Urban Sims

Chapter 638 Snowy Night

After learning all about Warrior Captain Gazef’s family and friends.

After Gazef reunited with him, Zhou Ming had no idea what to do next.

To tell Gazef the truth and help him take revenge?

Or, like Defoe, choose to hide the truth and fabricate a lie, saying that his wife and daughter are completely missing or dead, and persuade him to leave this sad place and start a new life?

There are two ways, Zhou Ming slightly prefers the latter.

Revenge is very simple. Just take a knife and cut down the enemy when you see him. If a few people have failed him, just kill a few people until you have a psychological balance.


Even if he gets revenge, how much relief will these things have on Gazef?

Can the injuries he suffered be cured at all?

So what if he kills all the traitors?

Zhou Ming believed that the moment Gazef learned the truth, even if he was not crazy or collapsed on the spot, this kind of injury would completely change his entire outlook.

He may change his temper drastically, abandon his original kindness and virtue, and degenerate from an angel into a devil.

It is possible to despise life and easily go to extremes.

In short, everything is possible.

And the possibility of it going bad is very high.

The Gazef of that time would be completely different from the Gazef of now.


Zhou Ming didn't want him to bear that kind of blow, to prevent him from being hurt... He used deception to maintain his current appearance.


The development of things will not go as Zhou Ming imagined.

The more he tries to hide the truth, the easier it is for others to see the loopholes.

Half a month later.

Through the gryphon mount of the Continental Chamber of Commerce, Gazef and the warrior Fizz arrived at Lumby City.

Gazef climbed off the back of the gryphon and saw Zhou Ming waiting under the landing platform... The two sides successfully met.

After finding a hotel and settling down, Gazef took Defoe and asked him the two questions he was most concerned about after some useless chat: "Defoe, have you found out anything about my wife?"

"How are my daughters Sophia and Nicola? Have you found them?"

Gazef had some anxiety on his face. Nearly two years had passed, and although he had been pretending to be calm, once he returned to the Kingdom of Cadorn, his heart was all about his favorite family members.


Defoe's face became hesitant and he was a little unable to speak.

"What's wrong? Tell me what you know." Gazef urged.

"Soldier Commander, it's not that I don't want to tell you, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it. Your wife and two daughters... all of them passed away unfortunately."

Defoe burst into tears and knelt in front of him with his knees bent: "I'm sorry, Captain, I want to tell you the good news about them. I hope I can protect them in time when they are in danger. As long as you The family can be reunited, and it would not be a pity for me to sacrifice my life for Defoe."

"But, I came too late. I came too late. Madam and young lady have been dead for a long time!"


This news was like a bolt from the blue, causing Gazef to tremble violently.

He shook his head repeatedly: "How is this possible? How is this possible? Before the war started, I wrote a letter to Count Jacobby and asked him to help take care of my family. He also vowed to take good care of Nadia and the others, even if Those nobles wanted to take his life...Did Jacob not keep his promise? My wife and daughter died like that?"

There was disbelief in his eyes.

After hearing what he was saying to himself, Zhou Ming shook his head.

At this point, Gazef hasn't noticed any problem yet?

Is his IQ too low? Or those who deceived him were of too high a rank and simply beat him up.

Thinking back to the real world and the messy cheating incidents of entertainment stars, Zhou Ming had to admit the fact: honest people are more likely to suffer losses.

Especially honest people who are single-minded, value their families, and devote themselves wholeheartedly are often miserably cheated.

Is Gazef considered an honest man?

Zhou Ming shook his head.

Gazef is not an honest person who prefers "derogatory" meanings, he is just more "pure".

It was so pure that his love for his wife and his trust in his friends were not mixed with any impurities or doubts.

He believes that there is kindness, love and trust in this world, because he himself acts according to these principles, and his sincerity will definitely be rewarded with sincerity.


He underestimated the despicability of human nature, the ugliness of morality, and the lower limit of conscience.

In the eyes of extremely selfish people, he is an idiot and a coward.

Trying to win their "sincere response" is undoubtedly a fool's errand.

The biggest mistake Gazef made was that he looked at this dirty world too beautifully.

Defoe explained: "Madame died of suicide. After she heard that you, the warrior commander, were defeated and disappeared, she did not eat or drink for seven days and seven nights, and shed tears every day. In the end, she wanted to defend your heroic honor and avoid being possessed by those who wanted to possess her. The nobles were defiled, and she drank poisoned wine and died.”

"Sophia and Nicola were taken away by Buck, your most loyal servant, but there was a serious famine in the kingdom this year. Many people had no food to eat. The loyal Buck starved to death, and Sophie had no one to take care of her. Ya and Nicola also starved to death in the famine... and their bodies were never found.”

"Warrior Commander, it's useless to blame me. I failed to protect them!"

As he said this, the soldier Defoe burst into tears again.

Gazef lowered his head.

The body seemed to have lost a pillar, becoming limp and weak, crumbling.

He even murmured: "How is it possible? How is it possible? Before I left for the expedition, I told you that I wanted you to wait for me at home. You..."

Two lines of tears fell from the corners of Gazef's eyes. This man, who had never cried many times in his life, looked like a helpless and sad child at this moment.

Zhou Ming stepped forward and patted his shoulder twice, sighing: "I can't accept this news, but people can't be resurrected after death... Just accept your condolences."

Gazef didn't say anything. He found a chair that he could lean back on and sat down unable to do so.

the next day.

Seeing that Gazef was in a trance and listless, Zhou Ming said to him: "Follow me to the Kingdom of Yadud. Follow me from now on. I will ensure that you will be prosperous and wealthy for the rest of your life."

Gazef nodded feebly.

Then he asked: "Excuse me, where are the graves of my wife and daughter? I want to see them for the last time."


Yesterday Zhou Ming told him: Defoe had reburied his wife's bones, and his two daughters also had their own tombs set up... near Gazef's own castle.

That morning, the group went to Gazef's home, a dilapidated low castle, and mourned his wife and daughter.

Standing in front of three tombstones, one large, two small, and kneeling in silence to crying sadly, Gazef didn't see any problem... Zhou Ming had spent a lot of effort in the past half month, and even spent money to bribe nearby people. A group of villagers accidentally started "discussing" when they were "passing by".

The topics were nothing more than how strong Mrs. Nadia was, how miserable Mr. Gazef was, what happened to their family was pitiable, and so on.

In short, in his personal opinion, there is no problem with the game set up by Zhou Ming.

As long as Gazef does not investigate further and chooses to leave this sad place, the people and things in this land will not cause him any more harm.

After the ceremony was completed, they returned to the hotel in the afternoon. Gazef nodded in agreement. Early tomorrow morning, he would board the griffin mount and return to the Kingdom of Yadud.

However, that night, when heavy snow began to fall in the sky, Zhou Ming, who was feeling a little uneasy, knocked on Gazef's door.

"Dong dong dong~"

Knocked several times, but no one responded.

Feeling bad, Zhou Ming quickly broke down the door and rushed in.

Immediately dumbfounded.

People are missing.

There is a beautiful lake in the west of Langbi City.

Because the lake resembles a full moon, it is called "Moon Lake".

On the edge of the beautiful Moon Lake, a beautiful castle was built, called "Moon Lake Castle".

This is the castle where Earl Jacobby lives. Together with the Moon Lake and the ten miles of land around the castle, they all belong to his fief.

In the aristocratic circle of the Kingdom of Cadoun, Earl Jacobby's status and influence can be ranked among the top ten.

He has outstanding abilities, and has recently been reused by the king and promoted to deputy minister of the palace. He also has many supporters among the nobles.

As a rising star, when he saw the beautiful woman standing in front of the window watching the snow, and then seeing his lovely sleeping daughters on the bed, Count Jacobby, who had just finished handling his official duties, smiled happily and felt that he would never be able to live in this life for a long time. That's enough.

He stood up and stretched his waist, and suddenly found his wife looking at the snow outside the window with a sad look on her face. Jacobi felt a little strange.

He stepped forward and hugged his wife, hugging her in his arms. Jacobi asked with concern: "What's wrong, my love, you don't seem very happy?"

Nadiya shook her head and shed two tears: "Dear, I have been very worried recently and I can't sleep."

"what are you worried about?"

"I...I'm worried that Gazef will come back."


Jacobi smiled and shook his head: "He can't come back. He is probably dead. Even if he is not dead, he is still a useless person."

"But... I'm still scared, and I feel like I'm sorry for him."

Her husband's comfort had no effect, and Nadiya still looked worried.

"We didn't apologize to him!"

Jacobi emphasized: "He can't give you the love you want, I can give it! He is physically disabled and can't give birth to a child. He can't let you be a mother. I can! Only I can! He is a waste, A trash that everyone hates!"

"Our two babies have called him daddy for several years!"

"It makes me sick just thinking about it!"

"My love, don't be sad and blame yourself anymore. We are not wrong at all. There is no mistake at all. The fault is that the loser got a treasure that should not belong to him."

"Now, this treasure has the right home...and that's me!"

Jacobi held Nadia's perfect face and kissed her passionately.

He started to take off his coat... He was ready to "comfort" his wife.


There was a roar in my ears!

The two of them were startled and turned to look at the door of the room.

Immediately stunned.

A bald man with clenched fists, facial muscles twitching violently, eyes wide and red, and a broken right arm stood at the door at some point.

Judging from the unfamiliar yet familiar face, this person turned out to be Gazef, who had disappeared for almost two years.

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