Urban Sims

Chapter 465 Choice

Zhou Ming waved his hand and told most people in the room to leave, intending to do his ideological work alone.

"Ye Kong, Wan Chengguo wants to provide hundreds of sets of air defense armor to Feiyun and Chixing Mountains. From your perspective, can Guanglei Mountain be able to resist? Avoid destruction?"

Zhou Ming asked a question first.

Ye Kong thought about it with a struggle on his face. Although he didn't want to admit it, he still shook his head in pain.

He has seen the power of the Royal Air Armor with his own eyes, but if he can fight head-on with the ancestor in the trance stage, if two hundred of them come out at once, Guanglei Mountain... will be over.

"Ye Kong, do you know why Wancheng Kingdom wants to annex Guanglei Mountain instead of peacefully coexisting with it?"

Zhou Ming asked again.

Ye Kong immediately snorted at this question and replied: "Without him, the strong will not coexist with the weak, just like a city in the mortal world must surrender to the fairy mountain."

Zhou Ming nodded: "This is one of the external reasons, but it is not the most fundamental reason."

Ye Kong shook his head and laughed sarcastically: "No matter what the reason is, it is just an excuse for Wancheng Kingdom to destroy Guanglei Mountain. Why do you need to say it so high-sounding?"

"Destroy Guanglei Mountain?"

Zhou Ming shook his head: "I never said the word "annihilation", only the word "annexation". Like Feiyun Mountain and Chixing Mountain, they were merged into the Wancheng Kingdom and were not destroyed. After the merger, they retained a high degree of independence. , just like those franchising city-states in the mortal world, life and death are not in my hands..."

And it can be guaranteed that after the merger, the benefits gained by the members far outweigh the losses.

For example, today's Chixingshan has only been a member of Wancheng Kingdom for half a year. After enjoying some benefits, it has changed from its previous image of a "hard nut" who was stubborn, angry, and uncooperative. In a short period of time, it has transformed into asking for projects from Wancheng Kingdom every day. He has the image of a "money obsessed" who competes with Feiyun Mountain for the quota of overseas students and sends a large number of disciples down the mountain to work to earn spiritual coins.

He stole a lot of Feiyun Mountain's business and became a model of integrity.

As long as you let go of your arrogance and some persistence, you can live a good life in Guanglei Mountain right away.


The arrogance in the bones and the things in principle, for some people, may not give up until death.

These people are the 1% who cannot be moved by interests.

What's more, most immortals pursue strength and longevity, and don't value property as much as mortals do.

Threats of force will only have the opposite effect. You must find a point that can impress such people.

Zhou Ming thought hard for a long time and finally thought of something.

He said to Ye Kong:

"Ye Kong, after these days of inspections and visits, you must be aware of the new look of the mortal world. Even if you don't want to accept it, you have to admit that the era of mortals and immortals side by side has arrived."

"But this era is not just an era for mortals."

"Mortals can't live without monks, and monks can't live without mortals. Only when the two work closely together and work together can we create an infinitely brilliant future."

"But discrimination and misunderstanding always cause a lot of unhappiness between the two parties. They even regard the Wancheng Kingdom as a strange beast and a demon. They hate it deeply and want to kill it all."

"Seeing that Wancheng Kingdom has become stronger, they began to worry and fear again. They were afraid that Wancheng Kingdom would send out a large army to wipe out the fairy mountains, so they strengthened their war preparations and tried their best to take precautions... This kind of mentality is really regrettable."

"But why do we, Wancheng Kingdom, want to wipe out those immortal mountains? Why do we want to destroy those hostile immortals?"

"We just want to make some money and live a good life."

"Furthermore, all walks of life in our Wancheng Kingdom require monks. The operating rate of our large number of psychic factories is seriously insufficient, and the transportation system lacks control personnel. We also need to maintain an army of monks to protect the security of our country..."

"This requires us to consider cooperating with various sects and eager for more immortals and monks to join us to jointly contribute to the strength of Wancheng Kingdom."

Therefore, when it comes to the number of immortals and monks, Wancheng Kingdom pursues the more the better. The more the better, rather than killing people and wasting precious resources.

But this seems too hypocritical. Since you don’t want to destroy Guanglei Mountain and slaughter all the immortals on the mountain, but you also want to annex Guanglei Mountain without Guanglei Mountain’s unwillingness... Is there such a contradictory logic?

Zhou Ming explained that the Wancheng Kingdom's goal was the 91 mortal cities on the Guanglei Mountain boundary, not the fairy mountain spiritual veins on the Guanglei Mountain. The Wancheng Kingdom was based on mortals and relied on various sects, so it would not damage each sect. The core interests of the sect will not occupy a fairy mountain, nor will it compete with other sects to the death.

On the contrary, at the level of core interests, Wancheng Kingdom and various sects will not invade each other, but will only use their respective strengths and cooperate closely.


Wancheng Kingdom does not covet the Fairy Mountain Spiritual Vein of Guanglei Mountain, but it does not mean that other sects will not covet it.

For example, Feiyun Mountain and Chixing Mountain are coveting Guanglei Mountain, sharpening their swords, and will soon take action... This is not under the control of Wancheng Kingdom.


Ye Kong felt like he was about to vomit, "Since Wancheng Kingdom has no hostility towards our Guanglei Mountain, why do we need to provide weapons to help Feiyun and Chixing Mountains to destroy our Guanglei Mountain?"

Could it be any more hypocritical?

"Feiyun and Chixing Mountains are both allies of Wancheng Kingdom, why can't they provide weapons?"

Can’t I provide you with Guanglei Mountain?

What's more, once Wan Chengguo launches an action and prepares to capture the mortal city on the boundary of Guanglei Mountain, will Guanglei Mountain stand still?

From this point of view, Wanchengguo, Feiyun Mountain, and Chixing Mountain are standing on the same position and on the same front in their actions against Guanglei Mountain.

Doesn’t that big talk just now mean it’s all nonsense?

They are all going to devour Guanglei Mountain anyway, so why are you talking so much nonsense?

Zhou Ming shook his head, "These are not nonsense, but to clarify the situation for you and let you make a choice. Should you refuse the merger, choose to fail with Guangleishan, or choose another infinitely bright road of cooperation?"

Zhou Ming started the temptation:

"Ye Kong, actually I noticed you a long time ago. You are a talent. There is no one on Guanglei Mountain who can match your talent."

"You have a unique vision, an open mind, are receptive to new things, and are willing to use actions to change. Many things you do are quite effective and admirable, but..."

"The various constraints on Guanglei Mountain mean that your talents will not be fully utilized. Many things will be taken away by others as soon as they produce some results. In the end, things will be messed up and all the previous efforts will be wasted."

"You must be fully aware of this."

Zhou Ming's words made Ye Kong fall into memories.

Indeed, in the several major things he had done for the sect over the years, he had done well at the beginning, but every time he was about to get on the right track, someone stabbed him in the face, messing up the matter in the end, which made him extremely angry. , but there is nothing you can do.

"This is natural. The tens of thousands of years of historical inertia of an ancient sect cannot be reversed by reversing it. The resistance exerted by all aspects will make it difficult for you to move forward."

"But Wancheng Kingdom is different. In Wancheng Kingdom, your talents can be fully utilized, your ideas can be implemented into practice, and your dreams can be fully realized."

"So, I have prepared two paths for you."

"One, you personally join the Wancheng Kingdom, and use relatively peaceful means to promote Guanglei Mountain to join the Wancheng Kingdom. After that is accomplished, you will be the new suzerain of Guanglei Mountain, the new suzerain who will speak the truth. In the future, the affairs of Guanglei Mountain will be controlled by You decide."

To put it more straightforwardly, this path is to instigate Ye Kong to rebel, let him become the internal agent of Wancheng Kingdom, and help to take down Guanglei Mountain. After this is accomplished, Ye Kong will be the biggest beneficiary, the new sect leader of Guanglei Mountain.

"Two, if you refuse the first one, we will detain you and open a training academy for you in the mortal world. You will serve as the principal of this academy. As for the students, they are those who were captured after Guanglei Mountain was conquered. Disciple of Guanglei Mountain."

"Of course, you can also refuse the second option, but after you refuse, it will be difficult to deal with the captured Guanglei Mountain disciples. What will happen to those disciples..."

Zhou Ming shook his head. The outcome was of course self-evident. What else could it be other than eradicating the roots?


Ye Kong's fists were clenched, his eyes were red, the veins on his neck were protruding, and he was extremely angry.


How despicable!

One is to be a traitor, betray the master, introduce external forces, deceive the master and destroy the ancestors, and finally be branded with shame.

The other person is not a traitor and will not bear the blame, but he is also kidnapped morally. Once he does not cooperate, tens of thousands of disciples on Guanglei Mountain may be slaughtered and it will be his fault.

Now, he is burdened with the heaviest thing at once. No matter what choice he makes, he will betray some important things and save other things at the same time. Just like the protagonist in some TV shows, he has to make a choice.

An extremely painful choice.

The reason for this situation was that Zhang Shanhe was optimistic about his talents, so he wanted to give him a chance to show off his talents.

Only a devil wants this kind of opportunity!

"Asshole, go to hell!"

Ye Kongyun started his skills and prepared to die together.

But the air around him was extremely thick, and the spiritual energy was difficult to mobilize, so the punches he made had no power.

But it was Ancestor Yin Kui who stood behind him and imprisoned his cultivation.

"Take him down and give him three days to think about it. If he still doesn't think about it after three days, we will kill everyone in Guanglei Mountain."

Zhou Ming said coldly, like those big villains, turned around and left the conference room.

After Ye Kong had his spiritual energy drained from his body, he was imprisoned in the "Trapped Immortal Cage" specially designed to imprison immortals.

Locked up for three days.

I also discussed it with the old man in my mind for three days.

Choose the first option.

Or choose the second option?

Or choose neither, try your best to escape from the prison, and go back to seek revenge from Wan Chengguo.

What Ye Kong thinks more about personally is that he must escape from the cell and take revenge!

"Hey, Ye Kong, you still don't really understand what Zhang Shanhe means."

"What he talked about was merger rather than destruction. The destruction of Guanglei Mountain was the idea of ​​Feiyun and Chixing Mountains."

"As for the methods of merger, there are mergers without loss, mergers with slight losses, and mergers with no choice but after heavy losses."

"No matter what kind of merger, it is better than the destruction of the sect and the complete annihilation of the inheritance."

"You can pretend to agree to the first one, go back to Guanglei Mountain first, do some work for the elders of the sect, and try your best to convince everyone in the sect to agree to join the Wancheng Kingdom. It is best to join the Wancheng Kingdom in a peaceful way..."

"If the opposition within the sect is too strong, we can only overcome these resistances and minimize losses."

"If it is really difficult to merge, we can only save more disciples from Guanglei Mountain when the coalition forces from Feiyun and Chixing Mountains arrive..."

"No matter what situation will arise in the end, as long as you work hard, you will have a clear conscience, not going against the general trend, and keeping your own safety."

"This can be called great wisdom."

The old man in his mind analyzed.

Ye Kong nodded.

He knew what to do.

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