Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 503 Cat and Mouse Game

The team leader of the tracking group has a very clear mind and knows what can and cannot be done!

Although everyone is following Steven, that bastard is not a criminal, not even a suspect! Definitely can't resort to force, at least can't do it in public!

That bastard is so cunning! The mind is extremely meticulous, who knows if the trap will be dug and just waiting to be trapped? Better stay away!

There is a more important reason, that bastard Steven is too tough. He always carries a gun on his body, and his firepower is not bad, and his shots are ruthless and wicked! Can't afford it at all!

Although there are many people on my side, even if my gang are all tied together, they may not be the opponent of that bastard!

In the face of this extremely dangerous guy, you must be very careful, you can't provoke it if you can!

"Got it, boss"

The two FBI agents responded and immediately walked to the bathroom.

You don't need to think about it and know the result, it's bound to be a disappointment!

In less than half a minute, two FBI agents ran back and said angrily:

"Boss, there's not even a ghost in the bathroom, let alone Steven's bastard, that sly guy must have slipped away, God knows where he went!"

The leader of the tracking group was completely dumbfounded and looked at his subordinates dully!

I knew that every step of Steven's bastard had a purpose, otherwise how could he disappear so quickly!

It took about a second for the leader to wake up.

"Guys, give me a room-to-room search, Steven's bastard might still be in this apartment building, and if that's the case, then we've got to find the damn guy.

If he's not here anymore, we also have to know how he got out of this apartment building to prepare for the next move, I don't believe that bastard can fly! "

"Got it, boss, we're sure to find that bastard!"

Several FBI agents responded in unison and prepared to search.

But they overlooked something very important, they had nothing in their hands and no search warrant! No right to search this apartment building at all!


This is a private company, how could the owner of the cafe let them search, who doesn't have a little secret? It's not good to be found!

Especially in catering companies, cafes, bars and the like, it is not uncommon for them to be shoddy and exaggerated, and the old beauty is not much nobler than others!

Therefore, when these FBI agents are ready to launch operations, the first thing they face is the cold old face of the coffee shop owner.

"Gentlemen, do you have a search warrant? If so, please show it, if not, then I'm sorry, I don't allow you to search this place! This is private property, inviolable!"

The leader of the tracking group was stunned, where did I get the search warrant?

Next, the tracking group leader immediately began to negotiate with the boss, hoping that the other party would be accommodating, but the cafe owner was worried and refused to let go.

In addition to these guys in the tracking team, everyone in the monitoring team is also staring here, vowing to find Ye Tian's whereabouts and continue to follow.

They adjusted the real-time images of all the municipal surveillance around them, and stared at them with wide eyes, lest they miss Ye Tian's shadow, all of them were extremely serious and persistent, as if they were obsessed!

At this point, Cole and the others have been completely ignored, with only a few tails following behind them, and there is no more trouble!

Obviously, this is Cole's best chance to get out, and those guys won't miss it!

The FBI tracking team leader and the cafe owner are still negotiating, but the cafe is already boiling, and all the customers and waiters are talking hotly.

"Wow! That Asian kid turned out to be Steven. No wonder he looked familiar. I don't know what the kid did? It made the FBI so aggressive and sent so many people to follow him!"

"I don't think that kid has done anything wrong. The reason why the FBI is following him is only a preventive measure. Steven is too crazy, too capable of causing trouble, and he has to guard against it! This is called prevention before it happens!

If he really committed a crime in Boston, it would not be as simple as tracking, and these FBI guys would not be so cautious. You know, these guys are used to being overbearing! "

At the same time as the heated discussion, people at the scene took out their mobile phones one after another, took pictures of what was happening in front of them, and posted them on the Internet.

Soon, this information attracted a lot of attention, and many people learned that the crazy guy from Steven went to Boston and was playing a cat-and-mouse game with the Boston FBI!

Judging from the information disclosed so far, Steven's bastard clearly has the upper hand, turning the Boston FBI around like a headless fly!

It took a full five minutes, and the FBI tracking team leader's voice was almost smoking, and only then did he see the cafe owner nodding his permission.

FBI agents can inspect apartment buildings, but they must be followed closely by cafe employees to avoid revealing things they shouldn't.

The investigation was launched immediately, and it didn't take long for the information to be fed back one after another.

"I didn't find it on the first floor. There was always someone at the back door. I didn't see that bastard Steven. Our people have already arrived. It's on the back street, and we didn't see the target!"

"I didn't find it on the second floor. We asked the waiter and customer on the second floor, but we didn't see Steven's bastard going up"

"The storage room and the office area also have no shadow of that bastard!"

Listening to these news, the face of the tracking group leader suddenly became darker and darker, and it was about to become the bottom of the pot!

how is this possible? Nowhere! It seems that he has never appeared here at all. Could that bastard, Steven, really know how to fly? It's incredible!

Just when he was about to despair, the good news finally came.

"Found it! That bastard Steven ran off the roof of the apartment building. I don't know how the kid opened the padlock at the door of the attic and ran from the roof.

The most annoying thing is that the bastard didn't know what to use to hold the iron door on the roof. The other things were very dead, and he couldn't open it at all. We couldn't check the situation on the roof, and we couldn't track it on the roof! "

"Fake! This cunning bastard actually ran off the roof! Let's go out and chase, as long as he doesn't leave this block, we will definitely find this bastard!"

The leader of the tracking group cursed angrily, and immediately rushed out of the cafe with a few of his subordinates.

After rushing to the street, the leader immediately observed the surrounding situation, and immediately began to issue orders.

"Everyone pay attention to this row of apartment buildings, these apartment buildings are all connected, one after another, and the height is basically the same, there is almost no difficulty in escaping from the roof.

Steven's bastard must have seen this situation, so he chose this cafe as a place to escape, and I have to say, this is indeed a very perfect choice!

Although Steven is temporarily out of our sight, he does not necessarily leave this block. According to my estimation, he is likely to be hidden in an apartment building here and may appear at any time!

We've got to keep an eye on these apartment buildings, and keep an eye on everyone who comes out of them, there's a good chance that Steven's bastard is one of them.

The monitoring team will pay close attention to nearby intersections through municipal monitoring, as will the guys on the back street.

I'll also send two guys from the other apartment buildings to the top of the building to track them down. Okay, let's get started, keep your eyes open, we must find out that bastard Steven, we can't afford to lose! "

"Understood, boss!"

The rest of the tracking group responded loudly, everyone clenching their teeth.

The team leader is right, although this cat-and-mouse game has nothing to do with life and death, it is closely related to everyone's face, and it is really hard to lose!

Afterwards, these guys immediately split up and rushed to the door of each apartment building, trying to spot Ye Tian's shadow from the crowd.

This is indeed a good way, but what they wanted, Ye Tian, ​​who appeared again, has changed his face and turned into a black boy. How did they find out?

Three minutes later, the door of an apartment building close to the Old South Church opened, and a black boy with a backpack and sunglasses came out.

This is Ye Tian, ​​the camouflage is very perfect, and there is no flaw at all.

After coming out of the apartment building, Ye Tian did not leave immediately, but stood on the sidewalk by the door, turning to look at several FBI officers not far to the east.

Looking at these unlucky bastards with ashen faces and fire-breathing eyes, Ye Tian felt so relieved!

"Goodbye FBI idiots!"

Ye Tian scolded in a low voice, then turned around and walked to the Laonan Church not far away.

When he turned to leave, several guys in the tracking group saw him!

When they saw that the boy who had just walked out of the apartment was a black boy with completely different clothes, they immediately lost interest and looked away, without having any doubts about Ye Tian at all.

Soon, Ye Tian walked to the door of Laonan Church.

At this time, a tour group happened to enter the church to visit, a group of more than 20 people, mighty!

This was a good time. Ye Tian changed his mind and immediately followed behind the tour group. He pretended to be a tourist and walked into this famous church without attracting anyone's attention.

The reason why he chose to leave Newbury Street through the Old South Church was a strategy that Ye Tian had long thought of. He wanted to avoid the surveillance cameras at the intersection ahead and minimize the number of times he appeared on the cameras!

If the FBI is ruthless and checks the people photographed by the nearby surveillance cameras one by one, then the secret of his disguised departure may not be kept for long, and they may be dug up by them!

And he passed through the Old South Church and left quietly from another street. As long as he was careful, he would greatly reduce the possibility of exposure and continue to maintain the secret of disguise.

Ten minutes later, Ye Tian appeared again, but on another street behind the Old South Church.

Although he had left Newbury Street, he was very cautious!

He first turned his head to look at the surroundings, and after making sure that no one was following him, he raised his hand to stop a taxi and walked away!

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