Urban Inventor

Three hundred and ninetieth chapters start immigration work

Although there are still some people in the six major federations who are against joining China, and there are even demonstrations and protests, but the general trend has been achieved, and these people can no longer afford to make waves.

On the day of the press conference, although most of the newcomers to China were still a little uncomfortable, they had accepted the status of Chinese citizens and began to work hard to adapt to this status. The first thing they did was to figure out how much China contributed. What is it? This is closely related to their future lives, especially the genetic evolution fluid and biological computer, which are all bound to the contribution.

The major consortiums of the six major federations are all smiling, and some people have even opened champagne to celebrate. In the process of China's domination of the earth, they are the most active, and their contributions are indelible.

Why are they doing this?

The reason is simple, interest.

Marx said: "If there is a 10% profit, capital will be guaranteed to be used everywhere; if there is a 20% profit, capital will be active; if there is a 50% profit, capital will take risks; for 100% profit, capital will be used everywhere." dare to trample on all the laws of the world; with a profit of more than 300%, capital dares to commit any crime.”

That's the case with these consortiums. For so many years, because the future technology companies and China refused to allow foreigners and foreign capital to buy spaceships, they could only watch the Chinese make a windfall in space, dragging back an asteroid would cost hundreds of billions, let no one Few people have advanced to become trillionaires, and the Samsung consortium in South Korea is their role model. Originally, they should not be eligible to buy spaceships, but since South Korea merged into China, Samsung spent a huge amount of money to buy a large number of spaceships. Now at least Earned 5 trillion from space! Moreover, there is not only endless wealth in space, but also the possibility of becoming an interstellar lord, such a good thing, how can you miss it! Since you have to become a Chinese citizen to have this opportunity, then become a Chinese citizen. As for the motherland, in the face of thousands of percent interests, hehe, do you still need to consider it? Therefore, after receiving the promise from China, they resolutely became the "glorious" fifth column, guiding public opinion, manipulating parliamentarians, and trumpeting the benefits of joining China.

Now, they finally succeeded, how can they not celebrate it?

As for the original Chinese people, opinions vary.

Some people cheered, thinking that this is a grand event that shines through the past and is another great achievement of the Chinese nation.

Some people are amazed that China first achieved reunification by peaceful means and annexed many surrounding countries, and now it is still using peaceful means to dominate the world.

Some people think that this is a great success. The six major federations, especially the African Federation, the Arab Federation, and the Southeast Asian Federation, are not necessary for China now, but a heavy burden. You know, with the gene After the evolution fluid and the medical cabin, within a hundred years, the number of deaths will be pitifully small, and the population will continue to grow explosively. In addition, if the ethnic and religious issues in these areas are not handled properly, troubles may arise in the future.

Someone warned that when you are strong, what is not yours may become yours; when you are weak, what is yours may become what is not yours. The Soviet Union is a negative lesson. It was formed by the fusion of multiple ethnic groups and countries, but when the Soviet Union declined, it collapsed overnight.

So, the state has to do two things. First, maintain the prosperity of the country and move forward steadily, especially to ensure that there is enough land. When the land is not enough, a sick society will inevitably appear, social development will slow down, or even regress, and people's hearts will be unstable. Second, follow the example of Qin Shihuang's "cars on the same track, books on the same text", eliminate cultural differences and ethnic differences, and form a unified culture and a unified nation. Of course, the means cannot be as drastic as Qin Shihuang's, and relatively gentle means should be used to achieve this goal subtly. As for the unified culture, of course it is the Han culture.

The unified nation is the Chinese nation. Don’t think that this is impossible. You must know that there was no such name as the Han nationality in history. During the Han Dynasty, all ethnic groups in the north and northwest called the people of the Han Dynasty "Qin people", while the people of the Han Dynasty called themselves "Chinese people". During the Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, "Han people" was accepted as a concept of nationality by both Han and non-Han.

In any case, China's global domination is already a fait accompli, and what China has to do is to continue to move forward with its head held high.

After the press conference, just as Zhang Wei was about to leave the venue, he found that many people were walking towards him with smiles. They were all big names, such as Ali and Tencent’s two pony brothers, Jeb Rockefeller, the heir of the Rockefeller family, Google founder Larry Page...

In other words, Zhang Wei has already become the most powerful and influential person in the world. People on the earth probably want to make friends with him. However, he rarely appears in public, and hardly receives reporters and strange visitors. Therefore, it is difficult to meet him, let alone make friends. Now, these big shots have finally met Zhang Wei, how could they not come to say hello in person, spy on the information by the way, and see when the future technology company plans to immigrate, and would they like to bring their consortiums to play together?

After working for a long time, Zhang Weicai finished entertaining these people. However, he did not return to Mars immediately, but played on Earth. Since we are in the capital, the first stop is of course Tsinghua University. President Liu has retired, and the people in the school have changed after another. It is no longer the campus he is familiar with. Fei felt emotional, there are still more than two years before he will leave the solar system, and when he returns to the solar system, the earth and Mars should have changed a lot.

However, he immediately laughed again, it's not good to be so pretentious, people, always look forward, as long as life is as good as possible, and friends are as good as possible, why should you care about what is right and what is wrong?

After finishing watching Tsinghua University, Zhang Wei went to his first office, which was the three-story factory building with a single family, and then went to Zhongyun City without stopping...

That night, Zhang Weicai boarded the spacecraft headed for the moon, but when he just sat on the seat, his body tilted and fell down.

Well, this is actually because Zhang Wei, who is far away on Mars, has finished manipulating this double. Zhang Wei is quite satisfied with his performance today. He used the double to perfectly deceive everyone. Well, his acting skills are already good Comparable to the actor.


Unknowingly, more than three months have passed. After China unified the world, although some disharmonious incidents occurred, they were quickly suppressed by the lightning strike of the wireless power transmission system. The whole earth showed a prosperous trend, and once again The process of national integration has quietly started, but ordinary people don't realize this, they just feel that their lives are getting better and better, especially for most African black uncles, the minimum guarantee system in China, that is If you are satisfied, you can't be more satisfied. You don't work every day. You sing and dance during the day, and study the great cause of human creation at night. At the beginning of the month, you will go to receive the subsistence allowance. However, this will not actually cause any burden to the country, because the land in Africa can fully support these people. The life of the consortia of the original six major federations was also quite prosperous. On the day of the unification of the earth, they spent at least half of their belongings on the purchase of spaceships, and then hired a group of people to go to space exploration with great interest. The planetary belt is running out of valuable asteroids, but the Kuiper belt is still a treasure trove.

At this time, at the Future Technology Company, after several months of discussions, the government structure, law, education, welfare, industry and other issues of the Eternal Kingdom have finally been settled.

The next job is to select qualified immigrants.

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