Urban Sims

Chapter 754 Reaching Consensus

on the other hand.

August 20th.

With Western countries joining forces to exert military pressure, under pressure, the top leaders of Country Z agreed to share "alien technology" and agree to lead the world to develop together.

Seeing that Country Z surrendered, Country M and other countries cheered and hugged each other, as if they had won a major victory.

But the next moment, they stopped laughing and started quarreling internally.

Country Z agreed to share "alien technology", but not without conditions.

On the contrary, Country Z has set up a threshold for transferring technology, dividing countries that request alien technology into four levels, with quota limits.

First-tier country: Country Z will transfer all technology and share all technological achievements in all fields, but there is only one quota.

Second-level countries: Country Z will transfer some advanced technologies and share advanced technologies in some fields, with only 10 places.

Third-level countries: Country Z will transfer some technologies that are one to two generations behind the cutting-edge technology, and then upgrade and downgrade them based on the country's technology digestion capabilities and development conditions. There are 20 places.

The fourth level country: Naturally, it is the successor country to backward and obsolete technologies. Although these technologies have been outdated and obsolete, they can still promote the country's development, bring about rapid progress, and improve the world's industries in low-end industries. Structure, as for the quota, there is no quantitative limit. All countries friendly to country Z can apply to join.

There is no doubt that as soon as this grading system came out, the top leaders of Country M and other countries were naturally in an uproar.

There was a huge wave of public opinion.

"Country F does not accept the grading system set by country Z. Country F requires country Z to share alien technology with all mankind and requires country Z to treat them without discrimination!"

"Country Y will not accept it either, unless the number of first-tier countries reaches three or more, and Country Y must get one!"

"Country D does not want to comment too much on Country Z's grading system, but Country D must get one of the first-tier country quotas!"

"Baga, haven't the leaders of the countries noticed that this is a alienation plan by Country Z! We must not be fooled! We ignore what Country Z says and ask Country Z to hand over all its technology first, and then we will Discuss how to distribute these technologies, don’t fall into Country Z’s tricks!”

The Foot Basin Country is quite shrewd and understood Country Z's plan at once.

But regarding the grading system, Country Z also has a reasonable explanation from Country Z.

"Alien technology is extremely advanced and is hundreds of years ahead of the current world. If it spreads out without supervision, it will undoubtedly be extremely dangerous for the earth!"

"If all countries are involved in technological competition, the earth's resource carrying capacity will be unbearable, and disorderly competition will lead to huge waste."

"In addition, if the technology that spreads is improperly regulated by various countries and falls into the hands of criminals and terrorists, it will bring huge disasters to the world... This is something that no one wants to see. .”

"Congress Z will treat alien technology as nuclear technology and strictly control it. It will never let it flow into the hands of criminals or fall into the hands of rogue countries!"

As for the "rogue countries" mentioned here, Country Z has also made a list, indicating that alien technology does not belong to these countries.

Including the Asan Country in the southwest, the Foot Basin Country in the east, the Yue Monkey Country in the south, and the Aobao Country thousands of miles to the southeast, etc., these countries that have long been unfriendly to Country Z have all been classified as "rogue countries" and have lost their Qualify for alien technology.

Naturally, these countries that found themselves instantly becoming "rogue countries" became furious and took extremely drastic actions.

For example, the Asan Kingdom immediately increased its troops to one million at the border, and the frequency of friction suddenly increased tenfold... But five days later, these one million troops suffered more than 800,000 casualties in the rain of fire, and the country immediately fell into crash state.

Seeing how miserable Asan Country was, Zuba and other countries, who originally wanted to take some disciplinary action, immediately stopped and began to say nice and soft words to Country Z, trying their best to explain. In front of their allies, they cry out for grievances and demand that they stop China Z's cunning plot and continue to suppress and frighten Country Z until they get hold of the alien technology.

However, no matter how much the foot basin jumps up and down, it has no effect.

Because country Z has contacted the top leaders of country M through multiple diplomatic channels, trying its best to seduce country M and establish an ally-level strategic partnership with country Z to form a G2 world, where the two countries sit on equal footing and jointly dominate the planet.

As long as Country M nods, there is no doubt that the only quota among the first-tier countries to transfer all technologies will belong to Country M.

In fact, judging from various aspects such as technological level, population quality, military strength, and industrial level, only country M is eligible to take the quota for the first-tier country.

Other countries, even if they get that quota, do not have the ability to digest all alien technology and compete at the same level as Country Z.

On the highest stage of technological competition, the two most powerful countries are actually Z and M.

Other countries only deserve to be spectators.

The so-called classification system was actually established specifically to win over Country M.

So will the top management of country M be interested?

Can country M withstand this temptation?

After more than a week of difficult negotiations.

The two countries Z and M took the lead in reaching a consensus, which caused shock and uproar in the media around the world.

The top management of Country M agreed.

They agreed to Country Z’s technology sharing plan and even made significant adjustments based on the original plan.

For example, the number of second-tier countries has been reduced from the original 10 to 5, and the technology that can be shared must be one or two generations behind.

The number of third-tier countries has been reduced from the original 20 to 8, and the technologies that can be shared are completely outdated and basically outdated.

As for the fourth-level countries, there is no need to possess alien technology, and it would be a waste to give it to them. They only have the right to purchase advanced technology products.

In addition, on the list of "rogue countries", Country M has added more than 20 countries, including the Bear Country, Persia, Beibang Country and other countries. These "rogue countries" are not qualified to possess alien technology. , even advanced technology products and equipment are not eligible to purchase.

Seeing this modified and adjusted technology sharing plan, the top management of country Z was stunned for a while, and couldn't help but murmured: "This is very country M, this is really very country M."

Then he picked up the pen and signed and agreed to the plan.

The results of the consensus reached between the two countries were then announced through various media channels.

Global public opinion was suddenly in an uproar.

Countries responded fiercely.

"Damn countryman M! Why the hell did you sell me out?"

"Fake! I knew Country M was unreliable. They always only care about their own interests!"

"Withdraw the troops, withdraw the troops! We quit, we want to leave this hellish place!"

So within a day or two, the multinational coalition fleet cruising in the South China Sea of ​​Country Z dispersed and disintegrated in an instant. The allies withdrew one after another, leaving only the fleet of Country M.

The senior officials of the Mao Xiong Country were completely stunned at this moment. The situation changed so fast that they had not even reacted.

Prime Minister Mao Xiong even murmured: "A rogue country, have we become a rogue country? Not only are we not qualified to obtain alien technology, but we can't even buy advanced technology products and equipment?"

"No, this is absolutely not possible! We must get alien technology, we must always be a first-rate country! We must not be reduced to a second-rate country!"

"Yes, nuclear bombs, we still have thousands of nuclear bombs! We want to take back our rights!"

The Bear Country seems to be going crazy too.

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