Urban Inventor

Chapter 365 Sweeping the World

The press conference ended like this. Zhang Wei left the scene, returned to the scientific research building, and dealt with other matters calmly, while the whole world was boiling over for this press conference. For them, everything had just begun.

The reporters are busy writing reports. In their opinion, there are too many news points today, whether it is the content of virtual worlds such as "Lord God Space" and "Second World", or the price of virtual helmets, or what can be bought in Free access to virtual worlds around the world is a major story worth reporting.

The audience is discussing enthusiastically, and many people are already calling for friends, preparing to enter the "Lord God Space" and form a reincarnation team; some people have already started to use the 3D shooting function of Deep Blue 1 to shoot the interior of their home and surrounding buildings Constructed, they are going to upload the data as soon as "Second World" is opened; there are also bear children hugging their parents' thighs, blinking their cute big eyes, crying and shouting to buy a virtual helmet, but they won't buy it Don't let go.

Tencent, Alibaba, Fcaebook, Wal-Mart, KFC, and countless other companies have also started to take action, and they have made great efforts to promote their products in the virtual world, preparing to seek huge benefits.

There is no doubt that the virtual world of future technology companies will achieve unprecedented success and become the sole hegemon in this field. Even if other companies develop similar products in the future, they will not be able to shake the status of future technology companies.

The reason is simple. Users are already accustomed to the virtual world of future technology companies. Even if previous users are accustomed to Microsoft's Windows operating system, if there is no epoch-making disruptive product, users will never abandon their habits.

However, the possibility of defeating future technology companies in the field of technology is too small!

It didn't take long for news from major media outlets around the world to come out.

"Today's Toutiao": "This is another world-changing conference! Why do you say again? Because the company that held this conference is called Future Technology Company, and it has held many world-changing conferences!

Although the theme of this press conference is the virtual world, we cannot ignore the quantum computer and quantum communication technology mentioned by Dr. Zhang.

Commercial-grade quantum computers have inestimable academic and industrial value. For human civilization, it is a real big step. Just like the steam engine is a symbol of industrial civilization, the breakthrough in computing power brought by quantum computers will have similar significance, and it will become the engine of future technology. Its birth means the end of the era of microelectronics and the advent of the quantum era.

Quantum communication technology, this non-eavesdropping and non-copyable information transmission method, can guarantee the absolute security of information transmission. This is the only way to physically guarantee information security. It will bring revolutionary changes to the field of information security. .

In addition, quantum communication also solves the problem of long-distance communication. Even thousands of light-years away, you can get in touch with the earth instantly, which has laid a solid foundation for human space exploration! "

"Wall Street Journal": "Future technology companies have created a rich ecological chain for the virtual world. Internet giants such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter have all invested in the embrace of the virtual world. Traditional companies such as Wal-Mart and KFC have also joined the virtual world. Even Hollywood giants such as Warner Bros., Disney Pictures, Paramount, and 20th Century Fox have embraced the thighs of the virtual world, because according to expert analysis, in the future, audiences will be more inclined to watch movies in cinemas in the virtual world. Movies, therefore, the virtual world will become the biggest cinema!

It can be said that all aspects of people's lives will be greatly changed because of the virtual world, and the virtual world will also become the real second world of human beings! "

"The Times": "According to expert analysis, the virtual world will have a major impact on the human spiritual world. After all, players are always immersed in this virtual world, and it is inevitable that they will be mentally dependent. When he suddenly leaves the virtual world, It will cause resistance to the real world, and feel that the love affairs encountered in that space have disappeared in reality, and the emotional gap is obvious. The more serious possibility is that the real and virtual worlds cannot be distinguished, especially the virtual world. There are still many games with violent content in the world. Players are likely to bring the violence in the game into real life, treat reality as a virtual scene, and engage in equal confrontation. If the prediction comes true, it will be a bit like Catch up with the terrorist attack!"

These news appeared on all channels such as the Internet, TV, newspapers, radio, etc., making everyone accept the indiscriminate bombardment of the virtual world. Those who did not watch the live broadcast of the press conference also learned about the magic of the virtual world through these news. They all made up their minds to buy a virtual helmet.

This epoch-making product, priced at RMB 9,999, is destined to be irresistible.

In just two days, 72 million sets of virtual helmets and 970,000 sets of virtual nutrition cabins were sold, setting off a whirlwind in the virtual world around the world, and this is just the beginning. According to market evaluation, virtual helmets The demand in three years will exceed 2.5 billion sets, and future technology companies are already doing their best to increase production capacity to meet this crazy demand. Although 2.5 billion sets of virtual helmets means that future technology companies will lose 4.6 trillion yuan, but Zhang Wei doesn't care about this, because the revenue of the virtual world in three years will definitely exceed 4.6 trillion yuan!

With the hot sale of virtual helmets, countless users flooded into the virtual world, making the virtual world lively all of a sudden, and the "Lord God Space" and "Second World" that performed brilliantly at the press conference became the favorites of users. For the products played, the number of simultaneous online users of "Lord God Space" exceeded 17 million, and the number of concurrent online users of "Second World" exceeded 56.3 million, which made the global media stunned!

In addition to individual users, there are also many organizations contacting future technology companies to purchase virtual helmets in large quantities!

For example, the military! The military has long been aware of the importance of the virtual world, and has even developed a virtual world combat training platform with the technical support of Future Technology Corporation. How to suppress!

Some schools and companies also want to try to move teaching and work into the virtual world. Therefore, they not only want to purchase virtual helmets, but also want to obtain technical support from future technology companies to build a similar environment.

Time flies, and before you know it, a month and a half have passed.

During this month and a half, the virtual world became popular all over the world, and the number of users exceeded 100 million! According to media surveys, these 100 million users have never logged in to the Internet after owning the virtual helmet. This is the current trend. The virtual world is booming, and the Internet is dying!

With the gradual popularization of the virtual world, the entire human society has undergone major changes.

In companies, in schools, in streets, in hotels... in every corner of the earth, people are talking about virtual worlds, even on the moon and in spaceships in space, many people are talking about virtual worlds.

After get off work and school, those white-collar workers and students who own virtual helmets rush back home, put on virtual helmets, and enter the virtual world. Because of being too fascinated by the virtual world, many strange things happened in many families. Some young couples are addicted to the virtual world. Although they live together, they hardly communicate in the real world. Afterwards, the two of them lay on the same bed and spent all their time in the virtual world. Watching movies, shopping, playing games, and socializing were all carried out in the virtual world, and even having sex was also in the virtual world. ongoing.

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