Versatile Mage

Chapter 2621: The end of the day

The undead sea tide instantly rushed to the weakest seawall in the south. The Krakens who had set foot here a week ago have now become more ferocious and wild and fearless.

And the more terrible thing about the undead than the Kraken is that even if they don't have the tumbling waves, they can still use their undead power.

The arrival of the undead on the seabed made the entire line of defense unpredictable, and there were not enough light magicians on the seawall.

Soon the undead Kraken from the gap of about two hundred meters, crazy into the Anjie area, the evil directly into the factory.

To the south is the factory area. The operation of a city is inseparable from the factory. The magic stone is cut here, and it is converted into electric energy and water energy used by the city, so that the large base city will not be automatically regressed.

With the intrusion of the undead, these factories are instantly turned into ruins, unstoppable, and they are always approaching the urban areas where people live intensively.

The magic soldiers couldn’t stop it.

The vast majority of the Krakens will retreat in a fierce counterattack, and will try to circumvent, which will allow the military to have more time to adjust and control the situation, but the undead is not afraid at all.

They will move toward a goal, and even if there is only one last dead body, it will not stop.

This is probably a few times more terrible than the real Kraken wave, fearless and aggressive.

Trapped through the factory area, these undead are actually moving in one direction, that is, the Pearl Master Tower.

A few kilometers away, no matter how many troops and alliances come, they can't stop the pace of these sea spirits. Many buildings have been destroyed, and countless mages have been drowned. This black and red tide quickly flocked to the Pearl Master, the ocean. Union Building, World Hunter Alliance Building.

From the Bund Viewing Avenue, countless people were scared by the front of the scene.

At the other end of the Huangpu River, the bottom of the building is full of undead under the sea. They climb quickly along the magnificent buildings and cover the glazed outer layers of the buildings with their ugly bodies.

The sky is very dark, the sun is gone, the most prosperous part of the magic, but it seems to fall into the abyss of destruction. It is no longer the superior master and the master of this city overlooking and guarding everything here. It became a dead soul on the seabed, which was piled up in one body and another corpse. They greedily stared at the streets, houses, parks, squares...

A shallow river, I am afraid that it is impossible to isolate them! !


A deep blue light shines on the tip of the Pearl Tower.

Soon, on the dome of several other Master buildings, a similar Huaguang was also bloomed.

Their brilliance was woven in the air, and finally they were cast into a sacred flower bed, standing above the many magnificent buildings.

In the sacred flower beds, there is a silvery liquid overflowing like a waterfall. They form a silver waterfall curtain, quickly enveloping the entire Lujiazui, and trapping all the undead **** trying to jump over the river.

The silvery liquid is translucent, and people can still see the undead under the sea. They crawl in groups of silver waterfalls and try to find a crack in this perfect sacred flower bed.

There are still more undead, still coming in here, they occupy the other side of the river, blocked by the silver waterfall curtain and the sacred flower beds composed of the domes of the grand buildings...

Although the stunning enchantment of the Silver Falls curtain allowed the undead to temporarily jump over the river and directly attack the residential area, the shocking picture was only a few hundred meters away.

Who would really think that this enchantment can completely guard them?

Once the undead enters the city, this densely populated base city will flow into the river.


Half of the Pearl Tower was covered with the body of the undead, and from the top, the past avenues and small streets, shopping malls and rivers were covered with unknown layers of undead.

They really use their terrible corpse to form a savage city that floods the city. If not every building here is protected by a solid barrier, the bustling land will instantly become a ruin.

"Give me the killing of them, kill me with them!!" On the air podium of the Pearl Tower, Mr. Zhuang Yue’s anger was rampant.

"The prohibition of every building has already been opened, but these undead have no wisdom at all. They only know the destruction, only know the killing, and our army and the mages can not be killed."

"Our people are also losing quickly, what is going on, why do they collectively attack here!"

"The Kraken Protoss naturally knows that the Pearl Tower is the apex mark of our human mage. Destroying this place is tantamount to capturing the enemy's flag on the battlefield. They are demonstrating to us that we will completely destroy our will to fight. ”


On the rooftop of the apartment, several teenagers are standing there.

From here, looking east, you can see those skyscrapers.

In the past, the domes of the skyscrapers and the Pearl Tower were always erected in pieces, pointing to the sky that people always felt unreachable. Everyone’s heart would be full of pride, because it was a sign of human conquest. .

But today, the apex of this human being is occupied by other creatures. It is a seabed undead that is not huge in size but has terrible forelimbs.

Their eyes are convex, their heads are like bones of fish, and their stings are covered with stingers. The horrible look is enough for those who have weak inner strength to faint on the spot.

It is no longer behind the seawall, no longer in the battle city, just in front of you, just on the roof of your own home, or even your own bedroom window, you can see this shocking scene! !

Always say that the end of the day.

Now the end is in front of you! !

"Are we all going to die??" A curly-haired teenager, holding a book in his hand, looks like he is going to be near the exam.

He looks handsome and his eyes are sluggish.

No accident, tomorrow he can become a formal registered magician, but he is not sure if he still has tomorrow!

Moreover, even if you become a magician, can you really save all that is in front of you?

It’s like a whole black and red ocean. When you ride a canoe, the black and red water can instantly kill your body and canoe. Does it really make sense? ?

"That sacred flower bed, how long can it last, I heard that it is a curse." Another thin and incomparable boy said.

It seems to be a response to the young boy.

On the silver waterfall curtain, the clearly visible cracks gradually appear. Although it is very thin and fine, it is enough to show that the enchantment is not invincible. The defense will be hit by the tide of black and red undead at any time! !

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