Urban Sims

Chapter 777 Rapid Reconstruction

"One, two, three, four..."

After arriving at the disaster relief point, the ministers immediately dispersed and then counted the victims in the simple wooden shed one by one like counting sheep.

In order to count the number of victims in disaster relief sites, these officials used a variety of methods.

Some officials who were stupider counted the victims one by two based on the number of their heads, but soon they became dizzy. They were dazzled by the countless moving faces and developed trypophobia, which made it difficult to continue.

Some smarter officials first calculated the approximate population density of the victims in the disaster relief site, and then measured the area of ​​the disaster relief site.

The smartest officials walked directly into the kitchen and asked the chefs about how much food the victims consumed every day.

Finally, we came up with a figure that was not too inaccurate: 650,000 people.

In this largest disaster relief site in the east, a total of 650,000 victims have been resettled.

Together with the three disaster relief sites set up in the north, west and south, each has resettled an average of 50,000 people.

The total is 800,000.

In the "Disaster Relief Situation Report", the total number of resettled victims was indeed 800,000, without any trace of water.


The ministers suddenly fell silent collectively.

They stared blankly at their emperor, a 14-year-old minor, with a big question mark in his mind.

How did you do it?

How did His Majesty the Emperor do it?

Given the various conditions and facilities of the empire, even if Andorhal County is very close, facing millions of victims, even if the imperial capital tries its best to save at most 30,000 to 400,000 people, half of them at most, it is impossible to save them. Download all.

But their Emperor did the impossible: he saved almost all the victims.

They created a miracle that they couldn't believe but was right in front of them.

But even so, His Majesty the Emperor still seemed not satisfied and muttered to himself in front of them:

"There are 1.5 million people in Andorhal County. The sudden flood drowned 300,000 people. Another 200,000 people were trapped in the floods and gradually drowned to death. After that, another 200,000 people lacked food due to lack of timely rescue. , died of exhaustion and hunger.”

"In the end, only 800,000 people were rescued."

"In fact, when the flood broke out, if the people in Andohar County could go to the imperial capital to call the police two days in advance, at least 200,000 people would have died less."

"If the rescue forces had acted faster and had more advanced equipment, more than 100,000 victims would have died less."

"If Andohar County had established a complete disaster early warning system, taken preventive measures, and evacuated the victims in advance, the total losses of the victims would have been reduced to less than 10,000 people, and 700,000 people would not have died or gone missing."

"Natural disasters are indeed terrible, but if people are not determined and prepared to deal with natural disasters, they will only be unable to escape and suffer heavy losses."

"On the contrary, if all precautions and preparations are made, Andorhal County can more than save itself, so why does it need massive rescue from all sides? What is there to be afraid of when it is just a natural disaster?"

Hearing these words from His Majesty the Emperor.

Surprisingly, no one among the ministers stood up to refute. Instead, they all fell into deep thought. They felt that although His Majesty was young, what he said made sense.


Everyone can talk about great principles, but whether the stated principles can be implemented and turned into concrete practice is another matter.

Moreover, His Majesty the Emperor rescued 800,000 disaster victims. After learning the specific rescue methods, all the officials were convinced, but what happens next? What should I do next?

You must know that these 800,000 disaster victims have almost nothing and have to rely on the state to support them. Then they have to spend a large amount of money and food to help them rebuild their homes and resume production. They will not see any return for at least three years, just like carrying a heavy burden on their backs. A huge burden.

Finance Minister Zasik initially estimated that more than 5 million gold pagodas would be spent on money alone, and countless amounts of food.

The national treasury must not be able to bear such a huge burden. After all, the loophole of being unable to make ends meet was only closed last year.

We can only ask His Majesty the Emperor to continue spending money and do good things to good people to the end.

So what will Zhou Ming do next?

He contracted all the reconstruction projects in Andorhal County and continued to invest huge amounts of money and food. After the floods basically receded, he immediately organized 800,000 victims to carry out vigorous reconstruction work.

Then in just one year, three extremely magnificent projects were completed!

The first item was to build an Andohar Reservoir with a storage capacity of more than 50 billion cubic meters, using millions of tons of cement (which Zhou Ming had people burn). The reservoir lake area exceeds 1,500 square kilometers, and the main dam is 80 meters high. It can completely withstand a once-in-a-hundred-year flood.

After the Andohar Reservoir is completed, not only will flooding be completely controlled, but it will also bring three major benefits.

One is irrigated farmland. Tens of millions of acres of farmland will receive good irrigation conditions. Andorhal County, which has been flooded nine times in ten years, will become one of the most fertile main food-producing areas in the Orunian Empire.

The second is fish farming. Countless fish can be raised in the vast lake of Andorhal Reservoir. Countless fish can also be raised in the tens of thousands of fish ponds dug downstream of the reservoir... All kinds of fish will become the specialty of Andorhal County, creating a lot of wealth for the people.

Three are able to turn Andorhal County into an industrial town.

Because after the completion of the Andohar Reservoir, the 80-meter-high drop of the main dam can provide abundant water resources. A large number of hydraulic mechanical devices are placed here. There is no doubt that it will bring production to the industrial development of the Orunian Empire. Huge improvement in efficiency.

In addition, surrounding the Andohar Reservoir, Andohar County has become a land of plenty and an important industrial town. It will export countless industrial and agricultural products and create countless opportunities and wealth.

Faced with these opportunities and wealth, how could Zhou Ming let them go?

The Royal Commercial Group in his hands will carry out in-depth cooperation with the victims of the disaster in Andohar County, sign purchase and sales contracts, take over all agricultural and sideline products, and then carry out industrial processing and finally sell them nationwide... It is expected to provide at least 100% of the Royal Commercial Group's revenue every year. Group, bringing in revenue of more than 10 million gold pagoda shields.

The post-disaster reconstruction funds that Zhou Ming spent were only about 10 million gold pagoda shields... and the capital could be recovered within one year.

In addition, Zhou Ming also spent millions of gold pagoda shields to build a two-way carriage track from the imperial capital to Andorhal County to facilitate the exchange and transportation of people and products... This is the second grand project.

In addition to the completion of the third grand project planned... the Imperial City Central Airport and the light gas (light gas, inert gas, similar in nature to the 'airless' in the previous copy, with very low density) aerospace craft factory are also in the process of completion. Under intense construction.

In just one year, Zhou Ming accomplished two major things and completed the reconstruction of the entire disaster area. It is expected that from next year, Andohar County, which has become a "land of plenty" and "an important industrial town", will give him Bring extremely generous benefits.

Various construction activities have come down.

Its efficiency is very high.

Construction is so fast.

It's unbelievable.

It can be described as "super fast".

According to the original estimates of the ministers: the reconstruction work in the disaster area will take at least three years. As for the jaw-dropping Andorhar Reservoir rising from the ground, it was not in the ministers' plan at all. If the empire had such a plan, , the construction capital of this reservoir must be at least 50 million gold pagoda shields, and the construction period must be more than 20 years!

But in less than a year, the reservoir stood in front of them, causing them to rub their eyes hard and think they were hallucinating.

How did you do it?

What kind of power was used to build such a huge reservoir?

Could it be that some god is helping?

In front of Zhou Ming, the ministers asked one after another because they really couldn't believe that the water storage dam could be built with the help of ordinary people.

The ministers' guess was correct. In order to speed up the construction of Andohar Reservoir, Zhou Ming did use the power of "transcendence of nature".

The power of blue!

This kind of neutral and soft power, although slightly lacking in attack power, is simply miraculous in controlling water and soil.

In addition, there were a full 100 Magic Network Walkers who played a huge role in the construction of the reservoir with more than 10,000 excavators, creating a "miracle" in the eyes of countless people.

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