Urban Sims

Chapter 271 The Master’s Anger

In the vastness of space.

A space station is still orbiting the planet below, tirelessly moving in a uniform circular motion.

This space station is composed of hundreds of large and small cabins. On the long stick-shaped structure, six constantly rotating annular cabins are rotating at an angular speed of 5° per second. Under the action of centrifugal force, they can generate a gravity equivalent to 0.5G. .

The facilities in the space station are complete and there are many cabins. Some of the annular warehouses are even covered with a layer of soil and some flowers and plants are planted, making the interior of the space station very elegant.

In addition, there are some fitness equipment, swimming pools, entertainment, medical and other facilities... These complete facilities can allow hundreds of people to live a quite comfortable life in this miniature space city.

At the front end of the space station, there is the bridge hall, which has the largest internal space and is also the main control cabin.

Facing the console, a middle-aged man in silver clothing looked at the scrolling data displayed on the main screen of the console, frowning and lost in thought.

"No, these data are wrong."

These data seemed normal and in line with Shawn's law (similar to Benford's law), but the more he looked at it, the more the middle-aged man felt that something was not right.

When he glanced at a certain data, 51, the output of zirconium ore in a certain mining area dropped by 23% in October, the middle-aged man heard a rumble in his head and his body shook violently.

Wrong, this data is absolutely wrong!

Although the reason for the reduction in production is indicated behind this data - zirconium resources are about to be depleted, but according to the middle-aged man's experience, the output of mineral deposits that are about to be depleted will first increase and then plummet before they are completely depleted.

According to this report, zirconium ore production did increase by 5% in September, but the decline in October was definitely more than 23%, and should exceed 30%!

This is his intuitive judgment based on daily experience and humanities and sociology.

The middle-aged man flipped through the report again, even to the data from more than twenty years ago. Finally, he was surprised to find that the data in the past twenty years were extremely abnormal, and some extremely small loopholes could be found. And after summarizing, we came to a shocking conclusion:

These data are all false.

Not only that, the Master also checked some video images uploaded by the Sky Curtain System to monitor various areas of the planet below. These videos were all extremely clear, but as he watched them for a long time, a voice in the middle-aged man's head became increasingly clear. The bigger and louder it gets.

These pictures are all fake, all fake!

The world below must have undergone changes that he did not expect. The planet he dominated seemed to be out of his control, and created the illusion to make him think that it was still under his control.

"I want to see, it's that mouse stealing what belongs to me."


Several transport space planes, carrying a group of extremely intelligent robots, imitated human beings, divided into multiple directions, and headed towards various regions of the planet below.

Half a month later.

Pictures from each area were sent back one after another.

These pictures are vivid, real and vivid, touching the soul and making the middle-aged man open his eyes wide and tremble in disbelief.


There was a loud bang and a fist hit the projection device.

"Thief, shameful thief!"

"I can't forgive you, I absolutely can't forgive you!"

The middle-aged man yelled, eyes wide open, and almost crazy.

What did he see?

A strange, completely unknown new world.

This world, at a glance, even gave him a sense of absurdity, as if he had traveled through time and space in another place.

The environment of those desolate and barren low-level areas has been improved one by one. Cities, towns, and settlements have been erected one after another. Forest coverage has increased significantly, rivers and lakes have increased, farmland area and food production have increased, and people's living standards have improved, and their spirits have improved. The appearance has changed, and the level of public security management has been greatly improved.

The cultural and entertainment industry in Area 52 has grown from a sprout to a towering tree in a very short time, but it has already produced a lot of results. Music, movies, games, novels, and all kinds of culture and art have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, although they are still slightly It's still young, but it has already triggered a nationwide craze.

For example, a female idol group in the district called "Tianlai 48" is composed of 48 young and beautiful women. In just ten years after its establishment, it has more than 100 million fans in District 52, and in the lower and upper districts. , also has extremely high popularity and can be called a national idol group.

The gambling culture in the upper-class areas is still very serious, but because all kinds of murderous competitions are banned, betting games have become those welfare lotteries, various Olympic games, and betting on competitive sports such as football, basketball, and tennis. Although they are ornamental, , the excitement has been reduced a lot, but gradually, a trend of people loving sports and participating in sports has formed. The bosses who originally opened game companies are now setting up teams and taking money to recruit outstanding players from various districts. .

In addition, a virtual online game called "Creation" is popular in the Upper District. There are about 3 million active players, accounting for about half of the population of the Upper District.

As for the top-level district, there are still the five familiar faces for the time being, but it seems that a term system has been introduced. The term of each elder is only 50 years, and they can be re-elected for one term at most. If these elders do well and have outstanding political achievements, after they retire, they will not only With a generous retirement salary, you can also enjoy an additional medical service that extends your life by 300 years.

In this unrecognizable new world, the middle-aged man's position as the master seems to have been moved aside unknowingly, from the master in control of everything to an outsider who is kept in the dark.

And all these changes were taking place and changing right under his feet, under his eyes.

It was like a dream.

A ridiculous, funny, ridiculous, ironic... nightmare.

As for this dream, the middle-aged man had been having this dream for 20 years, whether with his eyes open or closed.


Boundless anger!

"Who do you think you are? Do you think you are smart and you can figure out a way to solve every problem?"

"Don't be stupid, don't be naive! This planet will need to be transformed for at least ten thousand years before we can find the best way to solve the problem and enter the next stage of adjustment."

"But you disrupted my plan and took away my empire. You made all the work I have done before be in vain. It will take at least a thousand years to recover all the impact and losses you caused on my plan. .”

"The most important thing is that you treat me as a fool. Your cleverness hurts my dignity. As an ant, you successfully angered the gods."

"Death penalty. Only by sentencing you to death can I feel a little calmer. The planet below also needs to be restarted again. The garbage population that consumes resources will only become a burden."

Start the military production line of Yuexing Base with all your strength and prepare for war with all your strength!

half year later.

Top floor area, resource hall.

The data information on the resource panel suddenly turned into a middle-aged face.

The serious face of the ruler appeared in front of the five people in the hall.

"Sorry, the game is over. You can have a good sleep tonight. Please welcome the destruction of the world tomorrow."

Upon hearing this, the four Desireless People's faces turned pale, cold sweat flowed down, and their bodies trembled slightly.

Found it, the master found it.

"Oh, you're going to launch a nuclear strike and restart the planet?"

Zhou Ming held his hands and faced the master, his face calm as usual, without any fear.

The Master looked at him deeply: "Are you the thief? The thief who stole my entire planet? I don't know how you did it, but next, a trial will tell you to steal other people's things. The consequences. There is no way you can escape this trial."

There was a hint of gritted teeth in the ruler's calm tone.

Zhou Ming shook his head: "Don't rush to judge me yet. How about we have a face-to-face negotiation? If I see that your strength is indeed enough to defeat me, I am willing to surrender, accept your trial, and hand over this planet. , I just hope...not to hurt innocent people."

His tone and attitude softened.


The ruler couldn't help laughing twice, and then his tone was as cold as ice: "No need, die, all of them die!"

"Don't talk too much!"

Zhou Ming snorted coldly: "You think I don't know your trump card? Don't know the methods you can use? And do you know my trump card? Do you know me? Do you know that in order to deal with you for hundreds of years, How much preparation have I made? Do you think the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of nuclear bombs you have can destroy me?"

"Haha, don't take it for granted, Lord, you know nothing about me!"

"And to be honest, even if you launch all the nuclear bombs, they won't hurt me at all."

"And you, in the final analysis, are just one person and a base. Do you still think you still have the capital to control everything?"

How does he know so much?

The master's expression changed and became uncertain.

Is this guy cheating on him, or is he really there?

Zhou Ming didn't waste any time. He directly brought a smart device and played a short scene of the missile defense system conducting an anti-missile interception test. He said to the master: "How many nuclear bombs you have, I will have more than three times the number of interceptors." missile."

"Let's negotiate! Lord, it is of no benefit to anyone to lose both sides. Are you willing to destroy this planet that has regained its vitality? Do you still want to spend hundreds of years repeating what you have done before? Indeed, in your eyes, Li, I am a thief, but my original intention is the same as yours, and it is also for the betterment of this planet."

"Let's talk about it. I can go to your place. After the negotiation is over, you can do whatever you want. Of course, I still hope to gain your recognition and become your assistant to solve the problems of this planet together."


The master sneered: "I refuse the thief to be my assistant."

However, the negotiation he was talking about...

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