Urban Supreme System

Chapter 573 Little Boy and Grandma

This 70-year-old man needs to push a seemingly heavy sanitation garbage truck to sweep the dusty streets when most of the time he is still sleeping in bed.

For this meager salary, the old man is very serious and responsible. She sweeps up all the places she passes by, and sweeps up the dust on the road, although the place will return to its original state soon.

The old man pushed the sanitation garbage truck ahead, stopping every time he passed a certain distance, and then cleaned the ground. In addition, there was a child behind the old man's sanitation garbage truck.

Judging from the child's height, Su Zhe judged that his age should be similar to that of the baby. He was about three or four years old and looked very thin. Because the child turned his back to Su Zhe, Su Zhe couldn't see his appearance clearly. , I don't know if the child is a boy or a girl.

This child is wearing a small hat and carrying a small schoolbag. His clothes are already very worn out. Whether it is the hat, the small schoolbag, or the clothes on his body, they are all torn. Both the hat and the clothes can be damaged. I saw that there were patches on it, but maybe the people who sewed the patches were skillful, so it looked delicate, but it didn't look too abrupt.

There are also many places on the small schoolbag that the child is carrying has been tattered, and the leather of the schoolbag has been turned up, but this child will not dislike it, and has been carrying this small schoolbag.

The child wearing a hat and carrying a small schoolbag has been following the sanitation worker's car. After not leaving, the sanitation worker is his grandmother.

Seeing this child, Su Zhe would also help his grandma with work. He would carefully pick up the garbage on the road separation belt, useless garbage. This little kid will stand on tiptoe. Throw it in the garbage truck. As for garbage such as plastic bottles and cans, children will deliberately pick them out and put them into cloth bags hanging on the car.

Because children know that these cans can be sold for money and can be exchanged for food.

It can be seen that the child likes his hat very much. Although the hat is very worn out, the child still cherishes this hat very much.

Because when the child bent down to pick up the trash, the hat slipped off his head. Seeing this, the child hurriedly picked up the hat that fell on the ground, first patted it with his little hands for a long time, and then took several breaths, trying to blow the dust off the hat, and then the child put the hat back on.

At this time, Su Zhe finally saw his appearance clearly. It turned out to be a little boy.

Although every once in a while, the hat would slip off and the little boy would need to repeat the same thing, but he never tires of giving.

The action and expression are still very serious about cleaning the dust on the hat.

Such a scene, the cute and clumsy movements of the little boy. Seeing that Su Zhe wanted to laugh, but his heart felt sore and he felt very uncomfortable.

In the end, Su Zhe still didn't do anything, opened the door of the martial arts hall, and walked in, because the more Su Zhe looked at it, the more uncomfortable he felt.

After Su Zhe entered the martial arts gym, the sanitation worker parked the cart on the side of the road, then unzipped the boy's schoolbag and took out a plastic bag from it.

There was a big steamed bun in the plastic bag, and the old man took out half a bottle of water from the school bag. She broke the big steamed bun in half, gave the big half to the little boy, and ate the small half, and opened it. bottle for the little boy to drink.

Although the steamed buns and water were still hot when the old man brought them out from home, after such a long time, and the little boy’s schoolbag can’t keep them warm, when they were taken out to eat at this time, the hot water became cold, and the steamed buns It also started to harden, but neither the old man nor the little boy disliked it, and they still ate with relish, because the old man and the little boy had no choice.

The little boy did not act spoiled and picky to his parents like other peers. He took a small bite of the steamed bun in his little hand, then swallowed it slowly, and then took a sip of cold water.

After the little boy took a sip of water, he handed the water bottle to his grandma and asked her to take a sip too. The little boy's grandmother touched the little boy's face in relief before taking the water bottle.

After eating half of the steamed buns, the little boy said to his grandma, "Grandma, I'm full and I can't eat any more."

While the little boy was talking, he also handed the steamed buns in front of grandma.

"Yangyang, you should eat more, if you eat so little, you won't grow taller." Grandma persuaded, she hoped that her grandson Yangyang could eat more.

"I really can't eat any more." The little boy shook his head, then took the steamed buns into grandma's hands, and stopped looking at them.

Only at this time, the little boy will act like a baby to his grandma and show a little temper.

Helpless, the little boy's grandmother had no choice but to take the steamed buns that the little boy couldn't eat, and ate them.

At this time, the little boy played with his hat, diverted his attention, and couldn't bear to look at the steamed buns in his grandma's hand. He was worried that his expression would be discovered by his grandma.

It turned out that the little boy was not unable to eat, nor was he a picky eater who didn't want to eat steamed buns. The reason why the little boy didn't eat it was because he felt sorry for his grandma. He saw that grandma ate so little, so he saved his steamed buns and gave them to his grandma. , although the little boy is still young, the little boy already knows that if he doesn't do this, grandma won't eat his steamed buns.

Poor children have been in charge of the family early, because of the poverty and hardship of life, the little boy who is only a few years old has already understood many things and knows how to love his grandma, while other peers who are living happily at this time will only act coquettishly and show their temper.

After grandma finished eating the steamed buns, grandma put the water bottle into the little boy's schoolbag, and she was not willing to throw away the plastic bag that contained the steamed buns, but put it in the schoolbag too, because the plastic bag could be used tomorrow I also have to bring steamed buns out to eat.

After that, grandma stood up, because grandma was old, her hands and feet were no longer flexible, and it was very inconvenient to move. A simple movement of getting up also made grandma very strenuous, and the sensible little boy beside him hurriedly helped her Get up grandma, and then put on your own hat.

After that, grandma pushed the trolley and swept down the road, and the little boy continued to follow behind, helping grandma pick up garbage, as well as waste products such as cans.

The little boy never complained, nor did he run to play by himself, and the grandma was tired, and when he stopped to rest, the little boy would help grandma rub her legs, because he knew that grandma's legs had some minor problems, Sometimes grandma's feet often get sick, so the little boy wants to massage grandma so that grandma's feet can relax. (To be continued..)

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