Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 712 High-level Rubik's Cube


This pretentious guy doesn't dare to open his eyes and look at people now. Ivey could feel that the Eye of Truth should have concluded that there was a problem, or that there was no problem. But now, it can clearly feel that there is something wrong, but it can't find it, even if its big eyes are wide open, and even the whites of its eyes have become red. Ivy can clearly see that they are bulging blood vessels. , his keen mental power can even feel the sound of gurgling blood.

Oh, thank you for your hard work, poor little guy. I can see that this thing is not only made of excellent materials, but also has excellent confidentiality. Now even if Erlang Shen is here, he will probably be blind.

However, great strength worked wonders. When Lin Yufei continued to activate the magic energy and increase the power, this eye burst out into a ball of blood mist. It seemed that it could not afford to lose this eye. An eye for an eye, even more A lot of brilliance is concentrated together, and a few small details flash past. It's still not enough for people to understand, but Ivey did it with his keen mental power.

So that's it, he sighed. There are probably no movies like League of Assassins in this world. The wizarding world rarely makes such entertainment-oriented things, and guns, bullets, what are they? Is there any magic? Therefore, hiding information on fabric has become an extremely concealed solution. Ivey understands that although it is not using a loom to leave zeros or ones, there is another thing that has the same purpose. That's magic and... well, nothing more, magic and mental power.

It is said that mental power cannot be retained for such a long time. This hair and this piece of cloth are ancient antiques that cannot be evaluated at all. He can only roughly estimate whether he can use the half-life of carbon isotopes to measure it. After the mental power leaves the human body, especially without the soul as the commander, without the power of command and calculation, it will dissipate very quickly. Of course, this is very fast. For some strong people, it may only be the difference between a thousand years and ten thousand years, but , they, those who want to convey information to certain people, found another way and found a good way.

Ivey knew that in the process of weaving, many stories had to be told about the hair and the cloth. They produced some new spiritual power, and coupled with the gradually gathered magic energy, formed a new A game of zeros and ones. Ivey watched with gusto.

The pattern on the cloth is very exquisite, and I can't tell what it is, but Ivey can see it. It's like a jigsaw puzzle, the kind of mobile Huarong Tao puzzle that is broken into countless pieces over and over again. , Ivey had discovered this secret long ago, but he was not sure. Only when he was sure now did he know that it conveyed sub-level information. The main message was elsewhere. When the eye revealed itself, Ivy discovered a deeper secret. It's really cool. Thank you. Amen.

Ivey didn't care at all about the secrets on the first floor, and he also used one of his light spells.

"Light Magic, True Lies, Law: The Hand of the Mage."

Real lies are not based on light, or in other words, they are mainly based on holy words, such as cause and effect magic such as prophecy or destiny magic. Mage's Hand is a good rule to use with it. Of course, other rules such as Domino, Soul, or Explosion are also good, with various uses.

At present, it seems that the Mage's Hand is the most suitable, because Ivey does not use it to attack the enemy, but to control it firmly.

As Ivey's magic works, some black light rises upwards from the entire screen, and then the black light turns white, just like a photo or negative. The whole picture looked like the embroidery. Then, the rising white light seemed to become a solid substance like a white crystal. Of course, they were still light, but they were too solid, too real, really It seems a little fake. Soon, the surface of the real white jade light suddenly cracked into many lines. It is not accurate to say that. In fact, it looked like it was divided into more small pieces, just like a high-end Rubik's Cube, but , this level is so high that it makes people feel hopeless. They are all densely packed small squares. How much computing power and hand speed is required to complete the restoration, if it is really a high-level Rubik's Cube.

Ivey glanced at it casually. It was okay this time. It was probably a 19th-level Rubik's Cube. So...the calculation power, steps and time can make you collapse. But fortunately, it is a magic, and there is this rule of the mage's hand, which is really life-saving.

"So, little Rubik's Cube, you have grown up and you have to learn to move it on your own." Ivey said nonsensically.

Lin Yufei felt like she could no longer stand, and she wanted to fall down. Is this person really reliable? However, she won't be deceived by this appearance... at least you have to watch the whole show. Anyone who can solve the secret to this point is a genius after all.

Fortunately, Ivey’s proof has just begun. The Rubik's Cube really started to move on its own, and the speed was extremely fast. It means that this mage's hand is not an ordinary mage's hand, but maybe the mage's hand of a certain otaku.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a nineteen-level Rubik's Cube of light blocks was restored... However, this light block, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.net, was extracted from the strange patterns woven by the hair... These are all backgrounds , what is surprising is its real picture:

This is the face of a girl. It is very similar to Lin Yufei, but more beautiful. It is Lin Yufei after turning on beauty. Best of all, there's no shortage of authenticity and fairyland.

Lin and Fei stayed on the spot. If it weren't for that guy Ivy's prank, the whole thing would have been even weirder.

Ivey's gaze was sharp and his eyes were slightly narrowed. He was even more shocked than Lin Yufei. After all, this scene was only similar to Lin Yufei, but it seemed no different from Lin Mingmei. At least there is no difference in realism, or it may be more fairy-like.

Who am I, where am I, what am I doing? Ivey once again had three questions in life.

At this moment, no matter how stupid he is, he can understand that he is witnessing history and plays a very important role. Who is he hoping for?

He doesn't know, but he understands that often, the truth cannot be missed.

So, he started the next level of calculation.

In the ancient computer era, many people hid information in pictures, using the last few insignificant values ​​to hide some information.

Ivey understands that at least the picture is not exactly the same as that of Lin Mingmei, and those small differences are made into real hidden secrets...


Superdimensional Star Mage\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

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