Urban Sims

Chapter 208 Legacy

Although there were some ups and downs in the more than twenty years that followed, Zhou Ming, who pursued stability above all else, managed to get through it safely.

Naturally, in the eyes of the children who continued to come to the forefront and gradually gained control of the Yuanyue Group, they lost their enterprising spirit and became extremely stubborn and conservative in the development of the family business. The "old man" became a constraint and obstacle to them. The biggest obstacle to their ambitions.

In addition, the old man is still clinging to the vital technology that can generate nearly 200,000 yuan in financial benefits every year. Millions of huge monetary assets are stored in the old man’s personal account, but he does not use a small part to support their career development. , the nickname "Scrooge" became something they often complained about behind their backs.

Zhou Ming, who did not receive medical treatment to extend his life and only relied on life-extending food, lived to the age of 118. His physical condition became worse day by day. After losing the ability to walk, he could only sit in a wheelchair and watch with cold eyes, those unscrupulous descendants were watching him. Various performances were performed in front of me.

Especially after he caught a cold, all his organs failed, and he was about to die soon. The sudden filial piety shown by these children and descendants in front of his bed made Zhou Ming want to look up to the sky and laugh.

In other words...looking up to the sky and smiling bitterly.

Family affection, interests.

Filial piety, inheritance.

Of course, these things, in this world, are always the latter.

Zhou Ming only has one son and one daughter, plus grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, and descendants, there are nearly a hundred people, six generations living under the same roof. Logically speaking, he should enjoy the peace and happiness in his later years. How could he be so discouraged and often smile bitterly.

"Everyone has become a slave to money, so why am I not the same?"

Yes, there is nothing to complain about. Even children as young as three or four know the importance of money, let alone adults with mature thinking.

They just follow the most common sense in this world: "Money is more important than everything".

It's just that Zhou Ming's inheritance is so huge and tempting that people can't help but think about it.

Even a few years ago, he spit out the Totsuki Group, which could generate tens of thousands of monetary benefits every year, but this was just a small head.

The remaining vitality technology and the millions of cash on him are the biggest piece of the cake.

Everyone wants to take a big bite, so it’s best to swallow it all.

this day.

In front of the bed.

Seeing that her father's breathing was weak and his face was not as good as it was a few days ago, the eldest daughter Tie Lanxin grabbed her father's hand and said in his ear: "Dad, do you want to call the lawyer over and explain the will?"

"That's right, Dad, hurry up and make a will! Everyone is here, let's explain everything that needs to be explained!"

His son Tie Haowen was also anxious and blurted out.

Zhou Ming opened his eyes, and a light that seemed to see through everything shot out. This absorbing light made Tie Lanxin and Tie Haowen horrified. A trace of panic flashed on their faces, and they all thought to themselves: Could it be that dad, he... knew?

After a long time, Zhou Ming shook his head gently and said slowly: "I made a will twenty years ago. Do you still remember the ten-story hotel where our family lived for eighteen years? A small restaurant?”

"Remember to remember!"

Tie Lanxin and Tie Haowen nodded at the same time.

"The will...I put it in a small silver box in your respective rooms. The password is your birthday. In the box is the best gift I can give you..."

Zhou Ming spoke intermittently, and felt that his consciousness had become a little blurry. When he realized that the moment seemed to be approaching, he speeded up the explanation.

He called Lawyer Gu and Gu Naifeng who were standing next to him, and said to them: "Xiaofeng has put in countless efforts in biotechnology, and has made a lot of achievements in the past few decades... I can't destroy your hard work, Xiaofeng, I can do it with peace of mind." 50% of the shares of the Life Extension Research Bar, Biotechnology, belong to you, and the remaining 50%, except Naihui, should be shared equally by everyone else in this room. If each person shares a little, he will not be full, nor will he starve to death. ."

Gu Naifeng's mouth opened wide in surprise. Half of the shares in Biotechnology Technology belong to me?

The others all looked at him with complex and inexplicable expressions on their faces, including jealousy, envy, dissatisfaction, and anger.

His son Tie Haowen couldn't help but said: "Dad, my uncle's surname is Gu, not..."

"That's enough! Get out of here, leave Naihui alone. I have something to say to her!"

After interrupting his son, Zhou Ming drove them all out of the room, leaving only his wife Gu Naihui alone.

After the others left, only Zhou Ming and Gu Naihui were left in the room.

"Old man, it's not like you don't have any money, why don't you stay with me for a few more years? If you leave, what's the point of living alone?"

Because she went to the best hospital and received the most expensive life-extending treatment, her wife Gu Naohui, who is two years older than Zhou Ming, still has supple skin and black hair. She looks like she is not even forty years old, with a face full of wrinkles and gray hair. Compared to the pale Zhou Ming, in the eyes of outsiders, they might look like a pair of grandparents.

At this time, Gu Naihui kept wiping the corners of his eyes and kept complaining, complaining that he was stupid and didn't want to live a few more years even if he had money, but was in a hurry to be buried.

Zhou Ming looked at her for a while, suddenly smiled, and asked her: "Naihui, I haven't given you a penny in all these years. The money for extending your life in the mid-term was also paid for by yourself. You still have money on your body now." How much money is left?”

"Why do you ask this suddenly?" Gu Naihui was stunned and asked with a strange look on his face.

"I'm just a little curious... Don't worry, I won't have any money ideas of yours. I'm going to die, so why do I need so much money?"

Zhou Ming said that before marrying Gu Naihui, although they agreed that all the money earned in the restaurant would belong to him, they did not say that the credits earned would not be shared with her, and that for a period of time, she would be in charge of the credit account. Zhou Ming didn't know exactly how much money she exchanged for credit points, but it must have been a lot.

"It looks like several thousand, but less than ten thousand." Gu Naihui thought for a while and said.

That’s more than nine thousand, which is pretty good.

"Naihui, have you ever regretted it in your heart, after following a selfish man like me?" Zhou Ming held her hand, which was as white as jade, gently rubbed it, and asked.

"No regrets!"

The woman shook her head firmly, held her husband's hand and said: "I married an amazing man! He is hundreds of times better than any man, and he is not selfish. I am the selfish one! Because I am afraid of death, I am afraid of aging...but you have never been afraid, never, and no difficulty can defeat you. You are the hero in my heart, and marrying you is the luckiest thing in my life. I am already very content. "

Hearing the woman's words, Zhou Ming sighed and said, "This way...are you satisfied?"

He also knew in his heart that he did not love this woman and was only marrying her to save some trouble.

But this woman really loves him, and he can feel it, because only this woman has been silently by his side in the loneliest years of his later years, making him feel that in this cold world, he can feel it. The warmth at the end...

So he decided that after he left, the last inheritance would be left to the woman who had accompanied him all the way.

So, he said to the woman:

"There is a money bank inheritance card in the bedside table in our room. All the money is in it. The initial password is your birthday, and your fingerprints, irises, and DNA are all entered. Wait until I die. Finally, this inheritance will automatically be yours. I know you like villas, hover cars, and some precious jewelry. You can buy whatever you want. However, I still recommend that you go to the upper area...that door. I also took you to see it, you should know how to get there..."

His voice became smaller and smaller: "Live the life you want, and forget about me as a man... In my life, I have always been for myself, for the money..."

The man's voice disappeared, the rise and fall of his chest disappeared, and his face looked peaceful, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

Gu Naihui, who was still in a daze, suddenly had countless bean-sized tears rolling out of her eyes, wailing: "Old man!"

Two days later.

At the intersection of Tianyang Road and Zhongxin Road in Yaoxing City, there is a ten-story building that is mottled and gray, has been uninhabited for a long time, and is covered with dust inside.

Tie Lanxin and Tie Haowen, the siblings who covered their noses and coughed a few times, entered the building, took the keys and went straight to their respective bedrooms.

When they opened the bedroom door, they were slightly surprised.

The room was neither dirty nor dusty. An old smart sweeping robot was cleaning the room tirelessly.

The interior layout is as usual, including old photos hanging on the walls, old toys scattered in the corners of the floor, and some clothes and shoes worn as a child, all in the room.

Both of them were stunned for a while, as countless images and memories poured out of their minds like fountains.

They immediately recalled the most carefree childhood and youth time spent by the two siblings in this hotel where they had lived for eighteen years.

At that time, my father was very busy every day, going to work very early and getting off work very late. Sometimes for a long time, they could not even see his father, even though the family lived in the same building.

My mother also often complained about my father, saying that he didn't care about anything except cooking and entertaining guests. It was as if the two children were not born by him.

At the same time, the two of them remembered that once their father spared time, he would play with them all day long, give them whatever they wanted, go wherever they wanted to play, and be as happy as they wanted... Even though such opportunities are rare, only a few times a year, the two siblings still miss them very much.

With this nostalgia in mind, the two siblings quickly found the box that belonged to them in their respective rooms. After entering the password, they both couldn't wait to open the box.

Upon seeing the contents of the box, Tie Haowen's body was shaken. He took out the contents of the box with slightly trembling hands, stared at them blankly, and then burst into tears.

This is a puppet toy, a lifelike human-shaped puppet carved out of a piece of wood. The puppet looks exactly like himself.

This was a birthday gift that his father promised to give him on his tenth birthday, but because he was too busy at work, he forgot about it. He was lost for a long time. Unexpectedly, his father still completed it.

Hey, there are small words on the back of the puppet.

When I took a closer look, it read: Baby, I’m sorry, happy birthday.


A burst of wailing sound startled Iron Blue Heart in the next room. He cursed in his mind and turned his attention back to the paper map in his hand.

The map is a map of Yaoxing City. There is a red dot on it and a green line extending from the urban area to the red dot. It is obvious that the location of the red dot is the most precious legacy left to her by her father.

Early the next morning.

I drove to a wilderness area more than 100 kilometers away. When I arrived at the edge of a magnetic road at the red dot, under the sunrise in the east, in the dazzling golden light, I saw the mountains on the other side of the mountain. In the sea of ​​iron orchids in the fairyland, just like my younger brother yesterday, the iron blue heart at this moment also burst into tears and stood stunned for a long time.

Looking at the sea of ​​flowers, Tie Haowen sighed: "Dad knows that your favorite is Tillandsia. My favorite is the wood-carved toy he made by himself. He has never forgotten it... He really gave it away." The best gift ever given to us.”

Tie Lanxin was still speechless. She just saw her father who had gone to heaven in the sea of ​​blue flowers, as if he was waving and smiling at her...

Sorry, it's a bit late

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