Urban Inventor

Chapter 265 2021, A Space Odyssey

Technology, especially the core technology at the strategic level, represents the hard power of a country and also represents the status of the country. Pen × Fun × Pavilion. . Take the atomic bomb as an example. After the birth of the atomic bomb, countries in the world were divided into two levels: countries with nuclear weapons and countries without nuclear weapons. It is precisely because China has the atomic bomb and has become a nuclear power that it has established its status as a world power.

If China hadn't invented the atomic bomb, it would be hard to imagine that we would be able to live in peace and tranquility now. Thinking pessimistically, perhaps Taiwan would still be representing China in the United Nations, and perhaps the Soviet Union would not have millions of troops on the Chinese border but would directly attack China. Come over, maybe the United States will fight against China everywhere, until China is under its "democratic" banner, maybe poverty, backwardness, and hunger will become the main theme of today's China, just like today's North Korea...

The space technology possessed by Zhang Wei is more important than the atomic bomb technology. It is a national weapon that can change the country's destiny, and it is a country's avenue to the sky. How can such technology be given to other countries? Even if you want to give it, you will use the obsolete technology to exchange benefits after you have more advanced technology. All countries in the world do this.

In addition to space technology, Zhang Wei's controllable nuclear fusion technology is also a strategic-level core technology. It is an important weapon that can make a country take off, and it is also impossible to give it to other countries. Therefore, after the country obtained the controllable nuclear fusion technology from Zhang Wei, it has done a lot of preparatory work in order to firmly control this technology in its own hands, and do not share technology with other countries. If you have If necessary, I can help you build a nuclear fusion power station. Of course, there is a fee, and the fee is quite high.

Therefore, no matter how other countries jump around, it is impossible to obtain related technologies from China, and even related products cannot be bought, such as the spacecraft of Future Technology Company, which is definitely not for sale!

In fact, the United States, Russia, India and other countries all understand this truth, so they did not pin their hopes on China, but chose to develop it themselves. And seeing that the gap with China is getting wider and wider, they are becoming more and more impatient, and their investment in space technology is also increasing.

Just when the governments of various countries are in a hurry because of the large technological gap, the global media is also in a hurry. They have to rush to attend the press conference of the future technology company. Don't even think about it, according to Zhang Wei's usual style, this press conference will definitely be very exciting.

Netizens are also full of expectations for this press conference, and they are discussing what surprises Zhang Wei will bring to everyone at this press conference.

"Zhang Wei said yesterday that the Mars program and space tourism will be announced at today's press conference. This is what I am most looking forward to."

"It takes eight hours to go to the moon. It doesn't take long at all. If the price is within my tolerance, I will definitely go. By the way, I also want to leave a sentence on the moon: Wang Weimin is here for a visit."

"I rub,

Even the moon will be captured by "xxx came here for a visit", I really knelt down. "

"I just hope that Zhang Wei will announce the plan to emigrate to the moon, and by the way, also announce the plan to emigrate to Mars. At that time, I will no longer be an earthling, I will be a moonman or a Martian."

"I hope that Zhang Wei can develop a flying car that can fly from the earth to the moon, uh... At this time, it should not be called a flying car, but an aircraft. As for the shape, it is designed in the shape of a flying saucer. What do you all think of my idea?"

"Young man has a bright future. It's a good idea. In the future, we can drive flying saucers to alien planets and become aliens in the eyes of aliens."

In anticipation, the press conference of the future technology company finally started.

The attention of this press conference is no less than that of intelligent robots or Deep Blue 1, even more. After all, the future technology company has just completed such feats as manned moon landing and smashing a comet, which means that human beings have already broken free. It also means that this press conference is of great significance and may change the future of mankind.

The headlines on the front pages of major Internet portals around the world are all about this press conference.

Major video sites and live streaming sites are also broadcasting the press conference live.

Countless viewers are looking forward to it, waiting for Zhang Wei to bring them a surprise. Even the most popular live broadcast industry has been affected. The usually popular Internet anchors are completely ignored, and the anchors can only follow helplessly. Go watch the press conference of the future technology company.

Amidst the applause like the tide, Zhang Wei stepped onto the stage of the press conference. As a veteran Jianghu, he behaved very calmly.

"In the classic work "2001, A Space Odyssey" by the science fiction writer Arthur Clarke, the earth at the beginning of the 21st century, the development of near-Earth space has been socialized and commercialized, and the space city in the earth's orbit has regular flights to the moon Spaceships have also built dungeons on the moon. Human beings have the ability to organize large-scale manned voyages to the outer planets of the solar system, and have an aerospace propulsion system that combines traditional chemical power and nuclear power.

However, in the past 50 years, the development level of space technology is obviously far from what science fiction predicts today. Since Apollo 17 landed on the moon for the last time in 1972, human space technology has been crawling at a "turtle speed". Except for the electronic field, there has been almost no substantial progress in other fields.

This is mainly because the human beings were able to launch the moon landing project in pursuit of political effects, and the political environment is changing rapidly. The changes in the political environment have caused the development of space technology to fall into an underestimation, and because human beings cannot see visible benefits in space, they cannot It is that there is no commercial value, and capital will not invest in things without commercial value, which basically makes human beings lose the motivation to develop space technology, and the focus of space exploration has shifted from the starry sky to the ground.

Human beings have taken the first step out of the cradle, and then taken back the steps. It has to be said that this is a regrettable thing. If human beings persist in vigorously developing space technology, perhaps we have already stepped into space, and it is not impossible to colonize the moon, or even colonize Mars.

However, we can now proudly announce that human beings will take back their steps and step into space, and will never take it back again. The scene in "2001, A Space Odyssey" will soon become a reality. Of course, it has now It's not 2001 anymore, it's 2021.

I hereby declare that the future technology company will build a small moon base suitable for human habitation within three years. This moon base has the same gravity as the earth and can effectively defend against space radiation and meteorites. Advances have been made in this regard, and it may also be possible to make this moon base self-sufficient to a certain extent.

In addition, the future technology company also plans to expand the moon base within five years and build a city that can accommodate 300,000 people. There are farms, factories, residential areas, commercial areas, and earth cities in this city. With everything you have, you also have enough defense capabilities to deal with threats from space such as meteorites. At that time, as long as they have passed the review of the future technology company, they can apply to live in this lunar city.

As for my ultimate goal, it is to completely transform the moon into a colonized planet for the earth, build a large number of cities, and build a transportation network to connect these cities. It may take a long time to achieve this goal, but I believe that most people will be able to see this day. At that time, there may be many viewers who are watching the live broadcast to travel to the moon and even become moon residents. "

As soon as Zhang Wei finished speaking, the scene was completely overwhelmed by applause. (To be continued.)

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