Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 725: Discoloration of the world

Murderous aura burst out from the inexplicable body when the golden light suddenly appeared.

All the ZAFT pilots who desperately rushed towards Phoenix Gundam in an attempt to prevent it from killing their own underwater mothership one by one, suddenly felt a strong and cold mental coercion from the sky, firmly pressing on their hearts. It was as heavy as a mountain, pressed them out of breath, and as cold as no one's deep sky, almost freezing their bodies and limbs. At this moment, the blood came to his head, shouting the slogan "For ZAFT!!", the consciousness of the ZAFT pilot who was desperately desperate was like falling into an abyss, not knowing where he was or when he saw the light again .

However, the ZAFT pilot whose consciousness has fallen into the bottomless abyss has lost the opportunity to see the light again. Under the pressure of that powerful spirit, the pilot with weaker willpower was crushed and stunned, and then the GN fangs, who looked at the opportunity, pierced the cockpit and disappeared in the unique brilliance of that GN particle. not see. Other pilots with better willpower bit their lips and tongues one after another. Even a few hard-hearted pilots drew the dagger (harmonious) head from the side of the driver’s seat and stabbed them directly into their thighs. Such an extreme way to get rid of that falling from the sky, no, it was the spiritual coercion from the mysterious golden mobile suit not far away.

When the GN Tusks took the opportunity to reap the human (harmonious) head wildly, these pilots who took extreme measures to break free from mental coercion took advantage of this opportunity to turn around and ran without saying a word.

too frightening! Even though they were stunned by the mysterious GN fangs before, at least they knew where the ghosts came from. However, when they attacked the owner of those ghosts, they suddenly felt as if they were being targeted by something terrifying and unmatched. In horror, the pilots who had won a trace of vitality never wanted to meet that mysterious golden mobile suit again.

"Want to escape?" The cold voice gradually sounded, and the GN fangs circling around the Phoenix Gundam quickly lined up on the left and right sides of the Phoenix Gundam, dozens of gunpoints pointed directly in front of the Phoenix Gundam.

The gaze from the golden pupils seemed to penetrate the surveillance screen at this moment, across the void, penetrating the back armor of the MS fleeing towards Phoenix Gundam, and falling on the panic-faced pilots. "You can't escape!"

The trigger was pulled.

In this instant, 6 large GN fangs, 18 scissor-type BITs, and the beam Merlin Qiqi that was replaced with a magazine, exploded with powerful power. Centered on the thick beams emitted by Beam Malin and accompanied by 24 beams, there is a total of 25 beams. In the continuous shooting mode, it crazily harvests any target that appears in front of Phoenix Gundam like a rainstorm. . Even if it’s just a passing moment, or a mobile suit that strayed into when fighting with the fighters of the Earth's United Remnants, as long as it is an enemy, it will be shattered by several beams in an instant, and then disappear in this explosion On the battlefield.

In just a few breaths, the group battle ability of Phoenix Gundam broke out at this moment once again refreshed everyone's understanding of it, and once again refreshed the ZAFT army's fear and fear of Phoenix Gundam, this mysterious mobile suit.

"It's really powerful!" Cruze, who returned to the underwater mothership from the Aslarga base, saw the Phoenix Gundam showing his power when he entered the bridge, sweeping the audience with twenty-five beam cannons. .

"K, Kruze? Where did you go? We can't contact any friendly forces anymore!" As soon as the captain saw Kruze, he told about the situation briefly.

"What? Our communication channel has been disrupted? And we still can't reach other friendly forces, even those who have entered Alaska?" Although Kruze knew what was going to happen next, the sudden emergence was unexpected. Kruzer was surprised. When he wants to come, long legs can of course run. But why at this time, it appeared in this unexpected situation? After thinking about it, Kluzer looked at the golden mobile suit on the screen. "Is it the reason?"

Cruzer's question immediately caught the captain's attention, and he said: "It seems that our communication channel was disturbed shortly after the golden mobile suit appeared. That's right! That's it! That golden mobile suit must be weird."

"I'm afraid so." Kruze lowered his head slightly, and after thinking for a while, he seemed to have noticed another situation. He raised his finger, pointed to the Archangel on the screen and said: "Look! The port side of the long legs seems to be a little moving."

As soon as the captain heard Cruzer's reminder, he immediately observed it carefully. After examining and identifying for a while, the captain immediately exclaimed. "Cyclops!!!"

"What?" Kruze also exclaimed! If the captain knew that Cruze knew about the existence of the Cyclops early in the morning, he would probably not be fooled by Cruze's realistic acting skills at this time. But there is no if.

"Captain Cruzer. If the Cyclops is the Cyclops system on the moon, aren't we in the trap this time?" Cold sweats bursting out of the captain's forehead, quickly The ground made traces on his face.

Seeing the captain covered in panic, Kruze sneered secretly in his heart, but still kept that solemn look on his face. "I dare not make any conclusions. This battle plan is too important for us ZAFT. At this critical moment of victory, I dare not rush to give orders to stop the attack. Moreover, our communication channel has now been disrupted. It's blocked. Except for this ship is still in our hands, other friendly forces can no longer hear our voices."

"So, what should I do?" The communication channel was blocked by interference, and the current battlefield was messed up due to Phoenix Gundam's arrogant superpower, except for the Archangel that followed closely behind and the Earth Alliance. Apart from the remnant army, the ZAFT army, which should have become hunters, has become a mess.

Kruze shook his head slightly, indicating that he could do nothing. The moment he turned and left, the solemnity on his face finally quietly changed into a successful smile. "Interesting! I originally wanted to push the leader secretly, but I didn't expect that ZAFT's communication channel would be blocked. In this case, individualism has become more prominent than teamism. Then, what's next? The situation is that a large number of ZAFT pilots are heading towards the main gate of Alaska. At that time, at that time, ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

Cruze let his heart sneer frantically, his face quickly returned to his original dignity. "So, which step should I take next?"

The ZAFT Army, which originally wanted to stop the Archangel from leading the remnants to retreat, unexpectedly made the decision to stay away from Phoenix Gundam after Phoenix Gundam broke out that arrogant and unreasonable power. Now that the communication is not working, no one is still full of enthusiasm, shouting slogans for ZAFT, to provoke this terrifying enemy in front of him, and find the disaster.

What's more, as the Archangel led the remnant army to break through, the main gate that was originally guarded, and was difficult to attack for a while, was already wide open at this time, just like the fish on the chopping board. . If you come and go, anyone who is not stupid will choose a lower-risk solution. Therefore, even if communication is not possible, under the leadership of the leader, the MS units of the ZAFT Army surrounding the Archangel also turned and flew towards the main gate of Alaska.

With the departure of these flies, He inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief. Although Phoenix Gundam’s offensive power is powerful, the magazine of Beam Merlin is limited after all, and the GN Tusk needs to be recharged after a certain number of attacks in order to continue to exert its maximum strength in subsequent battles. After the number reaches a certain level, the pressure will increase by multiples. What's more, why inexplicably still need to protect the Archangel and the remnants of the surface troops behind him, otherwise why inexplicably can choose a more flexible plan to strangle these numerous enemy planes.

Fortunately, under the previous multiple stand-ups, the power of Phoenix Gundam has been deeply engraved in the hearts of these ZAFT pilots. It's just a pity. He looked back inexplicably, after ZAFT's MS troops were swarming toward the main gate, he sighed: "If these people can return to ZAFT alive, it would be great!"

Once again, it was confirmed that the surrounding enemies had given up chasing the remnants headed by the Archangel and turned to occupy. After the plan to clean up Alaska, He inexplicably drove the Phoenix Gundam and slowly landed on the deck of the Archangel. At the same time, the contact communication equipment also popped out of Phoenix Gundam's fingers and connected to the armor on the Archangel.

"Archangel. Are you okay?" He's inexplicable head appeared once again on the main screen of the Archangel's bridge.

Maru looked left and right, nodded, looked at He inexplicably head with a smile and said, "Yes. Your Excellency General. The Archangel is all right. Thanks to you for everything. Thank you!"

"I just fulfilled my promise. Captain Maru." He shook his head inexplicably, and then said: "I wonder if Captain Maru remembers what I said?"

What should come is always coming.

At that time of extreme crisis, He appeared inexplicably. When driving a powerful mobile suit and descending in front of the Archangel like a god, Maru knew that what he had said inexplicably before was correct. The Atlantic Federation did not regard the Archangel as the same thing, nor did it take Halbaton, the hard work of the Admiral who she regarded as a teacher, seriously, and even regarded them as grass and indifferent, and treated them indifferently as abandoned children. , Regarded as the bait to lure ZAFT into the shortlist, and when the time came, detonated the Cyclops system buried in Alaska in one fell swoop.

While Maliu was thinking about it, the world suddenly changed color. A huge roar followed, followed by a fierce shock.

"Cyclops!!! Hold fast!" He inexplicably looked at the sky that changed from day to night in a blink of an eye, and then quickly changed to day.

As the air was agitated by manic energy, Maru's unwavering voice sounded.

"Your Excellency General. I have agreed to your terms. Starting today, the Archangel will join Your Excellency General's fleet."

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