Leo Road Champion Potential, not bad!

Lin Mo pondered, did not hesitate, and followed the prompts all the way to find it.

The few elves behind him also continued to keep up, still advancing while leveling up.

[Ding! Two thousand meters ahead, directly below, find the champion qualification Leo Road ~ one]

[Ding! 1,500 meters ahead, directly below, found a champion qualification Leo Road]

[Ding! 300 meters ahead......]


Following the constant sounding prompts, Lin Mo gradually walked to a cliff.

If he had the power of the waveguide, he might have considered whether to take a detour......

But now, he sensed slightly, the power of the waveguide surged everywhere, and the surrounding environment seemed to present a transparent schematic diagram in Lin Mo's heart.

Immediately, the man already knew where Leo Road was.

Lin Mo walked directly to the edge of the cliff in front of him, and jumped downwards and deeply!

At the same time, the waveguide induction in the heart.

"Come down with me!"

Originally, seeing Lin Mo jumping off the cliff, several elves made a mess!

Humans will die if they jump!


Yibu rushed directly to Lin Mo's side and relied on his little arms and legs to pull the other party back.

The big rock snake jumped directly off the cliff, trying to catch Lin Mo.

Chirulian teleported even more in a panic and came to the trainer's side.

As for the dragon's teeth......

It danced with Lin Mo.


Immediately, several elves also reacted.

Your own trainer is not the kind of weak chicken, and he is invincible in his own right!

So he was relieved to follow Lin Mo in free fall.

And this trainer is excited!

The wind is howling in my ears......

The scenery around you is changing rapidly, and you have the ability to fly directly from the flat ground at any time.

Lin Mo felt extremely happy!

I'm already Superman!

After falling for about three or four seconds, a blue light flashed in Lin Mo's eyes, and the telekinetic power scattered out in all directions!

Then he defied gravity and hovered in mid-air.

Lin Mo also lifted the dragon teeth that fell together.

As for Eevee and Chirulian, they flew in the air on their own strength, and of course the Great Rock Serpent was withdrawn into the ball, although it had god-level superpowers......

Lin Mo wanted to lift this overlord Pokémon up, but it was still too difficult......

And when this person slowly descended to the ground with his superpowers, he looked to the side.


The sound of the water was constantly resounding.

White foam splashed everywhere, forming waves.

This is a waterfall with a very spectacular view!

The water smashed against the boulders, and the surrounding air was swept away, making it look moist and slightly cold.

Lin Mo could even feel the temperature around him, which dropped a lot of degrees.

And ahead—

In the center of the waterfall, where countless currents hit the most rapid and ferocious place, there was a large cobblestone stone that had obviously been moved, and a petite but extremely determined elf sat cross-legged.

It was covered in blue, with a black blindfold structure on its head, and its limbs were quite petite, but the lines of its muscles were still faintly visible.

Waveguide Genie - Leolu!

It was washed by the terrifying currents.

Under such a huge impact, the flowing water is no less than a falling rock, but under such a huge pressure, this petite elf does not move.

Even a few times of arrogance flashed in its eyes, it faced the heavy pressure, raised its head bit by bit, and straightened its back, like a statue cast of steel and iron!

And it was exactly what Lin Mo wanted to find.

In this case, the message is listed in the tooltip panel.

【Leo Lu (Fighting)】


[Level: 30 (Normal Peak)]

[Trait: Mischievous Heart (Excellent talent for using variation-based moves, faster ability to gather skills?)]

[Personality: Serious]

[Individual Values: HP (31), Attack (31), Special Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

[Effort: HP (70), Attack (82), Special Attack (81), Defense (44), Special Defense (44), Speed (88)]

[Skills: Lightning Flash (Proficient), Feint Attack (Proficient), Double Return (Proficient), Metal Claw (Proficient), Broken Rock (Proficient), Trick (Proficient), Cross Split (Proficient), 、......]

[What to bring: None]

【Potential: Champion】

[Special: (Waveguide Supreme) Compared with the same family, it contains a more powerful waveguide, and it is also a unique existence in the perception and application of waveguides!]

[Special: (The pinnacle of martial arts) has a comprehension beyond the same clan in fighting skills, martial arts, and actual combat, and is a prodigy in martial arts training that is unique among millions!]

What made Lin Mo quite relieved was that Leolu was not a special individual......

But at least the 6V champion qualifications are still available.

It's just a little ordinary compared to the other elves in the team......

Fortunately, the talent emphasizes that he has a strong understanding of martial arts and waveguides, but I don't know how strong this talent is.

At the same time, it also means that Lin Mo, as the holder of the waveguide, can strengthen Leolu a lot, but it can make up for its disadvantages compared to the dragon's teeth.

Of course, this is special, but it's not really a ......

Compared to Lin Mo's other Pokémon, it's mediocre.

As for the so-called extremely serious and focused cultivation attitude, Lin Mo could also see that this way of facing the water flow hard top was something that ordinary elves could do.

Just as soon as he saw it, Lin Mo sensed that this little guy with only the potential of a "mere champion" had a strong heart and a strong will!

And looking at the list of skills, Leolu is also quite good, not only has several proficient moves in the fighting department, but even has a hereditary powerful skill cross split.

Also proficient in trickery.

However, this one is also a little curious, this Leolu's level is only level 30, how does he manage so many proficient skills?

Soon, Lin Mo's doubts were answered.

Leo Lu had a new move, and after being washed by the current for a while, the momentum on his body became stronger and stronger!

Then the elf stepped aside with a solemn expression......

It was a jumble of wooden stakes, wooden frames, and strange stone carvings that resembled apes.

Leolu, on the other hand, endured the bruises from being hit by the running water, and launched an attack on the wooden stake!

Act fast and shoot neatly!

Lin Mo could see that Leo Lu's first training was a native fighting move called Shattering Flame!

An extremely powerful fighting force was gathered in the palm of his hand, and it slammed down!

Bang dang!

The stake is one for two!

"Leo ......"

Leolu roared softly, then ......

Cross Split!

Its hands converged, gathering strength together, towards the stone statue in front of it—


Click, click, click

Stone chips are scattered!

Leolu was also out of breath, apparently having consumed a lot of it.

Then the elf unleashed one move after another with a flash of lightning, metal claws, suction punches, tile splitting, and kicking the next game......

A variety of fighting moves to fight the tiger!

But such a crazy dumping move soon exhausted the young elf's physical strength, but it had no intention of giving up, and forced itself to continue practicing.

Squeezing their limits.

Again and again!



In a very short period of time, nearly one-fifth of that stone sculpture was smashed!

It can be seen that this elf is extremely focused when training.

Lin Mo didn't make a sound, just watched quietly, and Ibu, who was often babbling beside him, was also infected by Leolu's spirit, and he didn't say a word, and he was very well-behaved.

Needless to say, Chirulian did whatever Lin Mo did, and stared quietly.

Only the dragon's teeth, looking at the elf who had worked so hard to train themselves, showed a contemplative posture.

Lin Mo and its initial elf thought of a piece inexplicably.

Once upon a time, Dragon's Tooth / I was so obsessed with getting stronger!

However, Lin Mo was still a little frightened when he looked at it......

If it is said that the dragon's tooth was extremely hard at the beginning, in addition to the desire to become stronger, it was also out of trust in himself as a trainer-

It will make it stop when it reaches its limit.

But Leo Lu has no one to check it, it desperately squeezes its own potential, so that it gets great pain, but it may not guarantee that it will really work, and it may even be counterproductive!

But it is not afraid at all, and continues to move forward!

Such a terrifying will......

Lin Mo is also seeing it for the first time!

Even if the dragon's tooth had not been tainted with the vice of watching TV, I am afraid it would not have been able to do it to this extent...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

That's why......

This elf, with the potential of a champion, is unguided under the predicament......

When he was born at level 30, he mastered the skill configuration of Pokémon with god-level potential such as Dragon's Tooth, Chirulian, and Eevee!

Three proficient!

This elf is very powerful!

With such a will and self-management ability, in Lin Mo's memory, even those Heavenly King Champions in his previous life, no elf could achieve this level!


Lin Mo's heart quickly pinched!

There was a problem on Leo's side, and its originally precise attack training movements made mistakes and gradually became messy.

For no other reason, how can he be safe and sound all the time after his physical strength is overdrawn and he still forces himself to hold on for so long.

Leo was expressionless, even though his muscles trembled, he was still ready to charge up and release the crosscleft.

At the same time there was a cry of pain.



Lin Mo was about to go out and stop Leo Lu, but at this time, he paused slightly, and thought silently in his heart.

"Turn on the translation function. "

The prompting system rapidly shifts Leolu's words.

Damn, why am I so slow?

Am I going to fail again like last time?Why is my attack so weak? If so, there's no way I'm going to win against the Flame Monkey!

I have to get past it as soon as possible!

Only in this way can I be stronger!

Leolu's mentality was rather unstable, so that his movements became more and more disorganized......

A cross split was not used at all, and the strength of his whole body was discharged, and he fell to his knees.


However, this thing actually wanted to force himself up and continue to make moves.

Lin Mo finally couldn't help it.

And even though it's only a few words, this one understands why Leolu is working so hard.


There are opponents who want to surpass.

But there is a flaming monkey as an opponent......

Not to mention that this is an elf that has evolved to its final form, and the race value is crushing!

The basic level required for the Light Fire Monkey to evolve into the Flame Monkey is far higher than Leolu's level 30 at this time!

Not to mention that although he has mastered the trick of tricks, which greatly increases the special attack, Leolu is now a pure physical attacker!

There are no special attacks!

When fighting the Flame Monkey, one of them was accidentally burned by a fire-based move, and his direct physical attack was halved, and he took the lead to win.

However, seeing that this elf had its own pursuits and goals, Lin Mo felt that things were much easier.

Lin Mo's active control of the superpower flew over, and Leo Lu immediately made an extremely vigilant look.


It chirped, trying to warn Lin Mo of the uninvited guest who had broken in......

This human gave Leolu an extremely strange feeling, and his aura was extremely powerful!

Far from being comparable to the other self-proclaimed trainers who came to the forest, it was even more terrifying than some of the powerful elves Leolu had seen in his life!

But Leolu thought about it, and the strongest of the human race is worth my fight!

It immediately assumed the posture of being about to fight......

But this time Leolu was really suffering, and seeing that it wanted to make a move, the elves that had been following slowly rushed up.

Eevee and Chirulian were okay, although their breath was quite good, but they didn't let Leolu take it seriously.

But the dragon tooth rushed forward quickly, blocking in front of Lin Mo, roaring unpleasantly.

"Tooth tooth!"

Immediately, Leolu's heart was frightened and fell into a huge uneasiness!

The axe-toothed dragon in front of him is too strong!

The momentum on his body is terrifying, far beyond himself!

It feels like it's insurmountable!

Leo Lu felt that if he did it, he might not be able to hold up a single move!

Dragon's Tooth warned the roarer.

"Tooth tooth!"

If it hadn't seen that the trainer had the intention of subduing, it would have done it a long time ago!

Eevee and Chirulian had even more hostility in their eyes......

They didn't know that Leolu wanted to challenge a strong enemy, just because he wanted to attack the trainer.

Lin Mo hurriedly persuaded peace.

"Leolu, I'm not here to be your enemy. "

"It's just that I found out that your training is in the wrong direction, and to use your skills indiscriminately and frantically will only bring huge pressure to your body......"

Lin Mo sincerely released his telepathy.

He's right, if it weren't for Leolu's own championship potential, his body would have collapsed long ago under such crazy training, let alone become stronger!

However, Leo Lu only slowly raised his fists in front of his body at this time, gathering the power of the fighting moves!

It doesn't trust outsiders!

And the dragon tooth did not show weakness, and also gathered the power of the dragon system.

Before that, the trainers subdued the elves, but they were all easily convinced, and no one dared to do it!

You Leo Lu, what else do you want!!

On weekdays, Dragon Tooth is lazy and lazy all day long, thinking about how to watch more TV, but when it comes to the critical moment, it is more nervous than Chirulian, who has always circled around Lin Mo!

The battle is about to break out!

Fortunately, Lin Mo has the power of waveguide, and he constantly conveys friendly emotions......

It gradually made the elves on both sides give up and want to attack.

Leolu's hostility quickly dissipated, and the waveguide was one of their original powers.

Face the humans who wield the power of the waveguide.

Leolu couldn't help but want to be close.

And Lin Mo struck while the iron was hot at this time.

He pointed to the dragon's teeth.

"Random training is useless. "

"It only took a month and a half for the dragon's tooth to have the current strength ......"

"If you do it the way you do...... It's probably going to be much weaker now!"

Lin Mo sensed.

"I have the right training method, follow me!"

"You'll also become stronger, and it's easy to defeat the Flame Monkey. "

And Leo Lu was already affected by the waveguide, and he had a good impression of Lin Mo......

At this time, I saw the dragon's teeth, and then looked at myself.

It is also a juvenile elf, about the same age as the dragon's teeth......

Originally, he had exercised to the peak of the ordinary, so that Leo Lu was already quite complacent, and he felt that he was making rapid progress, and he only knew what the gap was when he saw it today.

And the waveguide also told it that the human beings in front of him were sincerely willing to help them become stronger......

After much thought, Leo Lu finally stepped forward and swung his fist violently!

And Lin Mo did not hesitate, intersected with his fists, and in an instant, the two waveguide forces converged.

Leolu felt that it was a powerful being who had only kindness to himself.

Lin Mo felt it, an extremely hardworking, incredibly powerful elf, who was saluting solemnly.

The souls that collide with each other show each other's hearts.

Leo Lu didn't hesitate any longer, and half-knelt down.

Bow your head.

"Leo. "

"I'll make you stronger in the future. "

Lin Mo opened his mouth gently, and seeing this, he also knew that Leo Lu recognized himself, so he took out a luxury ball prepared in advance and tapped it gently.


The Poké Ball trembled slightly, and then the stardust scattered.

The fifth elf, Leolu, successfully subdued 100 million!.

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