Two-dimensional Yellow Hair System

Chapter 16 The crusade failed

It went directly from the rooftop through a series of floors, and finally smashed through the basement and hit the ground hard.

There was a faint voice coming from the side. Taiji Yagami didn't want the CCG people to see him in this state, so he hurriedly retracted his nose, otherwise, the subsequent power of this attack would still be exerted.

"Is that First Class Investigator Yagami?"

After Shinohara Yuki walked to the rooftop, he saw Taiji Yagami standing naked on the side with a large pothole in front of him.

Taiji Yagami turned around and glanced at Yuki Shinohara, then jumped into the pothole.

Zanpakutō and Kuink were both below, and in just a moment, helicopters and cameras flew over here. Taiji Yagami had no interest in exposing his body to the camera.

"Wait, Investigator Yagami, have you seen the owl?"

"The owl is in the basement!"

Yagami Taiji's voice came from inside the pit.


The owl lay motionless in the hole on the ground, as if he was about to die. The CCG next to him slowly approached with Kuink. If anyone made the final cut at this time, it would be a great achievement.

Although they didn't understand what knocked the owl down just now, it was definitely a great opportunity for them to make a contribution.

One of the investigators couldn't stand the temptation and stepped forward quickly, holding the Kuink pointed at the owl and trying to chop it down.

Xiao's eyes suddenly turned red, and then the overwhelming force of Yu He was released again. The prosecutors downstairs couldn't resist it at all, and they died tragically on the spot one by one.

After casually killing two more people, Xiao broke through the two floors upstairs, then jumped and ran outside.

At this time, it no longer has the idea of ​​continuing to fight against Taiji Yagami. The plan has already begun to be implemented. If it wants to compete with Taiji Yagami, it will wait until next time.

It's just that Taiji Yagami...sooner or later will peel you to pieces...

This was Aite’s resentful voice.


The CCG, which was on guard outside, started shooting directly at the owl that suddenly appeared. The bullets fired were not ordinary bullets, but Q Barrett. The bullets were mixed with charcoal, which could cause damage to the ghoul.

It's just that this kind of damage didn't seem to have any effect on Xiao. He walked forward and let the bullets hit him. When he approached the investigator, Xiao Xiao released Yu He on a large scale, directly changing the surrounding circle. It became a bloody Shura field, and after two screams, it walked away.


Marutesai threw down his headphones and cursed loudly. At this moment, he suddenly felt his feet begin to shake violently.

Being in an island country and having experienced many earthquakes, Marutesai naturally understood what was going on and quickly issued an order for all CCGs to evacuate immediately.

But it seems it's too late!

The entire shopping mall suddenly began to shake violently and began to collapse.

As an island nation, they are very familiar with earthquakes, but the scope of this earthquake seems to be the shopping mall in front of them.

It should be some kind of instrument or something. The scope of the collapse is within this shopping mall, and there is nothing nearby. The entire shopping mall is a trap set by the Bronze Tree.

The ghouls in this shopping mall are actually all abandoned children of the Bronze Tree, in order to attract the CCG.

The careless Maratesai didn't consider these aspects at all, he just wanted to annihilate the bronze tree directly, and suffered a big loss in this regard.

The roof collapsed, the walls fell to the ground, and Taiji Yagami, who was at the center of the earthquake, was wearing a bronze tree uniform. He turned Kuink into a shield state and ran downwards. He did not hesitate to use his hands to help some people on the way, but most of the CCG was still trapped in it.

Smoke and dust filled the air, and the entire shopping mall collapsed. Most of the CCG elite who rushed in died inside.


Marutesai looked at the situation filled with yellow smoke, couldn't help but waved his fist and cursed angrily.

Before starting, he kept saying that he hoped that everyone would put their lives in his hands, but unexpectedly, everyone put their lives in his hands. However, at this time, due to his carelessness, he had nothing to do. Handed over meaningfully.

Those who were lucky enough to escape quickly ran in at this time and dug for survivors in the ruins.

I came here with great momentum, but ended up losing the battle.

Marutesai looked at the scene in front of him and felt that he had no shame to stay any longer, and he did not want to see the faces of the injured.

"Owl! Bronze tree!"

Marutesai cursed with an angry look on his face.

Taiji Yagami stood on the edge of the ruins, looking far into the distance. It seemed that he could vaguely see several figures talking about something on the other side. It should be such an operation. In addition to Bronze Tree and CCG, there were other organizations. Everyone is paying attention to what's going on here.

It's just that the Bronze Tree suffered such a huge defeat, and various ghoul organizations would also take various actions. A tall building not far away.

Aite's figure suddenly appeared, his scarlet eyes staring at everything below, and he kept carrying the CCG of dead bodies. The inspector counting the number of casualties, the extremely angry Maru Tezai, and the yellow hair that stood out among the crowd.

Seeing Taiji Yagami's figure, Aite felt that he couldn't calm down and was trembling all over.

What a shame, what a shame.

In a normal fight, even if he was knocked down in a pothole thousands of times, Aite would never feel like this. The main reason was that the humiliation this time was too strong.

"Kill you, kill you, kill you..."

This thought kept floating in her mind. As the actual leader of the Bronze Tree, Aite couldn't bear such humiliation.

Smoke and dust filled the air, and under an overpass, two ghouls were talking softly.

"I really didn't expect that the CCG, which was so popular, would fail. It cost so much and made everyone famous, but it would end in failure. I think it will usher in a spring for us ghouls in a short period of time. "

"As long as CCG shows signs of decline, we can take action."

"Come on, it's time for us to go back to our place and take a look."

"That's right. The one who laughs last is the clown."

In the dust, two people wearing clown masks could be vaguely seen chatting and laughing. The corners of the clown masks' mouths were raised, as if they were the biggest mockery of CCG's failure.

The clown organization is back again.

In a large-scale battle, the Bronze Tree damaged more than 200 cannon fodder, and none of the core characters were injured. However, on the CCG side, more than 500 people, large and small, were lost. There were even special investigators who were injured due to the earthquake disaster. Hurt here.

Area 11 was not captured. The CCG, which had lost a large number of manpower, had no way to continue to take over Area 11. In the end, it had no choice but to withdraw from Area 11 with hatred and wait until later to capture it.

Yagami Taiji also understood now that Aite was there to delay his actions and prevent himself from discovering the empty situation of the guard inside. It was just the two of them fighting each other, and the accident caused Aite to burst into flames. Come.

However, after this battle, Taiji Yagami performed very conspicuously inside. His tyrannical strength was recognized by everyone in the CCG. He broke the opponent's shooting point in the shortest time, and his results were also outstanding inside. The ordinary ghoul died in There were countless in his hands, and Taiji Yagami encountered the owl inside, and relied on his own strength to knock the owl down.

Naturally, someone asked Yagami Taiji how he did it. To this, Yagami Taiji replied that he defeated him. This was the truth. But how he defeated Yagami Taiji was vague and did not say it.

However, after this battle, the internal evaluation of Taiji Yagami within the CCG was that he was another Arima noble general, another banner figure of the CCG.

The other thing is that Special Investigator Yuki Shinohara encountered a masked ghoul named Noro with extremely strong recovery ability. He did not show too much attack power, but no matter how Yuki Shinohara attacked, , did not cause him much harm, and even if his head was cut off, he could still recover.

There is also a case where a prosecutor encountered a pair of ghoul brothers who cooperated tacitly. They used their tricks and caused great harm to the prosecutor. However, with their cooperation, the brothers were eliminated.

In addition, there was a Hage Ghoul who, after causing huge damage to the investigators, successfully escaped with the help of Noro. This Hage Ghoul was also classified as an S-class ghoul.

According to the investigators, there was also a one-eyed ghoul with white hair and a mask. The entire fight did not kill any of the investigators, but his methods were extremely ruthless in the process. Every investigator was beaten by him. Beaten to broken bones, based on his actual fighting ability. The S-class ghoul was located.

Judging from the bloodstains left by this ghoul at the scene, the eyepatch obtained by Gouo Mado belonged to the same person, and this person was the missing student from Kamei University. Kaneki Ken.

It is worth mentioning here that when CCG evaluates a ghoul’s level, it does not just look at the strength, but also the severity of the ghoul’s impact on humans and the power of its subordinates.

Kaneki Ken can be evaluated as an S-class ghoul entirely because of his own strength, without any adulteration.

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