Saying goodbye to the Evernight Goddess, the Lord of Storms returned to his territory - Cloud City.

Its name is similar to a floating city, but in fact, it is just an isolated island in the deep sea.

However, the peak of this island is so high that it is called Cloud City, which also complements each other.

The city is deep and the palace is secluded.

The sculptures of winged angels and flesh-winged demons are displayed on both sides of the main hall, revealing the unique taste of the owner.

The figure of the Lord of Storms quietly appeared in the hall, the shy smile that met the Evernight Goddess disappeared from his face, and he also lost a little bit of rage and arrogance.

He walked slowly towards the throne, his eyebrows knit together.

The words of the Goddess of the Night made him hesitate, should he tell the God of the Internet, the God of the Sea to win him over?

By doing so, you can show your sincerity.

But the Lord of Storms was a little hesitant, because the price the Sea God offered was very high, and this was the reason why he was tempted in the first place.

Once the God of the Internet asks questions, will he answer frankly? Or hide it?

To answer frankly, the god of the Internet must have a gap in his heart.

If it is concealed, once the incident happens, won't this frank confession become an ulterior motive?

Hesitation, hesitation, weighing, pros and cons... Countless thoughts set off a storm in the mind of the Storm Lord.

After a long time, the Lord of Storms sat on the divine throne, opened the Internet interface, and was about to tell the truth, but at the same time, the God of the Internet sent a message.

"I heard that watching the tide in the clouds is magnificent. I wonder if I can take a closer look?"

The Lord of the Storm stared at this passage with a slightly pale face. He stared until every word felt unfamiliar, as if he didn't know it. Then he took a deep breath and replied, "Welcome."

I thought about it, it was the right time to watch the tide.

The Lord of Storms didn't dare to be negligent, and hurried up to the terrace of the palace. Not long after, a restrained teleportation light flashed, and Yu Sheng'an showed his figure.

He looked around and seemed interested in the Storm Lord's private domain.

"Sure enough, it's a good place. It's not easy to find a second one in such a land of thousands of blades!" Yu Sheng'an said with emotion.

"If Your Highness likes it, I will give this Cloud City to His Highness.

"The Storm Lord heard the voice.

"Excuse me! The mountain is not high, and the gods will sing. Give me this place, I am wronged." Yu Sheng'an waved his hand, he had no desire to chase after the strange scene.

If Yunzhong City is really given to him, it will only become a palace that he will only visit once in the year of the monkey.

The Lord of the Storm was shocked when he heard the words.

If the mountain is not high, if there is a god, then it will sing?

The more he listened to these words, the more he felt them, and the more he thought about them, the more lingering was the taste, as if there was a great way hidden in it.

No, is this a warning from the internet gods? Or caution?

For a moment, the Lord of Storms felt uneasy and terrified of going back thousands of years ago, when he had not yet become a god and became a mortal, and only said a few words to the nobles.

"Your Highness..." The Lord of Storms subconsciously wanted to expose the sea god's poaching.

"Watch the tide!"

Yu Shengan raised his hand, walked to the balcony railing, and looked out.

The sea is calm, but at some point, waves and clouds surge up, thousands of feet of waves, thousands of feet of Cui Wei, suddenly startled, huge waves roll up snow foam and rush towards the terrace.

Standing on the terrace built under the corner of the cliff, looking up at the waves that stretch for thousands of miles, even if it is a god, I feel a little bit emotional.

The sound of the waves covered up all the intrigue on the terrace.

I don't know how long it took, the waves gradually subsided.

The east is white.

"It's really magnificent!"

Yu Sheng'an let out a long breath, and turned to look at the Lord of Storms.

"The gods only love the human race, but they don't know that the ocean is the treasure of resources. It's a pity that the sea god has been guarding the treasure house alone, but he has been complacent for thousands of years. It's pitiful! The Lord of Storms only rules the ocean and sky. Don't you think it's a little boring?"

The Storm Lord was stunned.

"What does your Highness mean?"

"Sea God uses the ocean as a bait to open up the ocean and promote the star network. This is a crisis and an opportunity. Although the power of the storm cannot corrode the deep sea, it is enough to rule the sea and the sky to hold the deep sea. In the past, you lacked source quality and it was difficult to fight against each other. Now that there are artificial Rain, why not go one step further?"

Yu Sheng'an's words made the Storm Lord's eyes widen suddenly.

Heart pounding.

"Your Highness, do you know that the Sea God approached me a few days ago to win me over?" the Lord of Storms said in a deep voice.

"Oh? And this?" Yu Sheng'an was surprised.

The Lord of the Storm didn't know whether the Internet God's expression was teasing, or he really didn't know, he continued to say in a deep voice: "He said that he is willing to open up all the oceans and skies in the multiverse to me, and protect the long-distance caravan in my name, so as to learn from it. Source quality, and at the same time open the star network to me."

Yu Shengan smiled and said, "Are you moved?"

"Yes." The Storm Lord nodded.

"Sea God is also smart. He knows that the times have changed, sticking to the old order, and enclosing the missionary area has little meaning. He simply pretended to be generous and gave up part of the right to profit from the missionary area to win over allies. Hehe, good method, good method!"

Yu Shengan commented casually.

It's just that although he praised in his mouth, it was full of ridicule and ridicule to the Lord of Storms.

The Lord of the Storm was a little ashamed when he heard this.

Because the God of the Internet's comments stated a fact - Sea God tricked him with benefits that were about to expire, but he was still moved.

"The crown is not picked up by a sword, and it can never be worn securely." Yu Sheng said.

"Hey——" the Lord of Storms took a deep breath and said, "Your Highness created the Temple of the Gods and has clearly divided the territory. Even if there is a disputed area, it has nothing to do with me? How can I deprive the Sea God missionary area?"

"Buy!" Yu Sheng'an showed a devilish smile.

"Buy?" The Storm Lord was at a loss.

"Sea gods rule the ocean and the coastlines of the major planes, but the major coastlines border on the missionary areas of the gods, so all the coastlines are disputed areas. The gods have the title of territory, but they have no ability to take it back. In this case, why not spend Money to buy directly? Or lease?"

"I think the gods must be willing to rent out the unprofitable disputed domain to other gods in exchange for an endless stream of source quality."

The Lord of Storms was stunned: "Even if I get the nominal right to rule in such a territory, I'm afraid I won't be able to preach. The income and effort are completely out of proportion. This, I am afraid, will not be able to last for a long time."

"Is your thinking rigid?"

Yu Shengan shook his head.

"You don't need to occupy all the coastline, just a seaport. You want economic benefits, not missionary benefits."

"Compared with air transportation, the cost of sea transportation is much lower, especially with the help of ocean currents, the cost is lower! As long as you can build a seaport and establish a stable channel, then your seaport will be a gold swallowing beast. Rolling over?"

"If the Sea God attacks..." The Storm Lord asked subconsciously.

But as soon as the question came out, he suddenly closed his mouth and widened his eyes.

Yu Shengan smiled at his astonishment.

If the sea god attacks the harbor, it will be a war between the two gods. If the long coastline can't be defended, can't the Danwan harbor be defended?

What's more, behind the Lord of Storms is the God of the Internet!

Once a war breaks out, the God of the Internet will have an excuse to intervene. At that time, the sky will be full of stars, enough for the Sea God to weigh whether he can bear the consequences of the collapse of the marine life chain.

Taking a step back, it would be even better if the Sea God attacked the caravan.

This means that Poseidon's "strategy of opening the ocean" has become a complete joke.

So this game will only evolve into a proxy war in the end, with the big bosses of both sides hiding behind the scenes and competing for conventional power.

In an instant, the master of the storm, who had a clear mind, was dripping with cold sweat.

The God of the Internet is clearly going to use both online and offline methods to launch a pincer offensive?

But after the shock, the burning ambition made his eyes suddenly brighten up.

He is also an authority in the sea department, so why should he be that unknown pawn?

He wanted to see how powerful Sea God, one of the five righteous gods who ruled the multiverse, was!

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