Urban Sims

Chapter 742 Suppression


Except for some finishing work that has not been completed, this war that lasted for thousands of years ended with the Godless Alliance's complete victory.

After the carnival that lasted for seven days and seven nights.

The joy of victory gradually diluted, the excitement calmed down, and daily life returned to the ordinary track.

New problems and contradictions gradually surfaced.

It was placed in front of Zhou Ming, the human race, the elves, the orcs and other forces.

what is the problem? What contradiction?

There are many issues, including the distribution of the fruits of victory, the redistricting of the territories of various ethnic groups, the issue of compensation for losses, the status of various ethnic groups in the future, etc. At the high-level consultation meeting of all ethnic groups, high-level officials of all ethnic groups argued around these issues. His face turned red, and he rolled up his sleeves many times, almost going to perform a full-scale martial arts show.

As for conflicts, they naturally arise around these issues.

For example, the issue of re-dividing the territories of various races. Since wars mainly occur in the human world, fierce wars have caused more than 95% of the land in the human world to become deserts without any grass. Without investing a lot of financial resources for governance, almost It will be impossible to restore the original ecology within a hundred years.

Therefore, at the high-level meeting of various races, the top leaders of the human race made a request to rent land from the elves and orcs, hoping to rent some land to meet the survival needs of mankind.

"No, the elves don't have any extra land, and we don't even have enough living space."

"No, you despicable humans have killed more than 500 billion of the sons of my orc tribe. This debt has not yet been settled with you, but you still have the nerve to ask for land? No, not even an inch of land!"

Both the elves and the orcs expressed their rejection, but one was more tactful and the other was direct.

In addition, it seems that under the instruction of the Creation God, in order to suppress the human race, the human race will not get any new additions to the land... Even after the war is over, there will be a lot of free land.

The remaining trillions of human beings can only continue to live on the original land and are not allowed to expand west or north.

Only the Warcraft Forest in the south can be explored in depth.

Land is only secondary. Zhou Ming has a large amount of technology and resources, as well as sufficient manpower, to transform the destroyed environment. He plans to spend 500 to 1,000 years to restore the environment of the human world and make it rich again. beauty.

But in order to suppress the human race, the God of Creation conspired with the elves and orcs, and actually came up with a cruel trick.


During the Millennium War, all the casualties and property losses suffered by the elves, orcs, dwarves, goblins and other races will be compensated by the remaining human races.

And offered an astronomical amount of compensation: 1,000 trillion gold coins.

It is equivalent to surviving humans, each of whom has to bear an average of 100 gold coins.

This is a huge amount of wealth. After all, after thousands of years of war, the people of all races have been destitute and impoverished. The compensation of 1,000 trillion gold coins is unbearable for the surviving humans. burden.

Naturally, the top leaders of the human race did not accept this unreasonable request, saying that the human race would not take out even a piece of gold coins, even if it did not include 1,000 trillion gold coins.

"If you don't want to take it, you have to take it! The Holy See of Light was introduced by your human race, and all the losses caused will of course be borne by your human race!"

"Not a single cent of the 1,000 trillion gold coins to be compensated to all ethnic groups should be lost!"

The high-level representatives of the elves and orcs believed that the human race was responsible for the disaster, and all consequences and losses must of course be compensated by the human race.

"This is simply unreasonable! We are unbelievers. It is the believers of the Holy See of Light who have caused you losses, not us. You should ask the Holy See of Light for compensation!"

The human race immediately retorted. Those who did bad things were the bad guys in the human race. Why should they ask good people to take the blame? The human race will not lose money!

"You must compensate! Who made you all human beings? Of course, humans must bear the responsibility for the bad things humans do!"

"But those who do bad things are bad humans, and we are all good people!"

"We don't care who the good guys or bad guys are. Anyway, bad things are done by humans, and we can only seek compensation from humans."


The top leaders of the human race were so angry that they almost vomited blood. The humans who suffered the most casualties and suffered the most losses actually had to compensate the elves, orcs and other races for their losses. How unreasonable, simply unreasonable!

At this meeting, the shackles placed on the heads of the human race were not only the two items of "prohibition of territory expansion" and "payment of huge compensation", there was also a shackle placed on the heads of the human race.

What shackles?

that power.

Or called the "Hegemony of the Azeroa Continent", this power of the human race was forcibly taken away by the God of Creation and more than a dozen patron saints of the elves and orcs.

The human race lost the hegemony of the continent.

This power has returned to the hands of the elves...the elves will become the overlords of the land.

It sounds like this is just a change in title. Will it have any substantial impact on the human race?


Of course there is.

And the impact is quite big!

For example, take the Magic Association, the backbone of human power. From now on, the Supreme President of the Magic Association will be permanently held by the elves.

There is also a magical city whose population has increased to 30 million. From now on, in this most magical city, the population of elves will account for 40%, orcs will account for 30%, and dwarves, goblins and other races will account for 10%... …As for the proportion of humans, it dropped from the previous 80% to a mere 20%.

The Magic City and the Magic Association represent the most powerful institutions of magical power and the most advanced research directions of magical technology. If these institutions are dominated by the elves and orcs, and the human race is marginalized, it is conceivable that And knowing what a huge negative impact it will have on the development of the human race.

Of course, some people say that you can open a new stove and create a new Magic City and Magic Association. This is indeed possible, but after opening a new stove, abandon the original precipitation and accumulation, start from scratch, and develop to the peak level step by step, not only It will consume a lot of time and resources.

In terms of competitiveness, there will be a big gap in the long term.

Not a good deal.

And after losing hegemony, the human race will also be subject to various restrictions in many other fields, and its legitimate interests will be damaged in various ways.

Three shackles were imposed.

That’s it! Zhou Ming finally understood: What is the purpose of the creation gods, the elves, and the orcs who made such excessive demands on the human race in such a tough, unreasonable, and arrogant manner at the high-level meetings of the various races?



Restrict the development of the human race!

It is necessary to put heavy shackles on the human race when it is at its weakest, so that the human race cannot develop normally and remain in a relatively weak state.

The threat from the human race must be compressed and controlled within a certain range.

No more giving the human race a chance to rise again!

how to respond?

Facing the joint pressure from the Creation God, the Elves, and the Orcs, how will Zhou Ming and the humans behind him respond?

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