Urban Sims

Chapter 145

Daming Palace, inside Fengtian Hall.

In front of Zhou Ming, there was a pile of memorials that looked like a hill, half as tall as a man.

Wu Mei pointed at the pile of memorials and said to Zhou Ming with a proud look on her face: "Zihua, these are officials and celebrities from all over the world. They handed over tens of thousands of persuasion forms, all urging the Ai family to ascend the throne... The people's hearts are strong. It’s hard to disobey.”

She has been planning carefully for this moment for seven years, overcoming numerous obstacles and pulling out countless roadblocks. Finally, at the age of 67, she saw the dawn of her dream coming true.

Along the way, she has sacrificed a lot. Four of the seven children she gave birth to died directly or indirectly in her own hands, but she has no regrets at all. In order to realize her dream, in order to make a difference for any man She is willing to pay any price for a great cause that cannot be achieved.

In other words, in order to prove that women are not weaker than men, and to prove that women can also sit on that high dragon throne, she abandoned everything that could be discarded. She spent her whole life manipulating power, using ambition and conspiracy to peek step by step. The supreme artifact that she had coveted for a long time, she used her staff to control the hearts of the people, relied on the clan, and attracted all the forces that could be attracted... and finally gathered momentum, turning the world around and bringing good luck.

Now, the only thing left is to add a yellow robe and ascend to the extreme position.

“Although there are many forms of persuasion to advance here, the invisible voices of opposition are ten to a hundred times greater than here.”

Looking at the confident Wu Mei, Zhou Ming said in a deep voice and poured a basin of cold water on her.

"Of course Aijia knows."

Wu Mei didn't take it seriously and turned to him and said: "So, these suggestions are missing the most important part. I want you, the best scholar in the world, to write them out for me!"

The word "I" suddenly came out of Wu Mei's mouth, and Zhou Ming was shocked. He felt an endless pressure squeezing from the surrounding air, making it difficult for him to breathe, his knees became weak, and he almost knelt down.

This... this kind of power, Wu Mei has mastered it to such an astonishing degree. Although it is mysterious and fantastic, Zhou Ming, who has had this kind of authority, knows that once the king masters this kind of authority, the king's will will be controlled. It cannot be violated. The so-called word becomes a constitution. One word can determine life or death, and one word can determine countless fates. Others can only obey orders and have no power to oppose.

"Your Majesty, I wish Zihua could not obey her orders and dare not write this form of persuasion!"

What surprised Wu Mei was that under the pressure of endless power, Zhou Ming not only did not kneel down, but directly rejected her request.

"Bold! Tian Zihua, you dare to disobey my will, do you want to die?!"

Wu Mei was furious and her face turned livid. This Tian Zihua had helped her do various things, large and small, in the past few years and rarely violated her will, but today, he dared to reject her outright.

You are simply looking for death!

Zhou Ming bowed his hands and said, "Queen Mother, if other things are okay, Zihua can agree to it, but Zihua will definitely not be able to write out this advice!"

If he had written this letter of "Encouragement" and acted as a yes-man for Wu Mei, the lofty reputation and glorious image he had worked so hard for many years would collapse and be destroyed in one day, and he would be criticized by thousands of people and criticized by thousands of people. In the circle of later generations of literati, he will become a typical representative of the loss of morale and moral integrity, and will be infamy for ever.

After all, the literati in the world are extremely dissatisfied with Wu Mei for using dark means to steal the supreme artifact. If Zhou Ming, the best scholar in the world, is allowed to write a persuasion form to endorse her, on the one hand, it will soften some literati. On the other hand, his position will divert the firepower, causing many voices of dissatisfaction and anger to be transferred to Zhou Ming's head.

Therefore, Wu Mei's calculation was very shrewd. She actually wanted to step on the shoulders of Zhou Ming, the world's best celebrity, and ascend to the great treasure.

As for whether Zhou Ming personally agrees or not, Wu Mei doesn't consider whether his reputation will get better or worse. He just needs to be her stepping stone and write a persuasion form.

"You dare to disobey me? Come here, push this thing down and beat it with a stick until it's dead!"

Wu Mei had no reason to argue, so she immediately asked the five martial arts masters to restrain Zhou Ming, dragged him to the execution room, and asked others to beat him hard with wooden sticks, trying to make him surrender.



The hard and thick wooden stick hit his butt hard, hundreds of times in a row. Zhou Ming wanted to resist, but he couldn't escape the joint suppression of five martial arts masters; He was beaten hard by the wooden stick three hundred times, and he screamed again and again, feeling like he would die.

But Zhou Ming still gritted his teeth and endured it with all his strength. He knew that Wu Mei would not kill him so easily. One, he was still worth using; It is impossible for him, Wu Mei not to have any worries...

However, women's thoughts are different from men's, and Zhou Ming cannot subjectively judge whether Wu Mei will really beat herself to death in a rage. He does not dare to risk his own life, so when he feels that he can't stand it anymore At that time, he was ready to relent and agreed to write the "Persuasion Form".

When he really couldn't stand it any longer, he was about to relent and give in, but the wooden stick stopped. It turned out that it was Lai Junchen who said a few words in Wu Mei's ear: "Tian Zihua is a famous person in the world. He should not be killed easily. If he dies like this, Being in the palace will definitely attract speculation from the world, increase variables, and hinder His Majesty from becoming emperor..."

"Hmph! Then put him in the sky prison, deprive him of food, starve him for three to five days, and see if he still talks hard!"

Half a day after entering the prison, Zhou Ming, feeling his belly growling and feeling hungry, asked the jailer to bring a pen and paper, and wrote a 3,000-word article in return. Gave it to Wu Mei.

The informer took the article and happily reported to Wu Mei: "Queen Mother, Tian Zihua has written a letter of persuasion, but if he has been hungry for half a day, he can't take it anymore. Queen Mother, here is the form of persuasion!"

"Is it written now? I thought he would suffer for a few more days..."

Hmph, Tian Zihua, you are nothing more than that!

Wu Mei accepted the article with joy, and after unfolding it, she saw the title, but her face froze. The title was three words good, but it was not at all persuasive, but another three words:

"Feminist Empowerment"

Wu Mei was a little annoyed, Tian Zihua, do you dare to play tricks again?

However, after reading the specific content of the article, the dissatisfaction on Wu Mei's face slowly dissipated, and instead she fell into deep thought.

It is true that this article is not the list of persuasion that Wu Mei wanted most, but in some respects, this "Women's Empowerment" is more in-depth and convincing than those vague persuasion lists.

Because, this article explains the development and source of women’s rights, saying that in the era of matriarchal society, for tens of thousands of years, women’s status was higher than that of men, because in that era, productivity was low, people drank blood, and fought with wild animals all the year round. The death rate is extremely high. Only the female leaders who are responsible for processing and distributing food in the rear can manage a tribe well. These female leaders are also responsible for making tools, weaving clothes, and having children, so that the tribe will continue to grow …

For example, in the legend, the goddess Nuwa who created mankind was actually the great leader of a large tribe.

However, with the development of productivity and tools, food became no longer scarce, and men began to have an absolute advantage in physical fitness. Women, who were physically inferior, gradually became men's appendages, with their status getting lower and lower, and their situation becoming more and more miserable. People have also forgotten the great contributions made by those great female leaders in the matriarchal society era to the continuation of human civilization. Instead, they have set up three obediences, four virtues and various regulations, and the persecution of women has become increasingly serious...

This is very cruel and immoral and should be changed.

In addition, this article also predicts: With the development of the times, the status of women will definitely be improved in the future, and women will be more patient in handling tedious affairs, more able to allocate resources carefully, and more compassionate, thereby reducing killing... So It is said that having women lead the subjects of a country not only symbolizes the progress of a civilization, but is not necessarily a bad thing, and may also bring many benefits.

"Your Majesty, this "Ode to Women's Rights" is not as straightforward as what Quan Jinbiao said, but it is still quite well-founded and reasonable... If this article is widely publicized and read by literati and celebrities all over the world, it will surely stir up excitement. It will have a better effect than persuading people to enter the table...it will give you some legal basis for ascending to the throne."

After reading the article, his confidant Lai Junchen said to Wu Mei.

"What do you mean, you don't want to force Na Tian Zihua to write another form of persuasion?"

"Having this "Feminist Endowment" is enough!" Lai Junchen nodded.

The man who just came in to report asked: "So, Queen Mother, should Tian Zihua be released? Just now he said in prison that he was hungry and asked the villain to bring him food."

"Give him food and keep him locked up! Make him suffer for a while longer!"

Wu Mei still doesn't understand her hatred and wants to fix Tian Zihua again.

A few days later.

Through the platform of Zihua Bookstore, a new article written by Mr. Zihua appeared in the latest issue of "Collected Works of Zihua" for the first time in a long time. Readers bought it one after another, and sales surged.

You should know that in the past ten years, Mr. Zihua has published fewer and fewer works in "Collected Works of Zihua". On the one hand, it may be because he is old and has almost exhausted all his treasures; on the other hand, when he was young, Mr. Zihua, who left tens of thousands of poems and nearly a thousand articles, has written everything that needs to be written. There is no need to write similar things anymore.

However, even so, Mr. Zihua's fame has not declined at all, but has more readers and fans, because most of the excellent comic works in the "Comics" journal were created under his guidance and are extremely influential.

In addition, in the field of poetry and articles, although Mr. Zihua has published few works, he is still a representative of high quality. As long as readers have heard that Mr. Zihua's works will be published in the latest issue of "Collected Works of Zihua", even if it is just A five-character poem of more than 20 words can also bring about a 10% sales increase.

Not to mention, a long article of three thousand words that can satisfy readers.

In short, the sales volume of this issue of "Collected Works of Zihua" distributed nationwide has exceeded a record high, reaching 550,000 copies.


After readers read this issue of "Zihua Collected Works" and "Feminist Endowment" written by Tian Zihua, countless readers instantly turned from fans to fans and cursed:

"Tian Zihua, you have fallen! You wrote such a ridiculous article and you dared to speak for that powerful woman. I am so angry and so angry!"

"Is this still the free and uninhibited Tian Zihua from before, who doesn't bow down to the powerful? I didn't expect that he would turn out to be such a sycophant and a person with broken moral integrity!"

"Women's rights, what rights do women have? It's women's rights to abide by women's duties and not have wishful thinking! Tian Zihua, if you speak for that snake and scorpion woman like this, is it possible that you are also a woman?"

"I'm disappointed, I'm so disappointed! Brother Zihua, from now on, I'll break up with you and divide my relationship! Don't treat me as a brother anymore, you are my enemy and enemy!" The relationship was good, but the man whose family was wiped out by Wu Mei and who yearned for revenge day and night said.

"Tian Zihua, if we don't have you as a student, you should never call us teacher again!" Several teachers from Wenyuan Academy also jointly wrote a letter of renunciation to Zhou Ming.

"Tian Zihua, I will not read your comics anymore! I have burned all the "Collected Works of Zihua" and comic books!"

"Gentlemen, I will stop going to that Deyun Club to watch performances. This Deyun Club is also the property of the 'Tian Feminist'. We should not do his business! Recently, the teacher's family opened a better ' Tingxuan Society', there is a 'Celestial Immortal 108 Combination' there, which is more beautiful than Yeyue Forty-Eight and has more people, so everyone goes to Tingxuan Society!"

Deyunshe's business plummeted, and Zhou Ming was nicknamed "Tian Nuquan".

"Mr. Zihua, we all support you! Mr. Zihua just said a few words of justice for me and other women. Why are you men so unforgiving and unyielding? Mr. Zihua is right! Women, why are you so ungrateful? Can't be an emperor? Why do you have to follow the way of women? Why can't you be above all men? Women once dominated the matrilineal era for tens of thousands of years, but now in the patriarchal era, how can women who have been oppressed for thousands of years Can't you exhale and raise your eyebrows?"

Among the endless accusations, only a few women stood by Zhou Ming and spoke for him.

Fortunately, in the past few days, Zhou Ming has been living in a sky prison with decent conditions, suffering from an injury on his buttocks. After the prison guard released the restrictions on visiting the prison, relatives came to visit him every day. He heard his wife Anping describe: When the door of the mansion at home could not be opened due to the rotten eggs thrown by vegetables, he breathed a sigh of relief, and was not in a hurry to apply to Wu Mei to get out of the prison, and planned to stay for a few more days until the limelight passed before going out.

Half a month has passed, and the social turmoil caused by "Girls' Power" has finally subsided a lot.

However, Zhou Ming, who had just applied to be released from prison, suddenly received a news like a bolt from the blue: Yesterday, in the latest issue of "Zihua Anthology", an author named Luo Binwang published an article "Refuting Women's Rights". "Ode to Feminism", a eloquent five thousand words, refuted "Feminist Ode" written by Zhou Ming, full of loopholes and embarrassing.

Not only that, in this issue of "Collected Works of Zihua", King Luo Bin also wrote an article "A Call for Wu for Xu Jingye", which scolded all eighteen generations of Wu Mei's ancestors, and also exploded her countless scandals. He secretly hacked Wu Mei out of Xiang, and then announced that he would raise 100,000 troops in Yangzhou. Together with General Xu Jingye, he would defeat the demon queen Wu Mei and support the Li Zhou royal family.

Moreover, out of the sympathy of celebrities, in this "Warning for Wu", Luo Binwang also opened his mind and broke a shocking news, saying: the demon queen Wu Mei, imprisoning celebrities, torture and torture, forced to write "Women's Empowerment" "In order to rectify his own name, he uses literary insects to confuse people's minds, pretend to be gods and ghosts, and do anything...

Seeing this, Zhou Ming smiled bitterly and said to the sky speechlessly: "King Luo Bin, you are trying to put me to death!"

"The Queen Mother has a decree to put Tian Zihua on death row, and he will be executed every day!"

A eunuch came to the prison where he was imprisoned and issued an edict in a cold tone.

Don't talk about abuse, the protagonist has no choice. The so-called demon queen, Shunchang is dead. The protagonist can survive, and he is careful enough. The next chapter will break the situation.

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