The bus has arrived.

Jiang Yang and the others got in the car.

Every famous hospital in Kyoto is always crowded with people. When Jiang Yang and the others crowded into the car, there were no seats available. Jiang Yang protected Professor Zhang and walked to the middle section. A young man wanted to give up his seat to Professor Zhang, but Professor Zhang refused.

The two of them stood holding the armrest and stopped talking about those heavy topics.

They talked about "The Three-Body Problem" again.

Professor Zhang still has to convey it to the barber.

When this person gets old, what he fears most is not death, but death passing by and leaving him alone with no one to talk to. He can only turn on the TV and listen to the radio to kill time every day.


There is Jiangyang.

Strange to say.

Professor Zhang has passed that road many times and has met the barber many times, but he has never sat down and chatted with him.


After a haircut with Jiang Yang and a haircut, he and the barber became good friends.

Walking to the hairdresser's shop after dinner every day, chatting about home affairs and telling stories became the most important spice in his life.

The barber also particularly likes the story "The Three-Body Problem".

Didn't he buy a "Three-Body" magazine last time to support Jiang Yang? After taking it back, his grandson read it and thought the story was quite good. He was very curious about the next content. It happened that the barber had just heard Professor Zhang tell it. Next story.

The barber told his grandson.

It happened to be the part in "The Three-Body Problem" when Lao Wang first entered the game.

After hearing this, his grandson thought it was ridiculous.


When the next issue was serialized and his grandson couldn't wait to buy the magazine and read it, he was completely stunned.

It’s really what his grandpa said.

Too damn awesome!

He immediately regarded him as his grandson, grandfather before grandfather and behind, grandfather, you are really my biological grandfather, and his admiration is endless.

The barber was very impressed by what he heard. He straightened his back a little, and his face looked like it had a face lift. At night, he dared to chat with me like a teenager. He looked northwest and shot Sirius.

His grandson also yelled.

At school, he showed off to his classmates that his grandfather knew the plot of "The Three-Body Problem" in advance.


That issue of the science fiction magazine had already been published and everyone knew the plot. Sun Tzu couldn't prove that what he was showing off was true.

His classmates thought he was bragging.

Sun Tzu was naturally unconvinced.

In order to prove himself, he kept asking his grandfather about the following plot.

The barber has no choice.

He could only urge Professor Zhang to update him every day.

Professor Zhang now takes the time to listen to Jiang Yang.

Jiang Yang wanted to tell the plot in one go as he had Lao Feng's head.

Professor Zhang refused.

He felt that the story was more interesting if he listened to it slowly.

What is the difference between listening to the synopsis and reading the synopsis without watching the movie?

"All right."

Jiang Yang continued from the previous chapter. After Lao Wang finally learned that the game world was a world with three suns, the game entered the second stage and began to solve the three-body problem and explore the trajectory of the three suns.

At this time, Lao Wang met people wearing the vests of celebrities such as Newton and von Neumann in the game. In the game, they tried to use human arrays to form computers to solve the three-body problem.

It's right here.

In the famous scene with great imagination, the computer of Qin Shihuang's human beings appears.

"--He named this computer 'Qin No. 1' and pointed to the huge human circuit to introduce it to Qin Shihuang. Here is the CPU--over there is the memory-" Jiang Yang continued to explain to Professor Zhang with gestures.

He thinks this section is quite awesome!

Just like the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, it is estimated that only Chinese people have such great creativity and imagination.


As a person who has never studied computers, Jiang Yang swallowed this paragraph before.

Now, in order to understand the principles of this human-column computer, he specifically asked Han Xiaoxiao for advice.

As a graphic designer, Han Xiaoxiao certainly didn't understand this.

But her classmates understand.

Han Xiaoxiao asked a few classmates who were studying computer science to ask questions. After he understood it himself, he explained it clearly to Jiang Yang.

Don't tell me yet.

Han Xiaoxiao has great potential to be a teacher.


When Professor Zhang heard this paragraph, he felt that he had seen a lot, but when he heard Jiang Yang talking about the human row computer, he couldn't help grinning, thinking that this kid can really think, and there probably isn't much in his head. It's a hole.


Zuo Rang, the young man who had just given up his seat to Professor Zhang, scoffed.

He came to the hospital with his grandfather for a check-up.

Grandpa feels dizzy when he wakes up these days.

Zuo Rang thought that it was winter, the season with the highest incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, so he did not dare to be careless. Under the disgusting tone of his supervisor, he asked for leave to accompany his grandfather to the hospital for a check-up.


Grandpa has otolithiasis.

It's not just about surviving the disaster, it's also about being relieved. I couldn't help but be smart, and I unconsciously listened to a story or two about Jiang Yang and the others. Zuo Rang studied computer science and had never read any science fiction magazines. When the two of them first started telling stories, he couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard about Newton, Leibniz, and then the founders of modern computer technology.

What did he think about this?

These people were not from the same era at all, but as a result, they actually started chatting about Jiang Yang's story.

Just when he thought it was ridiculous enough, the humanoid computer appeared.

Zuo Rang raised his head and glanced at Jiang Yang.

He had to admit that using humans to simulate computer 0s and 1s and "AND or NOT gates" was a cool idea, but if it were to be used in a story, it would be ridiculous. Relying on humans to run it would not be as fast as manual calculation. .


He didn't know that the people here were not Earthlings, but another group of people with transparent ideas.


While Jiang Yang was talking about the latter part, he and Professor Zhang had already gotten off the train at the station.

When entering the community, the car was parked downstairs. Li Qingning was at the teacher's house and picked Jiang Yang up by the way.

After going upstairs.

Jiang Yang greeted Li Qingning.

Li Qingning was talking about music with the teacher, and Jiang Yang chatted with Professor Zhang for a while.

at last.

When Li Qingning greeted Jiang Yang to leave, Jiang Yang stood up to say goodbye. Just as he was about to leave, Professor Zhang stopped Jiang Yang.

He put his son's Water Margin cards, little books, yo-yos, etc. into a box, and they all came out.

He moved the box over and asked Jiang Yang, "Take it back."

Jiang Yang: "Isn't this bad?"

Staying here is a thought after all.

"Nothing bad."

Professor Zhang asked Jiang Yang to hold it, "It's of no use leaving it here with me."

"All right."

Jiang Yang took it and carried it out the door.

After leaving school, Jiang Yang and Li Qingning had lunch outside, and then the car stopped at the entrance of the alley.

Jiang Yang got out of the car and went to the trunk to get something.

Li Qingning got out of the car and told Jiang Yang to put anything he couldn't take in the trunk.


Jiang Yang agreed, but still moved out the prominent box given by Professor Zhang.

One thing almost fell out.

Li Qingning helped him put it away, "Okay?"

Jiang Yang: "Man, you can't say no!"

Li Qingning rolled his eyes.

If a man is not a man, it is her fault, so there is nothing to be proud of.

Jiang Yang: "Go in quickly."

Li Qingning took off his coat after getting in the car.

She was wearing a sweater and wide-leg pants. The collar of the sweater was not high, revealing her delicate collarbone, and the ring pendant strung up by a silver necklace on her collarbone. Although it looked pretty, Jiang Yang was worried that she was cold, "Don't catch a cold."


Li Qingning agreed, kissed him, and got in the car.

After Jiang Yang entered the alley, Li Qingning let the car start.

Jiang Yang carried the box to the courtyard.

As soon as he walked under the old locust tree, he saw Gan Jianmian's mother and Good Student's mother looking at his door.

After seeing Jiang Yang, he didn't feel embarrassed at all to face his mother: "Here you are, let's go for a walk."


Jiang Yang nodded, walked to the door, put the box down and took the key to open the door.

The good student's mother was about to persuade her to go to her mother, and the two of them went over to help get things when she heard her husband, the painter, calling her from across the alley.

The mother of a good student had no choice but to give up this plan.

Her husband is sick.

In the past, let him stay at home. He couldn't stay. He spent all day doing art, inspiration, and collecting styles. He was either in the studio or taking students out to collect styles. Not long ago, he was still enjoying the ambiguity and admiration of the students.


Stay home all day and pester her.


She thought today that she had seen the miniature model of Poirot in "Roger Mystery" "growing zucchini" in the courtyard. If we go into the yard and take a look again, we might see a miniature model of the Poirot novel that Jiang Yang is writing recently. .

This is a decent program preview.


She encouraged her mother to accompany her over to see what "Jiang Yang" was up to.


They were disturbed by him before they even entered the courtyard.

So annoying.

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