Urban Inventor

Chapter 172 The Killer

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It was already late at night, but Chief No. 1 did not fall asleep. Instead, he discussed a major issue with more than a dozen political and military leaders in the conference room: "The Americans are going to make trouble again!"

The chief and others already knew all the content of the summit meeting, including the joint military exercise, and it was South Korea who tipped China off.

This is actually not difficult to explain. After the Cheonan incident and the shelling of Yeonpyeong Island, South Korea became more and more clear-headed, and realized that relying on the godfather of the United States cannot protect South Korea’s development and security. If it really wants to ensure its own safe development, it must rely on China, its "brother". . Because it has a good relationship with China, its father, it not only benefits from economic development, but also has the possibility of easing relations between South Korea and North Korea. Otherwise, the future will be worrisome if we face the blackmail and extortion of the United States all the time.

Therefore, South Korea has adjusted its foreign strategy and raised its relationship with China to a new level. In this summit meeting, South Korea was threatened by the United States and could only agree to participate in the joint military exercise, but South Korea did not dare to offend China, so it immediately tipped off the news after the meeting ended. This is the tragedy of a small country!

"This time the Americans are aggressive. They have won over so many countries and launched a full-scale attack in the fields of economy, technology, politics, and military affairs. This is going to start the second cold war." A big man said worriedly.

"The Americans owe us too much! The Korean War broke out, and the US Seventh Fleet entered the Taiwan Strait, which directly affected us. Regarding the Taiwan issue, we are still the only country among all major countries that has not been fully unified. After the reform and opening up, our country has just calmed down, and the United States has begun to stir up the waters in the South China Sea, complicating the situation in the South China Sea step by step. Nian talked about us, human rights for a while, and ethnicity for a while, but what he adopted was a "double" standard."

A military boss snorted coldly, "If you come out to mess around, you will have to pay back sooner or later, and we will definitely repay you in the future!"

"Okay, let's not pursue the historical issue for the time being, let's discuss how to solve the immediate problem first."

Chief No. 1 paused, and then said, "Let me talk about my opinion first. Since the Americans are preparing to launch a full-scale attack in the economic, technological, political, and military fields, of course we have to fight back. Now is no longer the era when the United States can block the sky with one hand. Its allies also have their own plans, such as the European Union. They hope that the United States will decline, and then they can take advantage of the situation. Therefore, as long as we find the right entry point, we can defeat each of them and thwart the conspiracy of the United States. Also, the president of South Korea told I, the Americans are going to invite us to participate in joint military exercises and hold confrontation exercises, how do you think we should respond?"

"Promise, I must promise! The National Day military parade has just been held, shocking both at home and abroad, and the whole country is boiling, the momentum is like a rainbow, and we must not be as aggrieved as before! They want to give us a shock through the military exercise, just right, so are we Thinking about it! I have the confidence to give them an unforgettable failure!"

A military leader sneered, "At the end of last year, we obtained the technical information of the neural sonic weapon from Zhang Wei. Through the unremitting efforts of the researchers, we have produced a super-power directional neural sonic weapon. Without precautions, the power can be called terrifying, hundreds of times more powerful than the sonic weapons being developed by other countries! This time, we will play a big game!"

"Okay, since you have such confidence, promise them!"

The chief said very forcefully, "Now is a critical period for the development of our country. Originally, we didn't want to make troubles, but they took the initiative to provoke us, so we have no choice but to show our swords! Make more preparations, and we must win!"

the next day.

The United States, Japan, India, South Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines announced that they will hold a joint military exercise code-named "Peace Guardian 2020" in the South China Sea on October 5, and invite China to participate in the confrontation exercise.

China has long been prepared, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded immediately,

I am willing to conduct a military exercise with other countries to communicate with each other and deepen the friendship of all countries.

Not long after, North Korea, which has a strong sense of crisis, also jumped out. The North Korean spokesperson condemned the joint military exercise of the United States, Japan, South Korea and other countries, saying that the military exercise was another major military provocation against North Korea, undermining regional peace and security, and Announce that the North Korean army is on standby!

After seeing the news, domestic netizens immediately became angry.

"I~ Fuck, we just had a military parade yesterday, and they announced today that they will hold a joint military exercise in front of our house. This is Chi Guoguo's provocation, absolutely unbearable!"

"I don't understand why the Americans want to make trouble with our country?"

"Brothers upstairs, in fact, as long as you analyze deeply, you can find that neither the Americans nor the so-called opponents or potential opponents they think can get along with each other. During World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union were comrades-in-arms. As soon as it ended, the Americans directly directed the Cold War that lasted half a century, until the Soviet Union was completely dragged down; Japan was its hardcore younger brother, but when Japan's national strength was growing, it was the yin and yang of the United States that came together As a result, the Japanese economy is still struggling to recover; even in Europe, its ancestral land, the Americans are not merciless, and weaken Europe whenever they have the opportunity. The refugee crisis in Europe some time ago was deliberately arranged by the United States ..."

"None of these countries is good! Japan's militarism is shit, so I can't explain it. Indonesia is a fighter jet among garbage. It has massacred and destroyed Chinese many times in history, burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil. And the whole nation is like this. The Philippines is a clown who jumps around in the South China Sea from time to time. It disgusts our country. The hijacking of Hong Kong tourists back then directly exposed the ugly nature of everyone in this country. Besides, Vietnam is a white-eyed wolf , we once helped it fight against the United States, but in the blink of an eye it colluded with the former Soviet Union and fought a war with our country..."

"That's right, none of these countries is good, so they must be severely abused during the military exercise! Looking forward to it!"

"The combined military strength of these countries is not ordinary, so we can't be too optimistic."

"Don't raise the morale of others and destroy your prestige. I believe the country must have made a big move, otherwise it would not agree to participate in the joint military exercise."

While the whole country was talking about it, the country also officially launched a series of actions, summoned ambassadors from various countries, and gradually disintegrated the alliance that the Americans intended to build, and achieved great results. Facts have proved that the country is still very good at handling international relations.

Fast forward to October 5th.

In the South China Sea, there are vast expanses of blue waves and clear skies.

A huge fleet appeared in the sea area, adding a bit of murderous potential to the beautiful South China Sea. (To be continued.)

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