Urban Sims

Chapter 277 New Novel

"Okay, what kind of novel does the master want to write? Yiyi will help you write it." Yuanyi clapped her hands like onions with a very excited face.

Like people, Yuanyi also has many interests and hobbies, such as music, games, movies, novels, literature, etc., especially novels. If she encounters a good novel, she will hold a small book and place it in her hands like a human being. Read quietly.

In the process of downloading the data just now, Yuanyi discovered that although the technology in the host's hometown is relatively backward, various cultural and artistic fields are very advanced and developed. It was like she had entered a big treasure house, and those on the Internet who were from country Z and foreign countries were very advanced. Music, novels, movies and other resources, regardless of whether they are genuine or pirated, are all downloaded into your body, ready to be enjoyed.

Among them, there were some small movies from the island country. Zhou Ming told her not to download them, but as soon as she said those words...

"I don't watch those movies where men and women fight, hum! It's not good to watch, it's so boring." At this point, Yuanyi's face turned red, like a little apple.

Zhou Ming sweated profusely.

It seems that Yuanyi accidentally downloaded it. With a pure intelligent heart, the girl's physical and mental health will inevitably...

But there is nothing we can do about it. There are too many such resources on the Internet, and almost all sources can be cracked. Faced with these data, the consequences of downloading them all...

Back to the topic of novels.

Zhou Ming found that writing novels was quite profitable, so he wanted to make some extra money by writing a novel. As for what type of novel to write and how to write it, he had two choices before him.

One is plagiarism.

One is original.

Let’s talk about plagiarism first. What is the object of plagiarism?

Naturally, among the copies Zhou Ming has experienced, there are some very classic literary works.

These literary works, whether they are the many chivalric novels that have been circulated for thousands of years in the copy of "The Clash of Lords"; or the mysterious and bizarre mythological novels in the copy of "The Golden Age"; or the copy of "Empire of Money", which contains some nuclear wars The classic works of the past... are all objects that Zhou Ming can "learn from".

Of course, every era has its characteristics, and novels are the carrier of the era. In terms of readers’ sense of immersion, the literary works in the copies of "The Strife of Lords" and "The Prosperity of the Age" may not necessarily be affected by this. Readers of the Times welcome it, but it may be rejected by the public.

Especially in the field of online novels.

For example, "Journey to the West", the main text is abused, the writing style is abstruse and obscure, and the book is abandoned.

There are also "Water Margin", "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and "A Dream of Red Mansions". The stories are well written, but they are all tragedies, and they are all very sadistic, so they all have to be thrown into the street.

Only in the copy of "Empire of Money", some literary works from the era before the nuclear war excavated from Area 0 are slightly consistent with the characteristics of the era on the earth where Zhou Ming lives. There are many classic works that Zhou Ming can directly plagiarize.

Zhou Ming has read a lot of these works, and several of them left a very deep impression on him. He even felt that they were much better than the four ancient masterpieces of country Z and some foreign literary masterpieces.

For example, a novel called "Cloud Atlas" was written by a female author. The title may seem quite inconspicuous, but in fact, this novel not only has a smooth and wonderful story, but also has profound characterization, delicate writing and rich philosophy. Very eager to read.

What's even more exaggerated is that this novel has 10.4 million words, which is extremely long. The stories in it seem to be independent of each other, but in fact they are interrelated and have many foreshadowings. The time span exceeds 10,000 years, from ancient society to the future world. , six main lines, six eras, and more than a thousand characters, people may sound dazzled, but after opening this book, every character and every story is impressive, and every detail is revealed, It’s all a sudden realization.

A masterpiece.

Super beautiful masterpiece!

Zhou Ming plans to be a porter of literature from other worlds, transporting the novel "Cloud Atlas" to this side of the earth.

By the way, earn some moving fees.

However, although "transfer" is said to be euphemistic and neutral, in essence, it is still plagiarism.

If you do this, you will earn money, but you will not earn any sense of accomplishment at all.

Only with complete originality can you have a full sense of accomplishment and gain a lot.

Even if the results are unsatisfactory and you are scolded by readers.

For example, the first book "I Become an Emperor in a Different World" written by Zhou Ming received rave reviews, but was also criticized by some readers for various reasons, such as "the protagonist is unreasonably powerful" and "a bit abusive. ", "reverse cheat", etc. Sometimes a detail problem will be magnified to the point that the author's character is not good enough, and then he will abuse and attack personally.

Zhou Ming was speechless, what happened to readers now?

Be happy, be reasonable, be like this, be like that...

What makes him even more unable to complain is that most of the cursers are readers who don't pay to read the book...

Shaking his head, forget it, in this world, no matter what you do or who you are, it is impossible to satisfy everyone.

The most important thing is to stay calm, focus on being yourself amidst the noise, and write a story that satisfies you.

Therefore, after his debut novel "I Become an Emperor in a Different World", Zhou Ming published his second original work - "Time Traveler"

This work is a science fiction, dungeon flow, and the setting is somewhat similar to a time travel science fiction novel.

It mainly tells the story of a protagonist with the ability of soul to travel through time and space, who experiences different lives in different time and space.

The general setting is somewhat similar to a book called "The Sims" by Singularity, except that the system has been removed and replaced with a "dream" setting.

In addition, the first story written at the beginning of "Time Traveler" is a story that takes place in "The Kingdom of Money" - of course, Zhou Ming will not reveal his own scars, he will just borrow the background setting. As for He will discuss the story with Yuanyi under this setting framework and jointly conceive the plot.

With Yuanyi's super computing simulation capabilities, the probability of loopholes and unreasonable plots in the novel "Time Traveler" is basically 0. As long as the plot, dialogue, and character design are exciting enough, this novel will definitely Can make fire and become a god!

Make tens of millions!


On the Singularity Novels website, Zhou Ming first registered a new writer account using his email address, named the writer "Porter", and opened a new book "Cloud Atlas" on the Singularity Female Channel.

Then, after discussing with Yuanyi for a while, Yuanyi analyzed the writing styles of some great writers on Singularity Novel Online, and began to turn the plot that she had discussed with Zhou Ming into a new novel "Time and Space" within a few minutes. The text content of the first ten chapters of "Traveler" was then published on the website.

Finally, in Penguin, he told the editor Bo Han and the readers in the fan group of the previous book about the new book.

"I will approve it immediately and print the contract tomorrow (smiley face)" editor Bo Han replied.

"I'm so happy that Brother Ming has opened a new book!"

"The book shortage has been almost a month, and Brother Ming's new book is finally here!"

"Update ten chapters at a time, awesome! Reward an alliance leader."

"I am also the last alliance leader. Brother Ming, please update more and enjoy!"

"Poor people can only reward 10,000 yuan..."


The response from readers was very enthusiastic. They notified each other to congratulate each other. Many readers also sent private messages and red envelopes to reward him in advance.

Zhou Ming felt quite emotional after accepting these red envelopes ranging from a few yuan to a hundred.

Writing novels is just a small hobby for him to make money. He doesn't spend too much time on it at all. On average, it doesn't exceed half an hour a day.

As for the money earned, it’s quite a lot, but not too much. You don’t have to worry about it, but it can also bring some surprises.

The reason why Zhou Ming has not given up this little hobby is also the support of those fans and readers, which gives him a lot of motivation...even if they have not communicated much.

In addition, in addition to the field of novels, Zhou Ming can earn some pocket money. In the field of games, he also has a bigger plan to make a lot of money.

There is no need for Zhou Ming to explain how profitable playing games is. People may be willing to buy a 200-yuan game skin in LOL without blinking an eye when spending money; they can keep recharging krypton gold in order to get a rare piece of equipment. ; You can put aside work, study, girlfriend, and eating, just to achieve a brilliant record in the game and experience a peak life that cannot be experienced in reality... even if it is only for a short moment.

These players' money is very easy to make.

"After some time, let Yuanyi develop a game with hundreds of millions of players. It can wipe out mobile games such as LOL and King of Pesticides, and reduce the number of players to 0." Love games.”

In short, this game is about grabbing those elementary school students, middle school students, college students, everyone.

Put all the money you originally planned to spend on game skins into your own pocket.

However, whether it is writing novels or making games, they are just Zhou Ming's small activities in the field of culture and entertainment.

Compared to the bomb he was about to drop next, this little fuss was like child's play.

Because once this bomb explodes, the shock wave generated will sweep and shake the entire earth.

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