Video Game Designer

Chapter 286 Buy Buy Buy

It seems that although Chuhe posted some tweets and information about Red Dead Redemption on Weibo and Twitter every day.

But in fact, for most concerned players, Tianhe Network and the Red Dead Redemption under development are actually very unfamiliar.

Because compared to some game manufacturers, Tianhe Network actually rarely participates in some activities that can make the game show its face. In addition, the game has not yet been developed, and the release date is far away, so the marketing department that is responsible for Red Dead Redemption None were constructed.

At the same time, Chuhe and his team will basically not accept interviews with major media websites, including various domestic and foreign game conferences, exhibitions, Tianhe Network, and Chuhe often receive invitations.

But in most cases, they will not go, unless it is similar to E3 or some domestic activities with official background, Tianhe Network and Chuhe will only participate.

For some ordinary exhibitions and events, even if he received an invitation letter, Chuhe generally didn't bother to go.

So this also led to the fact that players found that, apart from Chuhe's Weibo and Twitter, there seemed to be no other place to learn about the latest content about Red Dead Redemption.

"What the hell, why did you come up with a conspiracy theory?" Seeing a lot of comments on his Weibo, Chuhe really couldn't laugh or cry.

Why are these players' brain holes so big?

I obviously just wanted to simply ask the players for their opinions on whether or not to add Chinese dubbing, but why did I suddenly get involved in conspiracy theories.

He also said that his purpose for all this was to make Red Dead Redemption skip tickets, what are you talking about.

Obviously, the release time of my own practice of Red Dead Redemption has not been set yet.

What's more, even if Red Dead Redemption really skips tickets when the time comes, isn't it normal for the game to skip tickets for better quality?

Look at that eternal Duke Nukem, it has been skipped for thirteen years, and the original developer has been skipped abruptly, so it was successfully produced.

However, the release time can almost be determined. According to this progress, it will be successfully launched in the summer next year.

Looking at the latest game development progress report, Chuhe thought to himself.

With this intention, Chuhe discussed with Gabre and several project leaders, and basically confirmed a situation, as long as there are no major problems in the game.

For example, if a major vicious bug is suddenly discovered, or the game itself has a design problem and needs to be reworked and redone, then basically around May next year, it will be able to officially log in to the host platform for players from all over the world up.

As for the Chinese dubbing, Chuhe finally decided to do it, but the game uses English dubbing by default, and players can actively open the Chinese dubbing option in the game options.

At the same time, Chuhe no longer had any hope of whether the game Red Dead Redemption could be released in China.

Just when all the players and the media started to focus on Red Dead Redemption because of Chu He's twitter and Weibo, Chu He had already made a decision.

Between buying land to build the company's headquarters building and buying other studios and companies, Chuhe chose the latter.

Although Tianhe Network has a lot of available cash, the domestic real estate market is a bit unclear now. About last year, the real estate market suddenly started to boom in large first-tier cities and small third-tier cities, and the price has not dropped until now. go down.

Moreover, Lvguiyuan, which is the first real estate company in the universe, and some other real estate companies, have frequent bad news. Although Chuhe has never thought about engaging in real estate, it seems that buying land and building buildings is not a good idea now. .

The most important thing is that Chuhe has already seen the future scene. It is estimated that he bought a piece of land in Jinling and then spent several hundred million to build a building. The next day after buying the land, it is estimated that the property market in various parts of the country will regard himself as news .

What kind of game company is optimistic about the real estate market, investing billions to buy land, and then advocating a wave of the real estate market, this feeling is quite annoying.


This month is basically a trend for the domestic mobile game market. Three out of ten games launched are related to girlization.

The femaleization of generals and monsters in Three Kingdoms and Journey to the West has already been considered, including the femaleization of swords and cold weapons, as well as the femaleization of cars and bicycles.

To say that Wangyi and Penguin are the fastest movers, they can only be said to be big companies.

In the second week after TINGK's commander was launched, the two new games were already launched, and the template basically followed TINGK's commander.

But unlike some small factories, the most admirable thing is that these two manufacturers can keep the game out quickly, and the quality is okay, at least not the kind that looks bad to players.

And especially Wangyi, the art level of Wangyi itself can be regarded as the best in China, just looking at the art of its own game can be regarded as a high-quality polish.

For such a game, Wangyi only took more than ten days. Zhang Ling in TINGK thought that the 14 days of Wangyi should be spent on art. As for the game, I don’t know if it is from the original mobile game. Got it done again.

In addition to falling into a mobile game trend of "the country is about to perish, and the army girls are everywhere", the official has also officially issued a policy, that is, the setting of the card draw in the mobile game must disclose the burst rate of each card in the card pool, and give Consuming a clear concept.

This policy sounds good, but it is actually useless. If game manufacturers want to operate in the dark, there are still a hundred ways.

Conscientious manufacturers will still be conscientious, and black-hearted manufacturers will still be black-hearted.

Just when most of the game media are reporting on Red Dead Redemption and the official mobile game policy.

Chu He, Zhang Ke, and Zhang Ling, after chatting through the company's internal social video, started the action of buying, buying, buying.

two weeks later...

The official website of Tianhe Network officially announced several news.

The first is the wholly-owned acquisition of a studio called Visor. The background of this studio is actually not small.

It used to be a studio under THQ, but last year THQ changed the company's strategy and shifted the focus of the game business from children's games to large original games.

Then after participating in E3 this year, THQ started a series of incomprehensible operations. First of all, it spent a lot of money from EA, Ubisoft, and Microsoft's game department to poach people at the same time, and then successively set up three big projects. The project probably felt that foreign monks are good at chanting scriptures. After recruiting a large number of people from EA, Ubisoft, and Microsoft, THQ suddenly found that there seemed to be a bit too many studio members.

Then sell the studio, close the studio, and lay off staff.

Among them, visor is one of them. It is good at making ACT and ARPG games, but there are not many outstanding works, which is probably the reason why it is not taken seriously.

There are 65 people in the entire studio, and now it is paid by Long Zu in Shanghai for 6 million US dollars, and the studio is still in the United States.

On the other hand, TINGK has also acquired a studio that focuses on mobile games. Although it is not well-known, it already has several games of good quality. At the German Mobile Game Exhibition that they participated in not long ago, their games also won the most popular award. Players look forward to prizes.

With a team of 40 people, TINGK paid $8 million for it.

During the same period, Tianhe Network acquired a studio in France specializing in game optimization for US$13 million, and a company specializing in game CG for US$20 million, including Blizzard and Ubisoft, which have close cooperation with them.

In addition, at a price of 42 million US dollars, it acquired a studio in Paris, France called QD, which focused on console game development and packaged a motion capture studio.

This is a studio that focuses on RPG games. In fact, what Chuhe wanted to acquire was another studio at the beginning, but the other studio finally fell into the arms of Sony, and then Chuhe aimed at QD.

In fact, Chuhe only had one comment on the games they had made, which was pretty bad.

Whether it is the gameplay or the numerical balance inside, it is quite bad. If there is anything worthy of praise, the beautiful picture, the very beautiful camera, and the good plot are the only advantages.

A group of people who can tell stories and can tell stories well, but can't make the game interesting, this is the evaluation Chuhe gave them.

Another thing that made Chuhe surprised and curious was that as the head of the studio, after he sold the studio to himself and left the studio, it was said that the employees of the studio had a party that day.

I'm so annoyed to be targeted by the film sellers, and direct +99 in the private message, who knows how to block it, I can't find the option

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