Two-dimensional Yellow Hair System

Chapter 40 Reacting to your girlfriend

Hydra was killed of course.

The elder Dr. Zola, who wore black-rimmed glasses and forcibly extended his life, was also completely killed this time. Originally, Dr. Zola preserved his brain after his death. During the last Hydra crusade launched by the Winter Soldier, he was lucky enough to be saved. This time, Tony directly blew up all the computers. Zola died naturally at this time.

The spiritual scepter was also taken back.

There is a kind of spiritual fluctuation in the spiritual scepter. After analysis, combined with the technology and programs mentioned by Yagami Taiji before, it was completely integrated into an intelligent life, Ultron.

Possessing intelligence beyond human beings, the brain contains all the scientific and technological data stored by humans on the Internet, as well as self-renewal and program evolution.

In other words, Ultron is a Saint, and the same move cannot be used on him a second time.

After shortcomings are discovered, they can be corrected quickly.

Everything in Ultron is on the Internet. Even if it has a robot body, after one is broken, the intelligence can still create another body.

The most fundamental thing that Taiji Yagami implanted in Ultron is to serve mankind, on the premise of obeying the law.

After Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were educated by Yagami Taiji, their corresponding X genes were injected into them, and their combat effectiveness increased several times.

At this moment, Taiji Yagami was convening the Diet and criticizing the political system from above.

On the screen, various shocking data continued to appear. During the period when Taiji Yagami was in power, the amount of corruption sent to prison by corrupt officials had already exceeded the national treasury inventory at this time.

"Whoever sits in this position will be corrupted. This is not a problem of people, it is a problem of the political system!"

Taiji Yagami said directly: "After the First World War in New York, the old era has passed. Now we are facing a new world. We have been able to calmly accept all the weirdness, superheroes, and super villains in this world. So today, I also want you to accept a new politician."

Ultron's mechanical figure appears in the middle of Congress.

"It's him, Ultron, the intelligent life, the artificial intelligence created by Tony and Dr. Bruce Banner. It aims to serve all mankind. From today on, Ultron will take over political donations, as well as public security, firefighting... "

When Taiji Yagami was introducing Ultron, there was already an uproar below.

Regarding the fact that artificial intelligence serves as a political official, many people below protested on the spot.

"Mr. President, are you going to put an artificial intelligence on all of our heads?"

"Why should we listen to the decision of an artificial intelligence!"

"Things like artificial intelligence should not appear. They may threaten mankind!"

“The world already has superheroes and supervillains, now you want to create a super politician?”

"I beg to differ!"

The meeting place suddenly became chaotic.

"Comrade, you have a problem with your words."

Ultron stood in the middle and spoke: "Official positions, big or small, are all for serving the people. I have the ability to serve more people, so I should be given a greater opportunity to serve."

When Ultron spoke, he sounded like Chinese officialdom.

Taiji Yagami glanced at the people below. Some of the political officials below who had been recruited by Taiji Yagami long ago began to stand up and inquired about Ultron in various aspects. In the process, the people below discovered that Ultron was talking. He is really coherent, well-organized, and far more intelligent than anyone else. He is able to come up with the most appropriate solutions to all kinds of inquiries.

"Tony not only built an artificial intelligence, but also built a complete Iron Legion. Ultron is not only a member of our governance, but will also be the frontline warrior facing the invasion of outer space."

Taiji Yagami introduced: "As for Ultron's acceptance of fate, Ultron's ability will gradually increase in the future. In addition, regarding anti-corruption, this work must continue to be strictly controlled..."

Yagami Taiji is not afraid of what to do if all these political officials are captured. At that time, Ultron can take charge of everything.

In the future, as long as Coulson gets rid of an official, Taiji Yagami will ask Ultron to fill the vacancy, and eventually cancel the current political system.

"The next thing is a terminal."

Taiji Yagami took out a small bracelet and said: "This will be something that every American citizen must wear in the future. This is our identity certificate in the future."

This small bracelet can communicate with Ultron, which can be said to be exactly the same as the government. With the bracelet, you can open a virtual screen and surf the Internet. The network is maintained by Ultron. Ordinary hackers cannot crack it, and Ultron has a mind. Gem support and not afraid of any artificial intelligence.

"It also has functions such as identity positioning. With the bracelet, as long as you respond, Ultron will respond to you immediately. At the same time, you can find out what happened in that place and go to help. This is a way to protect our personal safety. A means..."

Just like the renewal of ID cards, in the future, some facilities will be set up in many places in the United States, especially in public places. If you don’t wear a bracelet, you will not be able to go to public places at all. And if you wear a bracelet, you will not be able to go to public places. If he wants to cause trouble, Ultron can take him down immediately.

The meeting finally ended.

The opening was completely in line with Yagami Taiji's wishes.

After the meeting, various aspects of construction began to be carried out. The most conspicuous one is the appearance of bracelet reminder devices in various places in the streets and alleys. People without bracelets are prohibited from entering in many places, especially Medical aspect.

The one installed on the door is like an RC cell test in the ghoul world. If you don't have a bracelet, you will be reminded directly to close the door and refuse to enter.

At first, many American people were not used to it and refused this thing. They thought that wearing a bracelet was just like locking them in a huge cage. However, after the public security improved significantly, people realized this clearly. .

Especially in New York, because of the bracelets, 159 crimes were prevented in one day. At the same time, after some crimes occurred, the prisoners were arrested as soon as possible.

Humans are highly adaptable animals. Soon, people began to adapt to the life of wearing bracelets. With a bracelet, they can surf the Internet, bind bank cards, make phone calls, and even watch videos on a projector screen. It greatly facilitates people's lives.

What this kind of behavior has caused is that the computer industry has suffered a huge impact. Many computer companies have gone bankrupt. Various network giants have to rely on the government to survive, and they naturally obey the various requirements put forward by the government.

At the same time, Taiji Yagami launched a genetic project.

By transforming food, water, and various foods, a substance that can enhance human genetic capabilities and promote human evolution is finally cultivated. In people's production and life, it will naturally promote human evolution.

Increased lifespan, increased memory, more flexible mind, stronger body, etc.

Medical treatment has also been greatly improved. There is no such thing as a terminal illness in the world. All diseases caused by the human body can be solved and treated.

Coulson continues to defeat politicians, and Ultron's power is also constantly increasing. Ultron can solve common problems in people's lives after calling the police.


Thor stood next to Heimdall, looking a little sad and sad, and asked: "How is Jane Foster doing during this time?"

Taiji Yagami took out the Reality Stone from Jane Foster's body. This is a good thing. At least Jane Foster will not die. But during this period, every time Saul asked about news about Jane Foster, Taiji Yagami Two will always be there.

"The two of them were at the award ceremony. Taiji Yagami won the Nobel Peace Prize, and Jane Foster won the Nobel Prize in Astrophysics..."

Heimdall said next to him.

Jane Foster is a physicist. During this time, she went to Asgard and borrowed the power of the Cosmic Cube to inspect other empires in the galaxy. Her knowledge of physics has greatly increased, and she has written some things to help People learn about the universe and win the physics prize.

As for Taiji Yagami, he stopped aliens in the battle in New York, so he won the Peace Prize.

"They didn't do anything intimate."

Thor asked.

Saul has no idea what a Nobel is.

"Jane Foster kissed Taiji Yagami on the face."

Heimdall said.

"This is normal, this is the etiquette on earth."

Thor said, feeling a little sour in his heart.

"Taiji Yagami kissed her back, and the whole place was filled with laughter. Your girlfriend blushed and was very happy, claiming that Taiji Yagami was her lifelong idol, a male god, her savior, and her guide..."

Heimdall continued.


Thor raised his head and roared angrily. The sound was vast and shocked everyone.

What kind of savior, guide, and idol are these words like fire, burning Thor's chest.

"Heimdall, I want to go to Earth!"

Thor said with certainty: "Use the Rainbow Bridge to guide me to the Milky Way, where I will find a way to get to Earth!"

Thor will use the hammer in his hand to fight with Yagami Taiji's axe, and at the same time let Jane Foster know what it means to be a male god.

"Your girlfriend hugged Taiji Yagami..."

Heimdall didn't hear Thor's words and continued to peek with interest.


Thor shouted.

"Sorry, Odin won't let you go out."

Heimdall turned his head and said: "As for the matter of the earth, Odin will handle it himself... I'm sorry, Taiji Yagami reacted..."

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