Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 472: Low-key and Modesty

Even starting from the sign that Lin Xi gave to him. It's a pity that the transmission is damaged, or is it an unusual membership opportunity? Lin Xi looked indifferent afterwards, maybe she had lost her memory... or maybe she had guessed wrong. Anyway, many things will have answers, just look for them slowly.

The library can create smart girls like Lin Xi, and smart girls like Avril, and... well, maybe there are more, many things are doubtful, and he needs to verify them personally.

If the above reason is just curiosity, the following professional knowledge is the most important.

In terms of magic, he hopes to go further. In terms of laws, he feels that the true meaning of freedom has not yet been developed. Break through the three dimensions, step into the fourth dimension, and then seek the ultimate answer.

Everything requires a good platform.

The mysterious library is not just a library, it also contains many intelligence organizations and platforms. Information can be retrieved, inquired for a fee, or rewarded for tracking down...

There is also a lot of information in his space ring, a large part of which comes from Haili from the Mebis Technology Department. He has learned a lot in his spare time. During the hard training that year, he discovered a doubt, Many of these technologies are mysterious, ingenious, and systematic. They are in a different system from Mebis, but they are still far superior in depth and breadth...

There are many secrets buried deep in his heart, some of which can be put aside as if they never happened, and some of which must have answers.

He doesn't think much of his own secrets that others regard as more precious than life.

For example, you were once the master of a certain star field. You had grudges and grudges, and you had many unfulfilled wishes, but you had to leave. When you were reincarnated, you gave yourself a lot of important information, ideals, character, dominance, understanding, and parents. , child... But now, there is nothing, everything has been forgotten... Now, put down everything in your hands, lie on the bed, hold your head, think carefully, can you still think about it?

For example, you and your beloved have been in love for half your life. Later, you were reincarnated and could not forget each other. Under the arrangement of fate, you reconnected, but they broke up due to various misunderstandings. Before you died, you had a profound enlightenment and decided to go back 500 years ago and change your life. All this, so now that you have taken the medicine of regret, are you going to do something?

From now on, if one day, you are about to leave, what can't you let go of, the shortcomings of this life, the child of several years old looking into his father's eyes, everything you swore never to forget, suddenly disappeared, forever , everything becomes empty... The next life, or a life I don’t know how long ago, or the existence of the universe I don’t know how many dimensions apart, now, please ring the sound of the you who used to be, the you who didn’t know how long ago, those unforgettable memories , something you vowed never to forget?

Don’t forget, this is the you that is infinitely far over there, the you before infinity, the only reminder left to you through countless causes and effects and with the help of narrative methods in different dimensions. Think of it quickly, I can do it. only these……

Ivey was thinking wildly, and he felt a little pain in his head. Damn it, what message did that guy convey? Who am I? Does anyone remind me of anything?

Well, before that, I need some knowledge to heal my empty brain, or to regulate the sea of ​​​​consciousness that is bombarded with useless information, just like using mommy love to regulate some intestinal flora...

At least for now, I'm not interested in who I am, where I am, or what I want to do. I need to stay strong. One day, I will be closer to the truth...

Ivey made up his mind, rubbed his swollen head, and looked carefully, only to see all the teenagers falling together in twos and threes, lying dead on the vast surface. Of course, they were not dead, they just passed out and woke up. It depends... Well, Ivey understands that 80% of these people have experienced the same bombardment of information from the sea of ​​​​consciousness as himself.

This attack is very interesting. It bypasses the defense of the mental force field, and the soul has no good way to deal with it. It doesn't harm its own subjective will, it just instills some knowledge in everyone - well, it's not really knowledge, it's just some information, well, it's not even information, because they don't target any problem, not any problem. The correct answer is just some unorganized and unorganized information fragments...

It's like some teachers use a stimulating and enlightening approach when teaching students, injecting a large amount of information flow.

No, the method he used should be more subtle, causing congestion to the spiritual consciousness, and it will definitely arouse the defense mechanism of many people. Is that the secret secret of the library?

Ivey was thinking, and suddenly a voice came from his mind.

If it was the kind of lazy old man like Urahara Kisuke before, then this one now has the voice of a gentle and friendly young lady, a little sweet.

"You are indeed the best. We all think highly of you. Come on, junior..."

It's still the same voice, it's still the same smell, but Ivey is starting to be wary of this guy.

"Oh, don't be nervous. There are only two levels left. It's very simple. I was my senior back then..."

"We are responsible for welcoming new students, and we will do a simple assessment at the same time..." A third voice sounded.

Ivey's eyes widened, he glanced around, opened his spiritual sense, and carefully touched every corner with his spiritual tentacles. Under the reflection of his soul, there was still no clue...

Several people are talking to me, who are they? A senior in the library? How come there are so many people who can’t even see one of them, and everyone who comes out of the library is so awesome. Ivey felt his desire to win rising.

Then he suppressed it, kept a low profile, was obscene and developed, don't waste it...

"The assessment you are accepting now is three items in the library. Anyone who has the qualifications can become a member of the library by passing these three items..."

"Are there any super members, VIP members or something?" Ivey asked immediately.

"Look, our junior is naughty again..."

"I'm not a junior yet, so don't stand casually..."

"Hey, why are you talking?"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and do serious things. The free time will be over soon..."

"The student's question has not been answered yet. As far as I am concerned, membership is the highest qualification that non-librarians can obtain. On this basis, they need to complete tasks, pass assessments, and meet conditions. In short, it is quite rare. Learning Brother, don’t think too much..."

"Are you so confident that I can pass the test?"

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