Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 715: Time waits not for us

This heart seems to be beating, which is very common in the magical world. However, when you look carefully, you find that it is still and not beating. The so-called beating is just an illusion, an illusion that shocks the soul.

These are fake, no matter how many times they change, they only serve one purpose. Ivey is already aware of this purpose, and he becomes a little hesitant. He needs an answer, an answer that everyone understands and makes based on their own judgment, whether the answer is good or bad, right or wrong.

However, due to information asymmetry, different judgment conditions, growing environment, and value orientation, in many aspects, it may be deliberate arrangements by others, and you may not be able to follow your original intention.

In fact, even if you follow your heart, it may not be right.

In most cases, the truth is often in the hands of a few people. But if decisions are made by the majority, this truth will be lost.

The trouble should end it.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have a choice now. When the time comes, the answer will naturally surface." Ivey said seriously, "I don't know whether the answer is good or bad, but I do have something to tell you. I probably know your sister. who is it……"

Lin Yufei turned back suddenly and stared at him fiercely, with such concentration and persistence, it was as if he was declaring that if you dare to lie to me, you will be dead.

"What do you need from me in exchange?"

"No need, you have already helped me a lot, and this time, I may not be helping you with this information...but I think this is a way to solve the fundamental problem."

It seems that if he didn't know this information, Ivey would use his own power, such as mental power and soul power, to forcibly suppress Lin Yufei's lesions, slowly paralyzing and alleviating his symptoms. It is estimated that he will be there for a long time in the future. Over time, she will continue to rely more and more on herself, and now, after she understands the whole thing, she must be confused about this method to get rid of the root cause of the disease, haha.

"Who is my sister? Do I have a brother?"

You have a sister and I have a brother, so we can’t get confused about this. Ivey complained, "You think too much. In fact, having a relative is enough to cause trouble. As for your sister, if you know her, you will probably have a headache, and she may not recognize you."

"Stop being so pretentious, I'm going crazy. Who is she?" From the tone of her voice, she must have reached the breaking point.

Ivey secretly laughed. There is a lot of nonsense and warnings. If anything happens in the future, you can’t blame me, right? After all, you forced me to tell you...

"What a coincidence, she is from the same school as us. The Twelve Elements, Lin Yujing, should be somewhat famous. Go and find out..."

Damn it! I'm a lady, I don't use foul language.

No need to ask, of course she has heard of Lin Yujing's name, even if she was not so familiar with it before, but last time, that guy besieged Ivy, which made many people in the school talk about her privately, and not even a school leader could do anything about it. Guy, a female god of death who is involved in many things behind her. A lunatic, a madman, an executioner, and a terrifyingly powerful mage. How come he seems to have heard people talking in private about the fact that this guy used to be a disabled person? It is said that he disappeared for a period of time and became much normal after he came out. Could it be that he went for psychological counseling? (Avi: My psychological counseling is great)

With mixed feelings and worries, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. And what about this god in front of you? How should you treat him in the future? It is easy to ask God but difficult to send him away. I am afraid that there will be hard times in the future.

Ivey felt that he didn't need anyone to send him off, so he took the initiative to say goodbye: "I still have something to do. Let's take a step first. You can think about it and plan it. We still have a lot of cooperation. The future belongs to us."

Ivey waved his hand and ran away dejectedly.

There were a lot of things tonight. He did what he should do and what he shouldn't do. Now he has to do it. Many things are still waiting for him. He found that he was really busy now. People say that with great ability comes great responsibility. I obviously don’t have that much ability, okay?

The only good news was that he knew his action steps, as if he suddenly had an additional task system. However, this system in his body often pretended to be dead, so it didn't matter and he didn't count on it.

I'm a bit pressed for time, so I went to the library to hand in my assignment. efficiency.

He flew across the campus, running and jumping like an elf under the moonlight, attracting the side glances of some beauties of heaven. With a smile on his face, he entered the door of the library, which was still brightly lit. After turning a few turns, he showed his ID and entered the basement.

The basement is very empty. There is only a big black hole here. In the hole is a downward staircase. Run down the stairs. This is a passage into the mysterious library. The emergency channel requires a certain contribution value and a certain strength, and must bear some potential crises for this purpose.

Due to timeliness and urgency, there are often some crises here. Therefore, some of the tasks in the library include cleaning this passage and destroying those void monsters. UU Reading www.uuknshu.net The Resentment of Living in a Different Space Spirits and mages can fill some time cracks and build space bridges. Of course, there will be corresponding contribution values. Sometimes, when the crisis is serious, there will be more rewards, and there will even be some big names in the library. Of course, the chance of this is very small. .

Ivey did not complete the task today. He just needed to enter the library during non-open hours, submit tasks, receive tasks, check information, shop... there were many things that could not be delayed at all.

Alas, from beginning to end, it was a life of hard work.

The further down, the greater the resistance. Ivey is running, so the resistance doubles. The oncoming chaotic magic energy cannot be absorbed by the Star Mage, but it can cause them great physical harm. Ivey's strengthened body didn't care about this. Soon he saw a staggering girl deep in the cave. He smiled and said hello, and the girl returned the greeting. It seemed that he had met her before. Those who have passed this year are considered classmates? colleague? peer? No matter what, Ivey kept running forward. The girl's eyes showed envy. She discovered that this guy who didn't do anything, didn't show off, seemed to be very powerful now.

Not to mention the majestic resistance of magic energy, the turbulent flow of magic energy as sharp as a knife caused great damage to her tender skin. Fortunately, the mage recovered quickly and had many high-quality medicines... Thought of this , she sighed and threw another pill into her mouth, not trying to be cool...

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