Ushering In The Internet Era In The Magical World

Chapter 269 The Planting Talent of the Flower Planters

In order to prevent wind and sand erosion, Zhao Shuya's base was built very high, and the whole body was made of steel materials - of course, it was made out of macro.

The perimeter of the base is dotted with sentries, watching for possible intruders at any time.

It is the farm unit that occupies the core position inside the base.

At this time, a group of staff wrapped in white gauzes were busy transplanting and cultivating crops.

Yu Sheng'an had just arrived, and he was Zhao Shuya's younger brother, so he naturally had no mission, so he folded his arms and watched the fun.

Seeing this, Yu Shengan was dumbfounded.

This group of people mixed fine sand with feces to simulate the soil environment. To be honest, although it was a bit disgusting, Yu Sheng'an was not a god who didn't eat fireworks in the world, so it was not unacceptable.

What's more, he was born in a serious rural area, and he still remembers the stench of dung watering the ground.

But what these people did next left Yu Shengan at a loss.

After they transplanted the carefully preserved seedlings into the dung soil, they then sowed the seeds at a certain density on another part of the land, and after watering them one by one, everything was fine.

"Wait, are you alright?" Yu Shengan asked the person in charge of the farm.

This person is Yin Rui, over forty years old, probably because of the lucrative salary of the position, he looks very stocky, and looks like a hunchback.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Yin Rui asked.

She received a notice from the base community and knew that the young man who had joined the team was the leader's younger brother, so she didn't know if it was his relative.

Some people speculate that it may be the little lover raised by the boss in private.

However, everyone just said a few words in secret, and no one dared to discuss it publicly.

In this world, mastery of violence equals mastery of privilege.

Really pissed off the chiefs, they're just fertilizer.

"Is it too wasteful to spread the soil on such a large area?" Yu Sheng'an reminded.

"Waste? This thickness is the best thickness we have found out through thousands of experiments,

How can it be wasted? " Yin Rui explained, looking a little unhappy.

Many farm members also looked over.

They don't feel very good about Yu Sheng'an, who suddenly joined the community but was idle.

"Then why not add a roof to prevent water vapor from escaping?" Yu Shengan asked again.

"Without enough light, the bermudagrass will grow very slowly." Yin Rui's tone was a little cold, and she seemed a little impatient.

"Then you can use glass as a roof!"

"Do you want to turn the farm into a furnace?" At this moment, Yin Rui looked at Yu Sheng'an as if he was looking at an idiot.

Yu Shengan opened his mouth and wanted to say, can you use the air conditioner to cool down?

But in the end he kept his mouth shut, didn't bother arguing, turned around and left with a strange expression on his face.

He found an incomprehensible BUG!

——In this world where the productive forces have been completely liberated, how can you not know how to farm?

Is this because Zhao Shuya's team doesn't know how to farm?

Or is the whole world not farming?

Yu Sheng'an found Zhao Shuya and reported this problem.

"You mean, their planting method is wrong?" Zhao Shuya sat behind the desk and asked with a look of surprise.

"I can't say it's wrong, but this kind of farming is very inefficient and a waste of water resources." Yu Shengan frowned and asked, "Is this the level of farming in this world?"

"Almost! However, the nobles occupy the oasis, where there are inexhaustible water sources and real soil, so they are somewhat different from us, but they are similar to farmers in the multiverse." Zhao Shuya nodded.

"Allow me to manage the farm!" Yu Sheng'an nodded, and asked for the right to manage it neatly.

To be honest, Yu Sheng'an just couldn't understand the incompetence of humans in farming in this world.

However, now he suddenly figured it out again.

This is not so much a gap in knowledge as it is an inevitable result of technological leap.

On the one hand, the highly refined division of labor in industrial society is enough to cause most people to be inactive and unable to distinguish between five grains.

Leaving aside, looking at Blue Star, wheat and rice are everywhere, and those who can't tell which rice is made and which are milled are just a handful.

Think that fruit is a child who grows from a fruit shop, let alone a minority.

On the other hand, looking at the development of nano-robots in this world, it is clear that human beings have already got rid of low-level labor, and the establishment of automated farms is definitely expected.

Then, when civilization suffered a fatal blow, it is not surprising that there will be a fault in the basic knowledge system.

After all, although the world is highly technologically advanced, it does not mean that everyone is like a dragon.

Most people are just tool users.

"No problem, I'll let you know!" Zhao Shuya nodded and agreed without thinking, and there was even a bit of anticipation in her eyes.

As for Yu Sheng'an, will he screw it up?

She wasn't worried at all, even if it really messed up, she would turn into a bandit and rob others.

Didn't she never do this kind of thing when she established her power?

If she didn't dislike the fact that the target was too big and would easily attract the noble army to hunt down and kill her, she would have supported war with war.

Yu Shengan left Zhao Shuya's office and went straight to the farm.

When he arrived, countless people gathered at the scene.

Everyone lined up neatly and looked at him in astonishment, especially Yin Rui's eyes widened with an absurd expression.

— Apparently they've all been notified.

"Master Zhao, the boss sent me to help you take over the farm, do you need help?" Da Biao appeared from nowhere.

Behind him followed a dozen full-body armored warriors.

"No need for now, I will make some changes to the farm later, if anyone is disobedient, then take them out for me." Yu Shengan ordered casually.

"No problem!" Da Biao nodded.

"Remove all the crops and collect the dung again. I want to change the structure of the farm." Yu Sheng'an, the new official, commanded the farm members unceremoniously.

Everyone looked at each other and subconsciously glanced at Yin Rui.

Yin Rui looked at Da Biao again, finally gritted her teeth and nodded, and followed suit.

Seeing that Yin Rui was still cooperative, Yu Shengan didn't bother to make an example of others.

Soon, the farm members cleaned up the farm.

Yu Shengan immediately visualized.

In an instant, a large number of black particles gathered in front of him, and the shape of the farm also changed rapidly.

A transparent glass house with a small size rose from the ground, and various pipes in it wandered crazily, making it very redundant and dazzling.

"You follow this template and make two more copies!" Yu Sheng'an ordered again.

He is not lazy to copy, but in this world, the objects that everyone can manifest are limited to a certain value! Once the critical value is exceeded, no new objects can be manifested.

Obviously this is another permission restriction.

Otherwise, even civilians can use harmless objects to create terrifying lethality.

"Yes!" The farm members did not dare to disobey, so they could only follow suit one by one.

Then, under Yu Sheng'an's order, the dung was transplanted in, and a very complicated and novel farming process began.

To be honest, as the farming started, the farm members gradually became suspicious.

As professional members of the farm, they naturally questioned Yu Shengan's ability subconsciously, thinking that he only took the position of head of the farm because of his status as the leader's younger brother.

However, Yu Shengan's proficiency and determination made them mutter again, could this really be a new way of farming?

In any case, under Zhao Shuya's strong rule, the farm members did not dare to disobey Zhao Shuya's extension of rights, and could only obediently obey orders.

By the time everything is settled, the sun has already set.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, the full-spectrum LED lights suddenly lit up in these glass houses.

This novel farming model has attracted countless people from the community to watch.

The news of Yu Shengan taking over the farm quickly spread throughout the base.

Under Zhao Shuya's great prestige, no one in the base dared to question it openly, but doubts and distrust still spread uncontrollably among the crowd.

Especially when everyone learned that their food reserves were not much, and if there was no good harvest for this batch of crops, they would face famine, and people's hearts became even more impetuous.

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