location of the joint exploration fleet.

However, they knew nothing about the situation in that sea area.

It is not close to the coast of Morocco, nor is it a fishing ground, nor is it a freight route. There is very little hydrological information, and there is no place to look up.

Such a sea area is not even valued by Moroccans, let alone other countries.

But who would have thought that the goal of the joint exploration fleet would be there.

On a scientific research ship from the UK.

The captain is holding a high-powered telescope and looking at the sea area where the joint exploration fleet is located.

At the same time, he was reporting the situation to an intelligence officer who was also observing with binoculars.

“We know nothing about the sea area located in Morocco’s territorial waters. We have never been there during the secret exploration before. Now we can only stay and watch from a distance, but cannot explore the sea area close to it.

Can the government come forward and ask for exploration operations to be carried out with the tripartite joint exploration fleet? Even if you just participate and don't distribute the treasure, it's okay. It's really unacceptable to just stay and watch from a distance! "

The intelligence officer shook his head and said regretfully:

"It's no use. The government has contacted that guy Steven several times, hoping to participate in this joint exploration of Atlantis, but he was rejected by that greedy bastard.

Spain, France, and even the U.S. government have made the same request, but they have all been rejected. That guy Steven made it very clear that he will not accept any fourth party to join."

"What a greedy bastard, but this is in line with common sense. Anyone who has clues about Atlantis and has the ability to explore it will definitely not accept others joining in to grab meat. It would be the same for anyone else."

"We cannot trespass into Morocco's territorial waters without receiving orders from Downing Street. After all, Morocco is a friendly and sovereign country, and we still have to take pride in our face.

Since the joint exploration fleet cannot be approached from the sea, is there any way to approach it from the bottom of the sea, such as using small submarines and divers to sneak under the sea to explore the situation? "

"This possibility exists, but we can only send small submarines there, and we must not send divers there. In that case, it is tantamount to seeking death. This distance is too far.

Before the divers could reach there, their physical strength was exhausted, and the oxygen supply could not keep up. As many as were sent out would die, and even if they did not die, they would fall into the hands of the Moroccans.

Even a small submarine has to take certain risks. If there is any problem during the submarine, the people in the submarine may die at the bottom of the sea, and there will be no time to rescue them.

I don’t recommend taking such risks. If you really have to take risks, let your people do it. I won’t let my men take such risks. I can’t bear the responsibility.”

Hearing these words from the captain of the scientific research ship, the intelligence officer suddenly fell silent.

He is not willing to take such a huge risk. Who is willing to seek death?

The same conversation is happening on many ships in this area, and the content is similar.

The distance between these ships and the joint exploration fleet, as well as the unpredictable hydrological conditions of this sea area, became a natural chasm in front of them.

It is not that easy to cross this chasm.

Of course, there are also ships that want to break into Moroccan territorial waters and get close to the waters where the joint exploration fleet is located.

However, as soon as they take action, they will receive a stern warning from the Moroccan navy ship and can only retreat to the high seas.

Just when the guys on these ships were helpless, they received another warning from the joint exploration fleet.

The joint exploration fleet has designated the sea area in the distance as a warning area and operation area. No other ships are allowed to enter, otherwise they will bear the consequences!

After receiving this warning, everyone was instantly sure.

There must be some secret or treasure hidden on the bottom of the sea in the distance, or even the legendary Atlantis.

Thinking of this, these guys' eyes suddenly turned red, and they were all ready to move.

In addition to these ships, some ships that followed all the way from Casablanca and were bumping around on the sea like headless flies also received this warning.

Those guys immediately learned that the joint exploration fleet had arrived in the target sea area and was about to launch an exploration operation.

Through the recovered radar signals, the ships quickly determined the location of the joint exploration fleet and immediately swarmed over.

But little did they know what was waiting for them ahead.

On a superyacht.

As the work area and warning area were delineated, everyone became busy.

In particular, the many employees of the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company who are responsible for exploring the sea are packing and checking various exploration equipment.

Half of them will be transferred to the Intrepid, while the other half will stay on the superyacht.

Not only them, many security personnel of the joint exploration team also took action.

They took out the many weapons and equipment they brought and placed them on the commanding heights of the Brave and the two super yachts, preparing to deal with challenges that may come at any time.

Look at the anti-materiel sniper rifles, bazooka rockets, and even shoulder-fired Stinger anti-aircraft missiles and other weapons and equipment mounted on the top deck.

The media reporters who followed the joint exploration fleet for interviews were all shocked.

"Fak! Are Steven and his guys really here to explore the legendary Atlantis? Who heard that shoulder-fired missiles are needed to explore treasures? What an exaggeration!"

"These bastards are just here to fight, okay? If anyone dares to attack them and rob them of the treasures they discovered, I can guarantee that these guys will not hesitate to carry missiles and blast away their opponents!"

Through the cameras and video cameras in the hands of reporters from these media, images of these weapons and equipment also appeared in the news media and on the Internet.

Seeing these weapons and equipment, everyone was shocked and stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the Internet went crazy.

"Let me go, did this guy Steven open an exploration company or an arms company? Where did he get so much heavy equipment? It's so crazy!"

"Now we have something good to watch. Whoever dares to loot the joint exploration fleet will probably trigger a bloody sea battle. With Steven's ruthless style, he will kill all opponents without hesitation. "

People were exclaimed, and many people were even more worried that the world would not be in chaos, and were eager to start a war immediately!

With the release of relevant news, pictures, and videos, this joint exploration operation has attracted more and more attention and has become more and more popular!

Those ships that followed the joint exploration fleet and headed for Atlantis all heard angry and crazy curses.

"Fake! This bastard Steven is a madman, a complete madman. This damn bastard came to fight at sea!"

"This bastard has obviously been prepared for a long time. He will try every means to prevent us from exploring Atlantis, and he will even kill us directly."

While cursing wildly, these ships slowed down their sailing speed.

Before they thought of a complete response strategy, they really didn't dare to trespass into the operating waters of the joint exploration fleet.

Because they know very well that the warning issued by that crazy guy Steven is definitely not a joke!

The people who died in the hands of that guy before are the best proof.

At this time, Ye Tian had just enough time to introduce the situation of this sea area to David and Yahya.

“I believe everyone knows that I came to Casablanca alone last year and spent a few days here alone on vacation, putting everything aside and having a good rest for a few days.

During those few days, I rented a luxury yacht and went out to sea alone. I spent a few days on the sea and enjoyed the fun of solitude. During this period, I came to this sea area.

The purpose of my coming to this sea area, besides having fun, is to find a legendary island on which a famous pirate treasure is buried."

Not surprisingly, everyone present was shocked.

"Did I hear you correctly? There may be a famous pirate treasure hidden in this sea area, but where is the island hiding the pirate treasure? Why can't we see it?"

"The famous pirate treasure, is it real or fake? Why haven't we heard of it? What pirate treasure is there off the coast of Morocco?"

Everyone exclaimed and was confused.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, then smiled and continued:

"It's normal that no one has discovered this island. I searched the sea area and didn't find the legendary island. Later, I discovered the island by chance."

Before he finished speaking, Professor Paul couldn’t wait to ask:

"Tell everyone, Steven, where is the island that hides the pirate treasure? There is no island here, not even a rock protruding from the sea."

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then pointed at the sea outside the boat.

"Because the small island is hidden more than thirty meters below the sea surface. To be more precise, it is the top of an undersea hill, so no one discovered it.

I also happened to discover it when I was scuba diving, and the pirate treasure hidden on this island is the famous Black Baron Pirate Treasure."

"What? Black Baron Roberts' pirate treasure!"

Following Professor Paul's exclamation, everyone at the scene jumped up.

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