Urban Inventor

Chapter 389 Earthlings Are Too Powerful

Pegasus, Capitol, a conference room.

All the top leaders of the Pegasus Republic are holding an emergency meeting.

"Can I get in touch with Earth civilization? Ask what they want to do? Can it be resolved through peaceful means?"

The president of the Pegasus Republic with a horse face frowned, looked at the most senior old scientist in the Republic, and asked.

"Your Excellency, we have sent a signal to the other party's detector, but the other party has not responded, which shows that the other party has no intention of communicating with us at all. This detector is here to collect our information. Then, they may They will find our weakness, and then send a fleet to give us a fatal blow and occupy our planet. Perhaps... we may disappear completely, just like the gorilla, unicorn and blue blood that we wiped out."

The old scientist seems desperate for the future of the Pegasus.

"Damn! You cowardly fellow, you are cowardly before you fight, you are not worthy of being a Pegasus!"

The president roared angrily, "We Tianma people have a civilization of 8,000 years. We have gone through countless hardships to have a good day today. We can definitely defeat the people on Earth! Now, open your eyes and look at this world, here is our civilization , there are our 3.7 billion people here, as well as your family, do you want to watch them disappear from this world?"

"Now, I hope you will take up the courage, use your wisdom, and come up with a way to intercept the earth's detector. We can't let it detect more data. Moreover, if we get this detector, we can definitely greatly improve Our technological level gives us more confidence to deal with people on Earth."

The president walked up to the old scientist and said word by word, "The fate of 3.7 billion people is tied to you, please cheer up."

"Your Excellency, according to our observations, the speed of the earth's detectors has reached 0.8 times the speed of light, and we can make the speed of the spaceship reach 0.1 times the speed of light at most, which means that they have mastered technology beyond our era. And we It was also discovered that the detectors of the people on Earth have energy shields, which means that our attacks are basically ineffective against them. It is conservatively estimated that we are 200 years behind them. This gap makes our hope of victory... equal to zero."

The old scientist said with a desolate look, "We are 3.1 light years away from the people on Earth, so the people on Earth can receive the data from their probes about 3.1 years later, and their fleet will take about 3.9 years to arrive. Here, we have seven years in total. Your Excellency, I hope you can use these seven years to make two-handed preparations. First, organize some elites, bring the best sperm and fertilized eggs, and leave here to find other suitable ones. Living on the planet, multiplying the Pegasus civilization; second, building a defense system, but at most we can cause a small loss to the people on earth, and the hope of victory...is still equal to zero. Therefore, if the people on earth really come, our best choice It is to surrender directly, so as not to offend them, so that we have no chance to surrender. Alas, I hope they are willing to accept our surrender, and not come here for destruction."

Well, the old scientists didn't know that there was a quantum communication device on Probe 1, which could transmit information back to Earth in an instant.

"Damn it, I want you to come up with a way to intercept the Earthman's probe, not to sing dirges."

The president was outraged.

"The other party has probably collected enough information, and we really shouldn't offend the other party anymore..."

The old scientist's words finally made the president unbearable. The president called the guards, sent the old scientists home to rest, and then asked the guards to find some scientists who could stay calm in the face of danger for a meeting.

However, the old scientist's suggestion was deeply imprinted in the president's mind, and he had to make two-handed preparations to ensure the continuation of Tianma civilization.

"Your Excellency, I think things may not be as pessimistic as we imagined. If you think about it, it only takes 3.9 years for people on Earth to reach us,

If they really wanted to invade, it would have been long overdue. Therefore, this time it may be because we sent a probe to them and offended them. If we lower our profile and give them enough compensation, they may forgive us. "

Suddenly, someone spoke.

"Yes, there is such a possibility."

The president's eyes lit up like a drowning man grasping at straws.

After finishing speaking, he regretted the behavior of sending the detector before, why should he provoke the people on Earth? It was ridiculous and sad to think of conquering the earthlings at the beginning. By the way, we have launched a lot of probes, wouldn't each probe attract a powerful civilization?

Thinking of this, the president felt his scalp go numb, damn, the universe is too scary!

Well, poor president, scared yourself enough.

However, one day later, all the lucky Tianma people gave up, because the probes of the earthlings were getting closer and closer to Tianma, and they were obviously heading for Tianma. And no matter how you contact them, the people on Earth will not respond, which is obviously ulterior motives.

The president is willing to apologize and compensate, but he never wants to surrender. Therefore, he stepped forward and announced that Tianma Star has entered a state of war, and all resources will serve the war.

Various propaganda campaigns followed.

"Join the army and defend your homeland."

"The brave Pegasus will surely defeat the evil Earthlings."

"Defend Pegasus and resist the people on Earth."

"Everyone on Tianma, please take up your weapons and fight back against the people on Earth."

For a time, the entire Tianma Star was arguing against the people of the earth, and the hearts of the people were unprecedentedly united, and Tianma Star also entered an era of vigorous construction.

It is worth mentioning that the science and technology of the Tianma civilization is quite developed, and the industrial productivity is also very strong. After making up their minds to resist the invaders from the earth at all costs, the Tianma civilization began to mine resources on Tianma and the surrounding planets, and then Send it to the industrial base and turn it into steel and other materials to make spaceships and robots and send it to space.

However, ordinary Tianma people don't know that at least one-third of the resources will be used to build a "Heaven Fleet", named "Heaven", in the hope that this fleet can bring some elites of Tianma people to find a A heavenly planet, continuing the Tianma civilization.

In addition, there are also people who are secretly joining forces. According to their plan, if the people on earth really come and are so powerful that they are unrivaled, then they will voluntarily surrender. And they also have a headache, that is how to contact the earthlings. You know, they have been sending signals to the earthlings' detectors, but they have never received a response.

On that day, the president ordered the military to use laser cannons to attack the earth's detectors. When the laser cannons were fired, they were full of hope, hoping that the laser cannons could destroy the detectors. This proved that they had hope to fight the earth. people.

However, reality gave them a slap in the face. Because their laser cannons were not powerful enough, the first 20 laser cannons didn't even break the detector's energy shield.

Later, the intelligence brain of No. 1 detector also took the initiative to close the energy shield, allowing Tianma’s laser cannon to hit the detector. Unfortunately, no damage was caused, because the material used for the outer shell of the detector not only has self-healing function, It is also a highly reflective material that can scatter laser cannons that hit it into space. Of course, this material has a damage threshold. As long as the energy of the laser cannon is high enough, it can penetrate this material after being blocked, but the laser cannon of the Pegasus can't.

This day was the darkest day in the history of the Tianma people. Countless Tianma people gritted their teeth and felt unspeakable fear: "The people on Earth are too powerful. Just a detector makes us helpless. When their When the fleet arrives, our end will come."


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