Versatile Mage: Demon Panel, unlimited alchemy!

Chapter 142 Broken Wing Bone Dragon, Immortal Demonic Lotus

Looking around, Mo Fan and his party quickly noticed the majestic white tomb in the distance. After sighing with emotion, they quickly walked towards the white tomb in the distance.

outside world.

The original Groudon, who once again defeated the Mountain Corpse and the Onyx Corpse King with one against two, looked up to the sky and roared.

The next second, Primordial Groudon mobilized the power of the earth, and formed a huge auburn rock shield on three sides around him, with an arc of several hundred meters, to protect himself.

Primordial Groudon once again tore the earth apart, summoning countless flames and lava balls to condense in his palms, and the dark red sky-splitting lava sword quickly appeared.

But this time, the original Groudon's target was not the Mountain Corpse and the Onyx Corpse Lord, but the Bonebrain Lord who was imprisoned by the Thunder God's Halberd.

"Cliff Sword!!!"

The lava-shaped cliff sword, swirling with flames and molten lava, was like a thorn on the back of an earth dragon, protruding from the mountains, and the tip of the molten sword penetrated the main demon skull of the Skeleton Lord underworld like lightning.


The Underworld Lord of the Bonebra let out a shrill howl. It was struggling to break away from the imprisoning power of the Thunder God's Halberd. It was caught off guard and suffered such a severe injury. It was full of anger and needed a target to vent.

At this time, the skull of the Demon Skull of the Skeleton Demon Lord has been completely shattered, and the unbearable searing pain is transmitted to all parts of its body.

There are still crimson lava flames burning and flowing all over the body of the Skeleton Temple Underworld Lord, and they are still eroding and burning its forest-white bones.

But even so, it was temporarily blinded by anger and had no time to pay attention to the molten flames burning on its bones.

The bone dragon heads on the left and right quickly transformed into phantoms of bone dragon fangs several times the size, aiming at the flat, wavy head of the original Groudon and biting it in the air.

Primordial Groudon had been waiting for this moment.

It raised its giant molten tail high, covered with huge obsidian-like bone spurs and shaped like hooks, and struck like thunder on the sides of the three demonic heads of the Lord of the Skeleton Temple, blasting them away with shocking brute force. Fell to the ground.

The original Groudon's passive ability - Molten Earth Armor, can cause extra double damage to flying units, not to mention that it holds the power of the earth, as long as it has its feet on the earth, it is unrivaled in the monarch level.

The combination of the energy of volcanoes, lava and earthquakes restrained undead creatures such as the Skeletor Lord to a great extent.

As for the phantom of the fangs transformed by the Lord of the Bonebra, after desperately biting on the lava earth armor of the original Groudon, it only bit off some red rock fragments, which were absorbed by the original Groudon in the next second. The energy of the earth has been repaired.

Primordial Groudon roared excitedly, seeing the enemy that had been flying high in the sky falling to the ground. Naturally, it would not let go of this God-given opportunity.

The lava earth armor covering the whole body quickly drew out a large amount of molten flames from the cracks in the ground, and then Primordial Groudon jumped and fell like a mountain on the huge bone body of the Skeleton Lord.

"Crunch, crunch~~!!"

The forest-white skeleton of the Lord of the Bones made an overwhelming sound of shattering, and it had no choice but to send out a low roar for help to the Mountain Corpse and Onyx Corpse Lord not far away.

After the Mountain Corpse and the Onyx Corpse Lord worked together to shatter the giant auburn rock shield, they took long strides and rushed towards the battlefield.

However, the original Groudon did not do nothing in this short period of more than ten seconds. It took the lead in probing out two giant mountain claws, bursting out with tyrannical brute force and pulling the pair of forest-white bone wings of the Skeleton Lord from the roots. Crush it vigorously and pull it off.


The original Groudon roared excitedly and tore off your bone wings. I will let you fly. You can fly another one and show me.

Afterwards, Primordial Groudon looked up at the charging Mountain Corpse and Onyx Corpse Lord. Two mountain giant claws picked up the Skeleton Shadow Lord who had lost his bone wings.

Then he swung it in a semicircle and hit the two oncoming undead monarchs like he was throwing an oversized bowling ball.

The huge skeletal body of the Lord of the Bones was thrown in a perfect arc in mid-air. At this moment, it closed its four eyes of the undead peacefully, and finally left the big lava evil star.


Then, the Bonebrake Underworld Lord hit the mountain corpse like a cannonball, and the Onyx Corpse Lord beside it was knocked several thousand meters away.

In the battlefield outside, the original Groudon was performing a one-on-three feat, but inside the Evil Abyss, Han Lan quickly followed Mo Fan and the others, and the five of them walked together, getting closer and closer to the White Tomb Palace.

The five Mo Fans climbed up the stairs that were hundreds of meters wide and had no end in sight. The five of them were like ants trapped in a huge piece of wrinkled white paper.

As we walked, many stone figurines gradually appeared on both sides of the stairs. They were like palace guards, silently guarding this white tomb palace.

Mo Fan and others were afraid that the stone figurines would suddenly wake up, so they accelerated their pace. Fortunately, there was no movement from the stone figurines until they all arrived at the gate of the tomb palace.

After several people arrived at the gate successfully, Fang Gu took out a palm-sized bronze mirror from his arms and looked at the Evil Eye bronze mirror embedded on the gate.

The evil-eye bronze mirror blinked, and the reflections of the five people were reflected in its eyes, and then it slowly opened the white square door.

Han Lan looked back and saw that the stone figurines had woken up from their slumber after the white square door was opened. Everyone did not dare to delay any longer and quickly stepped into the white tomb.

Afterwards, everyone came to the Soul Gallery. After Su Xiaoluo's careful search, they successfully cracked a pattern carving an ancient woman.

After successfully passing the Soul Gallery level, Han Lan and the others arrived at a spacious stone and jade-fronted palace. At this moment, the small loach pendant on Mo Fan's chest emitted waves of excitement, and then they found the Immortal Demon Lotus.

After one operation, Mo Fan successfully swallowed the immortal demon lotus and was successfully promoted to a high-level fire element with the energy fed back by the little loach.

When the Immortal Demonic Lotus disappeared, Han Lan and the others passed two rows of jade female sculptures. Fortunately, there were no spiritual traps here. After everyone passed through smoothly, they came to a gradually narrowing jade platform.

Afterwards, everyone came to the most important screening level - the Bridge of Nine Deaths!

Logically speaking, if each of the five people took one path, the probability of success would be half, but in the end, everyone split into two paths.

Mo Fan, Zhang Xiaohou, and Su Xiaoluo chose one path, while Han Lan followed Fang Gu on the same path. In the original work, the path Fang Gu chose was the Shengmen, and he successfully arrived at the Blood Throne.

Naturally, Han Lan would not give up this God-given opportunity.

"Han Lan, why don't you go with Mo Fan and the others?" Fang Gu suddenly asked halfway.

"I'm just not used to choosing one path alone." Han Lan explained casually.

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