Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 691 Cooperate with Acting

A few kilometers away, in the main deck cabin of the Faraday 960 yacht.

Mattis took out two Kevlar body armor from the locker and handed them to the two Hollywood stars.

"Johnny, Orlando, put on your body armor, it's safer! There may be a firefight later, I suggest you go back to the guest rooms on the lower deck,"

"I'd better stay on the main deck and see how you deal with those damned guys at the back. If possible, I also want to participate in this battle! I know a lot about firearms!"

Johnny took the Kevlar body armor and put it on quickly, and said excitedly at the same time, his eyes were shining.

"Me too, Mattis, give me a pistol or rifle, maybe it can help you, I often go to the shooting range to practice shooting, the level is quite good!"

Orlando is also very excited and eager to try!

Obviously, these two guys are the masters who don't think too much about watching the excitement, and the excitement far exceeds the fear!

"Well, I can give each of you a pistol, but this is for self-defense, and if there is a firefight, you don't have to participate in the battle, just leave it to us!

Your duty is to protect yourself, that's the most important thing, the guys behind are just a few pirates, there is no big threat, don't worry at all! "

Matisse shook his head and poured cold water on the two Hollywood stars.

This is not an action movie, how can we let them participate in the battle, it will only cause unnecessary trouble, and it will not do any good!

Afterwards, Matisse immediately returned to the crew cabin on the bottom floor, took two M9 pistols and a few magazines, and handed them to Johnny and Orlando.

The two Hollywood superstars felt a little regretful, but they could only accept such an arrangement.

After each got the M9 pistol, the two immediately pulled the slide and began to check the guns. The movements were very skillful. They were obviously veterans of guns, and they didn't brag before!

At this moment, Peake's voice came from the walkie-talkie and reached everyone's ears.

"Steven, that fishing boat stopped, about three kilometers away from us!"

"Keep staring at them, everyone, don't let your guard down, let's see what tricks those guys are going to play?"

Ye Tian said with a sneer through the walkie-talkie.

After a short pause, Miller's voice rang in everyone's ears again.

"Those guys are semaphore, saying that their automatic ship identification system and communication equipment are broken, and there is no fresh water. Fresh water is urgently needed. I hope we can lend a helping hand."

"Hahaha, that's a good excuse! Guys, do you believe it? Anyway, I don't believe it! Those idiots seem to have forgotten that this is the Caribbean Sea, not the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean!"

Ye Tian joked that he didn't believe what the pirates said at all.

"Hahaha, no one believes this nonsense, if the situation is true what those guys said, then they are definitely the most stupid guys I have ever seen, they are simply hopeless!

Those guys followed us for 20 to 30 nautical miles. With this time and fuel, even without the automatic identification system and communication equipment, they can get out of trouble smoothly!

There are quite a few fishing boats working in the high seas off the coast of Jamaica just now, since they are fishermen! How could it be possible not to know how to tell the direction, or not to know the fishing ground? "

Matisse's voice came, and the words were full of sarcasm.

"Those guys must have seen the situation on the yacht through the binoculars, and they knew that it was impossible to forcibly approach the yacht, so they played this trick! Trying to use this method to approach the yacht!"

Miller standing at the bow said with a smile that he was using a telescope to observe the fishing boat in the distance!

When his voice fell, Ye Tian immediately went on to say:

"But the excuse they made is very good, the equipment is damaged, and the fresh water is running out. Under normal circumstances, we should indeed give a helping hand and rescue these guys!

Since they want to act,

Then let's cooperate with them in acting, otherwise it's a bit unreasonable, anyway, idle is idle, why not tease these pirates of the Caribbean!

We have two superstars here, we can't waste resources, take this opportunity, just let Johnny and the others guide our acting skills, and see if we also have the potential to become Hollywood! "

"Hahaha, that's a good idea!"

There was a burst of laughter over the intercom, and everyone laughed.

Immediately afterwards, Johnny Depp joked with everyone.

"Guys, show your best acting skills. If you really have potential, I will definitely recommend you to those Hollywood film directors. Maybe you will be the next Oscar winner!"

There was laughter again on the yacht, everyone was very relaxed, and they didn't pay attention to those Caribbean pirates in the distance!

After making a few jokes, Ye Tian returned to the topic.

"Miller, put a semaphore to those guys, tell those idiots, we can provide fresh water, but they can't get too close to the yachts, and the fishing boats must be parked 500 meters away.

After the fishing boat stopped, let them drive a rubber boat to get fresh water. That fishing boat carried a black rubber boat. I really want to see what tricks those idiots can do! "

"Okay, Steven, I'll semaphore them right away"

Miller's voice came from the intercom, still with a bit of a smile.

Then he started waving his arms, semaphore to those guys with ulterior motives!

Two or three kilometers away, on a pirate fishing boat.

Seeing Miller's semaphore, Barnes immediately turned around and said loudly:

"Boss, those guys on the luxury yacht have been tricked, they allowed us to sail over, and promised to provide us with a certain amount of fresh water!

But those guys are also very careful not to allow our fishing boats to come within 500 meters of the yachts. We can only use rubber boats to fetch water. The chances are slim! "

"Great! Let's go by boat and go to a place 500 meters away from the yacht. Then we will definitely find a suitable method or excuse, and then move a little closer!

The semaphore tells those damned guys that we will go over immediately, so that they don't misunderstand, don't shoot, we are just ordinary fishermen, not sea robbers! "

The pirate leader said excitedly, the greedy light in his eyes became even worse!

"Understood, boss, I'll tell the other party with a semaphore"

Barnes nodded loudly, and then began to wave his arms to signal.

"Guys, prepare your weapons and rush to that yacht as soon as you have a chance, but be careful not to show your feet and be spotted by those guys on the yacht!"

The pirate boss said to the rest of his subordinates with a stern look on his face.

"Okay boss, we know what to do!"

Several minions responded in unison, and then went to prepare weapons.

Each of the guys picked up an Ak47 rifle and quickly pressed the magazine into the receiver, and one of the guys picked up the RPG rocket launcher and took another rocket from the box!

In the blink of an eye, these pirates of the Caribbean were armed to the teeth and ready to fire.

Afterwards, the two pirates stooped out of the cockpit with AK47 automatic rifles in their hands, found a place to hide on the ship, and waited for a sneak attack!

Immediately afterwards, the guy with the RPG rocket launcher also slipped out and hid behind the cockpit, the location is quite hidden!

Black smoke rose, the engine started again, and the slightly dilapidated fishing boat moved again, continuing to sail towards the white yacht parked on the distant sea.

Compared to before, the speed of the fishing boat was much lower, which was intentional by the pirate boss.

He tried to create a harmless and friendly appearance to make Ye Tian and the others relax their vigilance! Also create opportunities for yourself to get close to the yacht.

Seeing the other party's semaphore reply, Miller immediately said through the walkie-talkie:

"Steven, those idiots are coming!"

"I saw it, you go back to the bridge, wait for the fishing boat to travel 500 meters away, and then come out and signal to them to stop the boat!"

"Okay, I'll go back first!"

Miller responded, then left the bow, turned and returned to the bridge.

"Guys, the show's about to start! Mattis, Johnny, and Orlando, get some buckets of water out on the deck, put on a show, you've got to do it all!

If those guys come here just to get fresh water, then give them the water, hoist it over the side of the boat, and don't let those guys get on the yacht, and don't let them near the swimming platform!

Raymond, you are on the swimming platform, very close to the sea surface, pay special attention to safety, prevent those guys from sneaking from underwater, if you find someone diving to the stern, kill them immediately!

Miller, put an underwater camera on the bow and sides of the yacht to watch the underwater situation and prevent those guys from diving over. Although this possibility is very small, we have to guard against it! "

Ye Tian said through the walkie-talkie, quickly making arrangements, very careful!

"Okay, Steven"

There was a response from the intercom, and everyone was very excited and full of fighting spirit!

Especially the two Hollywood stars responded with an unusually loud voice. This is much more exciting than making a movie. Of course they are very excited!

After the order was issued, everyone immediately split up and got busy, making preparations quickly.

Within a few minutes, six five-liter barrels of water were taken out of the hold by Mattis and Johnny, and placed on the table in the leisure area at the bow, where they could be seen at a glance!

Miller quickly put three underwater high-definition cameras into the sea to monitor the underwater situation, and immediately had a clear view of the situation of about 20 meters underwater around the yacht, without any monitoring dead spots.

As the three underwater cameras entered the water and began to shoot, a beautiful and moving picture appeared on the computer screen in front of Kenny again.

A school of small bright blue damselfish is hiding under the yacht, using the hull below the waterline to avoid predators, swimming happily around the yacht, carefree!

The monitoring screen is beautiful and pleasing to the eye, but everyone has no intention of appreciating it.

On the flybridge deck, Ye Tian and Peter stared closely at the fishing boat approaching this way through the binoculars and the high-power scope of the sniper rifle, with disdainful smiles on their faces.

From their point of view, those guys on the fishing boat are just like a few poor actors entertaining themselves, showing what they think is perfect bad acting skills!

It didn't take long for the fishing boat to sail into the sea within one kilometer of the yacht.

In the binoculars and high-power scope, everything on the fishing boat is clearly visible!

Ye Tian and Peter couldn't help laughing when they saw those black guys with dirty braids on their heads, violent faces, and fancy beachwear and Jamaica national team uniforms.

"What a bunch of idiots. Who the hell has ever seen a fish dressed like this? If they weren't Pirates of the Caribbean, they would be damned!"

Ye Tian scolded with a grin.


There was a roar of laughter over the intercom, and everyone was amused!

The fishing boat is still moving forward, the distance is getting closer and closer, and a good show is about to be staged!

Two or three minutes later, the fishing boat arrived about 500 meters away from the yacht.

Miller, who was standing on the bow of the yacht, quickly waved two pennants to make a semaphore, telling those guys to stop the boat!

But the gang of Caribbean pirates didn't seem to see the semaphore, or they reacted slowly. The fishing boat didn't stop immediately, but continued to move forward.

Seeing this situation, a sneer appeared on Ye Tian's face.

"A bunch of idiots actually dare to take chances, they really want to die!"

While cursing secretly, his index finger had already pulled the trigger of the Barrett anti-materiel sniper rifle!

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