Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 608 Toilet cubicle

However, the "handsome guy" next to the ugly girl is strictly prohibited from further words and deeds, especially any feelings and emotions that hinder the progress of the work. If there are any consequences, he cannot bear them, no matter how powerful and visionary the organization is. Here, he knows best.

In addition to him, there is a larger bodyguard group secretly led by a more powerful person. In fact, in the entire security concept, he is the bait and the one who ultimately blocks the knife. Therefore, some of the action plans are allowed and even promoted. For example, falling deeply in love with the employer (but not causing trouble to him), so that when the crisis comes, he can give his life for him without hesitation!

Yes, in the eyes of the organization, the life of any action team member is not as important as the reputation of the organization. In this business, the most important thing is credibility.

In particular, this employer's situation is quite special.

First of all, her background seems to be very powerful. She was hired for the entire mission and was not registered with the organization. She did not leave any records and documents. She followed the high-level route, layer by layer of secret orders, magic encryption and high-authority authentication, and finally sent a luxurious Line-up and high-spec security plan.

This girl seems to have some very special mission, but it is not something that she or her superiors have the right to interfere with. They just do their best, get high rewards, and risk their lives when necessary. .

The handsome boy who just passed by gave him a very scary feeling, as if he could endanger his life at any time. This was good news, because judging from the killing intent, he seemed to have no interest in the girl. That's fine, at least for the mission.

As for the murderous intention locked on him, he can feel it and understand it. After all, his career of licking blood with the tip of a knife since he was a child has given him a bloody and murderous aura that cannot be concealed no matter how hard he tries. , probably the same kind of people, right? He considered it this way.

"This person's suspicion can basically be ruled out! All departments can just maintain appropriate vigilance." A teleportation voice sounded in the depths of many people's consciousness. How many people have such organizational skills and can contact many departments at the same time? Every time a person with extremely high authority and power takes action, there must be a staggeringly huge price to pay.

The reason for lowering Ivey's threat level is simple. For some reason, the employer actually gave this man several opportunities to take action today, opportunities to kill others. However, Ivey gave up lightly without any murderous intent. Of course, some top mage killers can still do this, but they reveal their murderous intentions in places where they shouldn't. This can make people rest assured that the top killers will not reveal any murderous intentions before taking action. As for the reason why Aiwei showed his murderous intention, several people understood in a flash that he was inspired. Several bodyguards, including the cheap brother, are all people who crawled out of the mountains of corpses and seas of blood. No matter how deep such people are hidden - well, their level of strength is not the best. Anyway, they can't help but reveal that unique temperament. , being stimulated by the same kind, Aiwei would naturally take precautions, and his murderous intention targeted a few people. The result was good news, everyone was safe.

At the same time, it also calmed the hearts of these people.

But what depresses them the most is that they don't have the authority to ask their employer. In the employment agreement, any unreasonable behavior of the employer is considered private and confidential, and security personnel are not allowed to interfere. There is only one thing they can do: protect, protect, and protect again.

Damn guanxi household, reincarnated European. snort! Many people secretly drew circles and cursed her.

Unexpectedly, the ugly girl who was very ordinary at first, but now seems unfathomably beautiful and ugly, slightly frowned. Unbelievable, in fact, she didn’t know what she was doing here. When necessary, you will receive a mysterious instruction. It is said that it is hidden in...

Well, she actually didn't know, but she knew that the person who asked her to do this would never harm her.

Ivey had some doubts in his heart. He could feel some unusual things, but his initial judgment seemed to have nothing to do with him. This time, to his surprise, he didn't commit suicide every day, and just missed them lightly. Because he had more important things to do, he followed the somewhat rough road and moved forward. He didn't know the length, but it was the smoothest after all.

First of all, the first strange express train has arrived. No matter where it goes, just get on the train first. I don’t even want to pay for the ticket.

Ivey read the text message again. It must be here. It’s so strange. Why would a girl ask a man to come here?

Because this is the men's room.

It's so mysterious and strange. Both parties know who the other is, and they both have famous brands, so why...it seems like it's not a mystery anymore, it's still constipation, right? It seems that making an appointment in the toilet is normal operation.

I gently opened the first toilet cubicle, but there was no one there; the second one, there was still no one...well, that's normal.

He felt like a fool. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net quickly searched all areas, but there was not even a mouse. As expected, there must be some kind of device installed here...

Then...dong dong, knock on the door, um, a knock on the wall of the cubicle, "Do you want some paper?"

"Holy crap, this is a ghost movie!"

Ivey was about to be scared, but suddenly realized that he was embarrassed. Damn it, I'm a mage. What the hell are you afraid of? I can also do undead magic. I'm a genius in all departments, hum.

"Is there any Imperial Evening News?"


"Is there any little advertising that works?"


While Ivey was talking nonsense, he floated towards the cubicle with the voice. The floating magic was very simple and could be cast almost instantly. With his current level of cultivation, even from a little distance, it would be difficult for the other party to detect the air. The magic elements fluctuate... There is no sound, fast and accurate. Ivey stretches his head and looks around - he stretches out a finger. It is impossible to stretch out the head of the head. If there is a stupid Qing inside who stabs him, even if It's embarrassing to not be able to cut him down... A guy who has been in the magic world for so many years can never be too careful.

The older one is in the arena, the less courageous he becomes.

There is light shining on the finger, lighting magic, mental detection magic, and defensive magic. It is already three in one. It is not enough. There is even an attack magic, which is just a high-power pyroblast fireball. It can be pulled directly on the face and cannot be killed. It can also be humiliating.

Of course, he didn't think the little girl would do anything to him, but being careful had become a habit. Idle time is also idle, so be careful...

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