Urban Sims

Chapter 345 Assistant Yiyi (Third update)

In fact, for Zhou Ming, he doesn't really mind whether the technical information in the Tech Tree Network is leaked or spread around the world.

As long as it can speed up the technological development of the earth.

It's just that today's earth is not in the so-called unified form. The contradictions and conflicts between countries are very acute.

Western developed countries are not good birds.

If the United States, which pursues hegemonism, obtains these technical data, it may become even more domineering. With its strong technological advantages, it is unknown how many countries will be ordered to "kneel down."

The furry bears in the north have acquired technology. Apart from using it to develop the nuclear stick in their hands and enhance their military strength to destroy the earth, what else will they do?

The Foot Basin and Bang Country in the east would make someone vomit when they mentioned these two countries... Zhou Ming didn't have a good impression of these two countries either.

Asan in the south is a rubbish country with such a poor population quality and industrial base. If you give them a technological bomb, they will probably become a dud... This country is specifically responsible for making fun of people.

The small countries in Europe are very strong in some areas, but their industrial systems are incomplete and they are at odds with each other. Moreover, most of these countries were born as bandits, leaving behind a set of bandit logic. These small countries have become powerful again. This There will probably be several more "small American countries" in the world.

None of the above-mentioned countries is trustworthy or qualified to share technological bombs.

Only country Z is slightly more reliable and has enough ability to digest technological bombs.

But why does Zhou Ming want to impose a technical blockade on other countries except Z?

Foreign technologies are generally more advanced, and some technologies can be implemented faster abroad, so there is no need to block them so tightly, right?

With the presence of strong foreign competitors, country Z's technology may develop faster.

Because there is chasing, there will be motivation.

That is true, but the leakage of technology will inevitably lead to the exposure of the technology tree network. Once the technology tree network is exposed in front of the whole world, it is almost conceivable what will happen next.


All countries are united in a war against country Z, with a probability of more than 90% breaking out.

Unless Country Z takes the initiative to hand over the alien technology in its hands, external hostile forces may be willing to do so.

What if country Z refuses to make diplomatic relations?

A pack of wolves and tigers swarmed up.

In short, it can be expected that after the technological bomb explodes, this planet may also explode.

Will Zhou Ming allow this to happen?

Do you want to see the mushroom cloud after the explosion of nuclear weapons rising in front of your eyes one day in a few years?

Shaked his head.

Of course he doesn't want to, he is a person who is very afraid of death.

So he asked Yuanyi to contact the high-level officials of the country, saying that they were Austrian people from the M78 galaxy. They had been wandering on the earth for many years because of the crash of their spaceship. Now they wanted to go home, so they wanted to use technology from the government of country Z. Change a spaceship... It's all nonsense anyway.

The top management believed it and expressed their willingness to help. Everyone knew the value of the technology bomb, and the Austrian people only cooperated with country Z. If external countries knew this secret and collectively put pressure on country Z, this...

Obviously, the top leaders of country Z also foresee the possibility that foreign forces will act impulsively out of jealousy.

"As long as the technological bomb can be safely digested within the borders of Country Z for ten years, no country, no matter what its strength, will be a match for Country Z, even if they all unite."

"There is no need to be afraid of nuclear weapons. They can be destroyed immediately the moment they are launched."

"Z country even has the strength to unify this planet."

Yuanyi's words made the senior management's hearts skip a beat.

It’s just... ten years, ten years of digestion safely, is this possible?

"Please rest assured that we have the most advanced network monitoring technology that can monitor every move of each binder, but we need the administrative power of your country to fully cooperate to prevent the spread of technology."

"Yes, we will provide as many personnel as you need, and we will fully cooperate!" The senior management agreed readily.

As a result, an agreement called the "Ten-Year Non-Proliferation Agreement" was successfully signed.

A powerful department called "Dragon Shield Bureau", led by the National Security Bureau, was quickly established with 60,000 capable personnel.

A nationwide networked monitoring system called "Skynet" is also being rapidly built and is expected to be completed in two years. After that, all dead ends and loopholes can be plugged.

The above methods can produce strong binding forces to prevent technology leaks, but the best constraints are those who bind them. They can not forget their original intentions and maintain their true intentions, and will not lose the future for the sake of the sesame seeds in front of them. watermelon.

If, like Zhao Renhao, you give up a great future for the sake of a small profit, you can only say that the profit makes you stupid and extremely stupid!

In order to avoid a situation like Zhao Renhao's from happening again, TechTree has canceled the download function of the data package. Each data package is only allowed to be purchased once.

Of course, in order to facilitate binders to use technical information, Techtree has also launched an assistant function called "Yiyi Assistant".

Yiyi Assistant is very smart and can be downloaded to a computer, a mobile phone, or even a workstation. Once you log in to "Yiyi Assistant", if there is a network, Yiyi Assistant can import technical data from the cloud. to any device, and after logging out, all sensitive data will be cleared to prevent leakage.

Not only that, Yiyi Assistant also adds an online chat function similar to Penguin. All bound people can greet each other, add friends, or discuss cooperation.

We have also established some communication groups based on the relevance of different industries.

For example, after more than 300 people joined the "material group", it became very lively.

"This assistant is so useful! It's much more convenient than before to go everywhere and use it!"

"Isn't that right? Those data before were used and copied there. They could only be copied once and then destroyed after copying. As a result, those data were a little bit in this computer and a little bit in that computer. They were very useful to use. Trouble, one of my computers accidentally broke down, and I can’t retrieve more than 500M of important data... I had to spend another 50 million to buy a new set of technical data."

"Your loss is relatively small. I spent 100 million to buy a copy of "Nano Ceramic Synthesis Technology", but my computer suddenly burned out and all the data was lost. I had to change my computer, and I was shocked. I'm in a cold sweat. It doesn't matter if the data is lost. If the Tech Tree Network disappears, I'll be screwed! Fortunately, after I changed to a new computer, the Tech Tree Network appeared again."

"With Yiyi Assistant, it is indeed much more convenient than before. I no longer have to sit in front of the computer in the office all day long."

"Have you noticed? This assistant is also very smart. If you ask her some questions, she can tell you the answers very accurately. She can quickly help you find the information you are looking for."

"I've also discovered that the biggest headache in the past was finding information. Now it's easier. Just ask Yiyi and she will find out the result for me within five seconds."

"The most surprising thing about this assistant is the chat group and friend-adding functions. I didn't expect that Lao Sun and Lao Li, who I have known for decades, are both bound."

"Isn't it? They are all hidden too deeply! In the past two days, I have found more than a dozen old acquaintances."

"I chatted for a long time yesterday with a big guy who makes aero-engines. When he saw that my titanium-cobalt alloy was successfully mass-produced, he directly placed an order for 300 million yuan for me."

"Hey, 300 million is quite a lot. Yesterday, my T-1000 carbon fiber also received an order of more than 2 billion from five or six big guys." Yu Liangguo, chairman of Zhongfu Shenying Company, said in the group.

"Upstairs, I can understand that you are showing off!"

"More than 2 billion, how can I be embarrassed to call me a poor man who can't help but smile from ear to ear after receiving an order of 100 million."

"Sorry, Lao Yu, my high-performance aluminum alloy has just received a 10 billion order from an automobile manufacturing company." said an acquaintance of Yu Liangguo.

"Ten billions of nest grass! What a beast!"

"Everyone is showing off their wealth! Stop chatting and go to other groups to place orders!"

Soon, the "Materials Group" stopped. Other chat groups such as the "Machine Tool Group", "Engine Group", "Industrial Equipment Group", etc. became extremely lively due to the influx of a large number of "Materials People". stand up……

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