Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 669 Sword and Magic


Moreover, with his own strength, the greater the distance he drew, the greater the pressure he faced. In the end, he had no choice but to put the sword back into its original sheath.

My green silk sword still suits my heart. However, although it can be extracted under pressure, this defensive method of the library has shown their attitude. If they insist on going their own way, I am afraid the end will not be so good. What should I do?

Okay, just rehearse it in your mind. I can completely understand their good intentions in protecting this place.

Fortunately, this kind of training seems to be more effective for Ivey. He has a strong soul as a SOC and a vast and keen mental power as a partner. It is perfect. A few worlds away from other members...

Ivey closed his eyes. In the sea of ​​​​consciousness was not his simple evolution, but Lin Mingmei in the soul state. He held it with his small hand, and the cylindrical mutton-fat white jade shone in his hand. The red runes shone, and a red light , extended three feet before stopping, just like the laser sword in Star Wars.

Ivy took a deep breath. This is not his will. In other words, this "Lin Mingmei" actually has her own will? Or, because he wanted to practice swordsmanship, his will affected his soul state thinking, which led to this result.

Judging from the results, the two are almost the same, but they are very different. This is related to whether the beauty of light and shadow inside has a real soul. It is even related to whether the soul can be created and destroyed?

Oh my god, I've gotten into trouble, I've gotten into big trouble...

He couldn't judge, so he didn't worry about it. I have to say that this is a good habit.

"Lin Mingmei's" sword dance is not fast, but it is very beautiful. Every move and every move is like a combination of music and dance, and then performed by a beauty, giving people a pleasing feeling.

Slowly, her whole person changed, but she still looked the same, charming. But her temperament suddenly became very focused, and she seemed to be frowning. Ivey couldn't see clearly, but it felt like this. She was thinking about something. Oh my god, does she really have her own consciousness?

The speed of the sword dancing is sometimes fast and sometimes slow, as he is trying out his sword skills. Ivey suddenly felt that the sword's heart was clear. It seemed that as the girl danced, his understanding of swords improved to a higher level. The most important thing was that this was a magical world, so the mystery of the combination of swordsmanship and magic suddenly filled him with excitement. Gu Mingwu.

Swish, swish, swish!

The swordsmanship is still the same, but the magic has changed, or it has come. A layer of paint-like light and shadow covered the outside of the sword blade, making the entire sword wider and larger. From the visual effect, the sword suddenly became thicker and longer.

Moreover, it has become more powerful. Every sword is still the same, because in Ivey's small universe, he can completely feel the power attached to the sword. The power of tearing the starry sky and cutting down the stars makes him feel extremely Big fear.

Hey, stop, stop quickly, if this continues, if I'm not careful, my consciousness will be split in half by this sword.

People will really die, and they will die in such a ridiculous way. Simply.

Lin Mingmei's sword dance was still so beautiful, but she didn't respond to Ivy. Occasionally she raised her head, which gave Ivey the illusion that she heard her call, but she looked a little disdainful. Hey, why don't you be so arrogant? , will die, really will die.

I will die.

Well, it looks like she has a lot of confidence. Ivey deserves to have the attribute of being funny. He broke the pot so quickly. He remembered the style of Fairy Zixia and the sword of Zhizunbao, and then changed his own. Standing, he began to focus on swordsmanship "as if he were dead".

So the soul-like "Lin Mingmei" held the long sword more carefully, as if she suddenly connected with the master's soul, and then carried out the dangerous move to the end. But Ivey didn't know whether it was because he was used to it or something, but suddenly he felt a sense of The thought of comfort is no longer as scary as before. Just like on Tyumen Mountain, Takumi-san was clearly driving faster and more dangerously, but he was not afraid. He was fine and had skills.

When Ivey focused on swordsmanship, he discovered the secret of the combination of magic and swordsmanship - one.

Casting magic is mobilized with spiritual power, but not necessarily through chanting. Of course, chanting is a good method.

Through vibration, through sound, through the souls that are integrated into sound and vibration, it then conveys its will to those magical elements and commands them what to do. Some are obedient and some are disobedient, depending on the strength of your command, such as soul, mental power and mastery of magic, including the body's affinity for certain system elements.

In the end, magic with greater or lesser power is formed. Then add the law of guarding the stars, weighted strengthening, and then produce star magic. Of course, for skilled magicians, especially those who have been tempered on the edge of life and death, this process is much shorter, sometimes it is instant, sometimes it requires Some casting time, but this amount of advance must be calculated and carefully arranged.

Ivey discovered that when "Lin Mingmei" in the soul state performed sword skills, the sword and the person became one. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett Therefore, the sword also produced a language, the language of the sword, and the expression of the sword.

At present, it seems that the elementary method he has just understood is the same as chanting and gesture casting. It uses a vibration method to "make sound" with vibration, although you can't hear this sound. However, this "sword language" hidden in the air and unknown space really exists. Even the method is the same. The soul transmits some kind of vibration to the sword through mental power, replacing the sound. And as the quality of the sword itself improves, the process becomes faster and more powerful, as if there is a weighted improvement of a piece of equipment, and Based on the base damage plus the percentage, this is very powerful.

Ivey combines his own understanding with the game, so that he clearly lacks the knowledge of the top mages in the world, but he can understand these combat experiences from the most fundamental level. Combining the advantages of the two worlds into one, it is simply not too perfect. .

In fact, the most critical thing is the vibration of the sword, the different ways of swinging the sword, the strength of use, and the coordination with mental power - well, from the way of reading martial arts novels, a weapon will become very powerful if internal force is added to it. But now, mental power has taken over this position, and swordsmanship is not only powerful.

First of all, its attack power is reflected by the divine sword itself. Mental power cannot do this, but magical energy can. To perform magic and use magic elements, energy is naturally required. This energy is much higher than the energy method of "internal force". …


Superdimensional Star Mage\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

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