Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 762: The last madness (on)

At this time, an atmosphere of almost despair was permeating the bridge of the Lord Angel.

The catastrophic consequences caused by the second episode of Genesis quickly got results from the communication from the rear. The fact is unbearable.

Facing the fact that more than half of the supporting fleet and the moon surface were basically destroyed, all of them, including Bucky Lulu, were silent for a while.

"Captain! The 17th Task Force has called. It is now in an assault, swearing to destroy Genesis! For the earth!!"

"Genesis? Is it the name of such a monster weapon?" Bucky Lulu immediately ordered: "The whole army! Go to Yakin Duwei at full speed! Support the 17th Task Force!"

However, in the next second, Bucky Lulu's order was not executed. Because CIC is being pointed at by a gun. Facing the dark muzzle, CIC could only raise his hands and cast his eyes on Bucky Lulu for help.

Bucky Lulu, who found that something was wrong, met CIC's helpless eyes as soon as she turned her head. She straightened her face and said solemnly, "Board Yazlar! What are you doing? Now we should go to support the first. The Seventeenth Fleet is right!!"

Facing Bucky Lulu showing the majesty appearance as a captain, Yazlar did not take her. I saw his face distorted and said: "I didn't do anything! Now, this ship shouldn't support that fleet! Now this ship should immediately attack PLANT with a nuclear bomb!!"

Bucky Lulu was shocked. She had no idea how Yazlar, who had agreed to support the Seventeenth Fleet before, suddenly changed his name. At the moment, Yazlar seemed to have fallen into a state of madness.

"Director! What should we do now? Don't you know? If time goes on like this! That monster weapon will be launched towards the earth!" Bucky Lulu shouted sharply.

The muzzle moved suddenly, and Yazlar pointed at Bakiruru firmly. His face became more and more distorted. "You are really long-winded! Bucky Lulu! Although you are the captain of this ship, but the one who gives the orders is still me! It is me Yazlar! You, what you have to do is take mine Just execute the command!"

Facing the gunpoint pointed at him, Bucky Lulu had to be silent just like the previous CIC, and could only use silence to oppose the absurd decision made by Yazlar at this time. Once upon a time, when Bakiruru bid farewell to Maru, he brazenly accused Maru of the mistakes he made while serving as the captain of the Archangel. Now, the words she used to criticize and educate Maru at the beginning have been fulfilled in her body. Maru, who had been accused by him, continued to serve as the captain of the Archangel under the command of the general at this time.

Life is such a joke. No matter how cruel the joke is.

While Bucky Lulu was thinking about it, the Earth Joint Survival Fleet, which was still attacking according to the original order, had already called on the outlying garrisons of Yakin Duwei.

The burst of light from artillery, missiles, light beams, and all weapons suddenly made the bridge of the Lord Angel shine like daylight.

In this dimming light, Yazlar's face was extremely distorted, and he raised his pistol slightly and pointed it directly at Bucky Lulu's forehead. "Answer me! Yes, or no?"

"Captain!" Some of the crew members who could not resist the crazy pressure began to scream.

Bucky Lulu did not respond, and continued to use silence to resist Yazlar's orders.

"Captain!" With the first person, others followed one after another. Soon, except for Yazlar and Bucky Lulu, almost everyone on the bridge was calling Bucky Lulu to make a decision.

"Let's see! Captain Bucky Lulu. You should also understand the current situation!" Yazlar said triumphantly in the face of the opinions passed by almost everyone.

As a captain, you must make the most accurate decision at a critical moment. However, in the face of absolute opinions, as a lonely captain, he could not make any objections. Seeing Bucky Lulu's expression struggling a few times, she turned over and sat back on her chair, and said loudly, "Go ahead and the whole fleet will turn. Target, PLANT!"

"Yes!" Seeing that Yazlar finally retracted the pistol, CIC, who was panicked, quickly began to contact the other warships.

"Right! That's it!"

Under the gaze of Yazlar, the Mobius carrying nuclear bombs soon set off again, and under the leadership of Gundam led by Frey's booster, they quickly rushed towards the PLANT.

Of course, the change of the Earth United Remnant Fleet fell exactly in the eyes of the ZAFT defenders, and also in the eyes of the Eternal and Kusanagi who entered the battlefield from the side.

"Kira. The Earth Army is about to launch a nuclear bomb again." After receiving a warning from the Eternity, Balterfield, who was driving the Commander-type Xigu, said with Liberty Gundam, who has completed the integration with the Meteor System.

"Yeah. I see. Captain Bartfield." Kira nodded and directly increased the thrust without thinking, and quickly rushed towards the space where the Earth United Fleet was located. Behind him, the M1 heresy team brought by Yanhong Gundam also followed. It didn't take a lot of work, and around the Eternity and Kusana, only Xigu piloted by Baltfield was left. Baltfield looked around, shrugging his shoulders helplessly, and stayed honestly around the Eternity to provide assistance.

The same nuclear bomb, the same unchanging slogan, and the same Mobius driven by the group of people.

During the ignition of the engine, the demon weapons capable of obliterating the PLANT satellite group once again flew toward the funnel satellite that inhabited tens of thousands of people.

The siren of the radar sounded continuously.

Yitzhak, who hadn't got much rest at all, had his eyes flushed and stared at the screen. In front of him, the weapon he hated to the bone—the nuclear bomb was once again shot at his beloved home.

"The whole army!! Get rid of the weapons that brought destruction to the PLANT!! Even if you die, don't let go of one! Otherwise, the PLANT will be destroyed!!" Yitzhak's voice was full of anxiety and anger. It is also full of willingness to sacrifice for it!

At Yizhagu's call, the MS troops who followed immediately raised their weapons and tried their best to attack the nuclear bombs that were flying to their homeland. Even if it is the assault dagger that will be pounced at the next moment, or even the Gundam driven by the four fortifiers, they have to shoot even a nuclear bomb at the last moment to complete their duties!

"Damn it!" While resisting the harassment, while chasing the nuclear bombs that kept flying away, Yizagu wished to do two things in his own right at this time. One is to get rid of the disgusting body that is in front of you, which changes all day long, and the other is to catch up with them and try their best to knock down the nuclear bombs one by one. However, the reality is very skinny. In the end, Yizagu, who was harassed and annoyed, decided to kill the High Maneuverability Gundam first.

However, just as Yizhagu was about to rush up and fight with the Bandit Gundam, from nowhere, several beams of light suddenly appeared and hit the Bandit Gundam that was changing direction. Unexpectedly, under the unprepared attack, Doo Gundam's back was broken through several holes by the light beam.


With a burst of electric sparks flashing, after struggling for a few times, Robo Gundam dragged a long tail smoke and ran out of the battlefield.

Of course Yizagu, who had finally recovered his senses, would not let this opportunity pass. "Damn it! Don't even think about running away!!"

Beat down the dog.

Yitzhak immediately broke the top speed of the landline, and in just a few breaths, he caught up with the high speed. Due to the impaired maneuverability, Captive Gundam failed to get rid of the exclusive landline of Yitzhak, which was immediately behind. This has also become the key to the death of seizing Gundam.

After several attacks, and even under the two precise beams that shot out from the void, the Rape Gundam that caused trouble to Yitzhak not long ago was destroyed in such a dramatic way.

After finally getting the Gundam Captive, Yitzhak sounded the beam that had just shot out of the void, and immediately opened the communication and shouted, "Who? Who is supporting me?"

"Haha. Yitzhak, long time no see. You are still so reckless!" A voice that surprised Yitzhak sounded. Immediately, a black MS body gradually appeared in the void.

"You...you... Thunder Gundam?!! Nicole?!! Aren't you dead?" Yitzhak looked like he had seen a ghost.

Regardless of how Yitzhak saw a ghost, the batch of nuclear bombs launched by the Earth's combined remnant fleet was still firmly under the attack of the ZAFT garrison, and quickly flew towards the target-PLANT's satellite group.

"Damn it!" It is located further behind Yitzhak, but faster than Yitzhak to catch up with the nuclear bomb. Under the joint attack with Brilliant Gates, Justice Gundam quickly removed the nuclear bomb in the universe they were responsible for. All clear light. However, there are more nuclear bombs flying in the adjacent space. "Eric, come with me!"

time is limited. Aslan also couldn't say much. There is only one thing in his mind now, and that is to stop all nuclear bombs.

The Junius 7 incident caused by the nuclear bomb attack is the pain in the hearts of all PLANT people, and it is also the sadness in Aslan's heart. He never wanted to see the disaster suffered by his mother come again.

However, even if the performance of Justice Gundam and Huiyao Gates is so good. In the face of the retelling of the above nuclear bombs, they have done their best without the means of group attack.

"Is it the end?" Aslan unwillingly pressed the trigger. In front of his eyes, those nuclear bombs were about to enter PALNT's limit defensive circle. As long as it passes there, even if it can be intercepted, the burst of energy will also affect the operation of the satellite group.

"Aslan! He is here!" At this moment, Erice's voice sounded. There seemed to be a hint of ease in the words. Although Alice didn't want to admit it, they lacked the means of group attack, and they really needed the help of that person. The Freedom Gundam equipped with the meteor system was undoubtedly the savior of the current situation.

Sure enough, in a blink of an eye, beams of light and missiles suddenly appeared on the side of PALNT, hitting the nuclear bombs swiftly and accurately and detonating them. In an instant, the grand fireworks dominated by nuclear bombs were once again staged in front of PLANT not long ago.

"Kira. Is that you again?" Aslan sighed. PLANT was rescued by Kira again. However, after this, Kira who attacked all-out, regardless of camp, remained Aslan, the enemy of ZAFT. Aslan's trigger is about to be pulled at his best friend again!

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