Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 1052, Revocation Application


Although Zou Shiren didn't say much, his performance was more convincing than anything he said!

The previous performance and the current behavior make it easy to think that what Huaxia has done has caused this staunch supporter to completely resist and break his heart.

It also makes more people feel that going back is a huge mistake.

This is the result he wants to see the most, and it is also the purpose of his doing so!

Soon, the person in charge of registration noticed a strange phenomenon. Those who had submitted their applications very early, withdrawn their applications one after another as if they had made a deal.

Especially some people who let them pay attention to them make them even more surprised! People have been sent to verify. These people not only withdraw the application, but also have completely different attitudes compared with the previous good attitude, and are extremely hostile to the staff.

This made those in charge of evacuation very puzzled, how could such a big change happen in just a few hours.

"Hurry up and check. People who are more influential in the local area can go and visit separately. Mr. Zou Shiren is there. I will go there myself." Li Shengli, the person in charge of the desert country, said to his subordinates.

"Director Li, we have learned about it before. Some are very hostile to us, and some are hesitant when speaking. Something must have happened. However, when I went to confirm it, no one was willing to tell me. Later, I only found out when I listened to their private discussion that they attributed the Baijingyang accident to us." Secretary Zhang Wenming said.

"Bai Jingyang?" Li Shengli's expression changed.

It happened a few hours ago, and a few hours later, there was a large-scale revocation of the application**, there is indeed a great correlation in time!

"Hurry up and investigate, this matter must not be taken lightly." Li Shengli ordered.

He felt that there should be a big misunderstanding here.

Afterwards, Li Shengli picked up the phone directly and called the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of DìDū for verification.

"Continue to follow up and check, we must figure it out. Don't let our compatriots misunderstand us. I will continue to investigate." DìDū sent instructions.

Hearing this, Li Shengli already smelled something unusual in it.

Just about to evacuate,

Such a thing happened, and then someone instigated and blamed this incident on Huaxia's head. These things are definitely not a coincidence!

Soon, Li Shengli realized the seriousness of the matter!

International organizations have intervened to thoroughly investigate this matter. When they received the news, they directly pointed the finger at Huaxia!

"Absolutely impossible! This is framing!"

In the face of the sudden frenzy of reporters, Li Shengli denied it righteously!

"We also deeply sympathize with Mr. Bai Jingyang's experience, but we will never accept any malicious speculation!"

"In addition, all compatriots, please trust Huaxia, believe in Huaxia's strength and sincerity!"

"What kind of strength and sincerity do you have? My father died because of you. Up to now, even the body has not been found. Shouldn't you give me an explanation? My father pays so much attention to domestic affairs every time. It's really chilling for you to reciprocate in such a warm way!" Bai Tengfei stood up, wearing Xiao Xiao on his body, pointing at Li Shengli to criticize!

"Mr. Bai, there must be evidence for what you say. We refuse to accept groundless accusations! Even, we will charge it with sabotage..."

"See you in court! We have submitted a lawsuit to the International Court of Justice, you just wait to respond!" Bai Shengli responded viciously.

And all of this was recorded in the lens of foreign reporters.

"These people are too much! Why are they so indiscriminate between black and white? Isn't this a joke for others? They have done things that foreigners want to do but can't do!" Secretary Zhang Wenming said angrily.

Li Shengli, who was standing next to him, frowned even tighter at this time, and now he felt more and more that this was a conspiracy against China.

"How is your investigation going?" Li Shengli asked Zhang Wenming.

"It's not going very well. People who are usually friendly. If I contact you again this time, I will either ignore him or talk about him. I don't want to talk about these things in depth at all." Zhang Wenming said helplessly.

"How is your side?"

"Zou Shiren refused to meet with me, and even refused to answer my phone calls. I don't know if it was to avoid suspicion." Li Shengli said.

"He is an old fox, very cunning. This time the incident is so big. Before the matter is clarified, he probably won't get in touch with us much, lest people misunderstand him."

"Civilization! Don't say that about our compatriots in the future, don't say such uncivilized and disunity words!" Li Shengli reprimanded.


"However, what should we do next? In a few days, they will arrive. If there is a problem with the evacuation of overseas Chinese because our work is not done well, then the problem will be serious." Zhang Wenming was a little anxious Said.

Li Shengli is also frowning, he is the main person in charge, and he is more aware of the influence of this incident!

"You continue to contact, continue to do work, and try to resolve the misunderstanding of our compatriots." Li Shengli arranged.

Now, that's the only thing that can be done. Before things become clear, I'm afraid these people still have great doubts, and it's difficult to communicate. However, he is more worried about international influence.

Obviously, those people are just trying to keep Huaxia from stepping down. Now, those people's goals have been achieved!

What shocked Li Shengli was that this matter was more serious than he imagined!

On the third day of the incident, more and more people were withdrawing their applications, and many ordinary people also participated in it. There were even a lot of remarks that were extremely unfriendly to China and full of conspiracy.

"We strongly condemn this behavior!"

"This is a disregard for civil rights!"

"A country that cannot tolerate doubts from others will always be a country with low self-esteem and weakness!"

This incident quickly attracted the attention and comments of US President Trump and other government officials. Although there is not much evidence to prove all this, the government officials including President Trump used their social platforms to The powerful influence and tendentious misleading quickly plunged Huaxia into a vortex of public opinion.

"This is their arrangement? Huh! I'm afraid that even if the fleet is dispatched in the end, no one will be able to pick it up. Wouldn't it be more embarrassing?" the Secretary of State said with a smile.

"Let the international court speed up the trial, no matter whether there is a result or not, they must be disgusted." Prang said with a smile.

Hearing this, the people next to him also laughed.

Not only the United States, but other countries are also paying close attention to this matter. The authorities all know that there may be someone behind this matter, but no one dares to speak out, let alone confirm it!

We are all watching how Huaxia will solve all this!

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