Video Game Designer

Chapter 331 Difficulties in the market

Meng Xiansheng, who originally came to learn Buddhist scriptures and at the same time sold a favor to Chuhe, obviously did not expect to get such an answer from Chuhe's mouth, and couldn't help but look confused.

However, this matter is a big problem for manufacturers in the domestic game market, but in fact Chuhe himself doesn't care too much about it.

Even if the game copyright review will be closed for a period of time, will it affect Tianhe Network?

Of course it has an impact. Although it says so, Tianhe Networks includes the page game department and mobile game department. In fact, there are many games that are only released in China, but the impact is not great. A very important part, but the greater source of profit is the overseas market.

This is also an inevitable thing. After all, there is still a difference between the game industry and the movie industry. A movie with hundreds of millions of productions can recover its copyright in China, as long as the quality is not too poor.

But a game costs hundreds of millions of dollars. If it is not developed overseas, unless it is a krypton gold client game, it is really difficult to recover the cost.

This is not something that can be determined by quality. For example, the quality of Red Dead Redemption is enough, including IGN, GameSpot and other international mainstream rating agencies, all of which gave full marks, and were even selected as the greatest game in the history of the game. game, ranked in the top twenty.

But even so, if Red Dead Redemption, which has a huge cost, abandons the overseas market and only relies on the domestic market, it is already a very fortunate thing to be able to recover the cost.

For Tianhe Network, this is not a problem, but for some domestic mobile games, web games, and other fast-paced manufacturers, it is a devastating blow.

The game has been completed, the server has been completed, and even the later publicity has been completed. As a result, the review channel has been closed, and the release of the version number has been temporarily suspended. This means that a lot of costs have been spent and there is no way to make a profit in the short term.

Difficulties in running funds and the bankruptcy of small companies were almost expected by Chuhe.

Of course, a large number of studios and companies that have suffered losses from this should be mobile game companies, but there must be many people who really want to make games.

Although China's Tianhe Network and Wegame have provided great support for domestic excellent independent game manufacturers, there are also some talented game producers who are confident or ambitious about themselves and are unwilling to be subordinated to others, and carry out independent research and development. And these people are more sad.

But Chuhe just sighed with emotion. He is not a great saint, so there is no need to lick his face and take the initiative to help. Anyway, Tianhe Network and Penguin Wegame have corresponding third-party support plans for excellent games. This is already considered Very conscientious.

As for the games of several of its studios, the review channel is closed. Does this have a big impact?

The Time at Portia of Paz Meow in the mountain city has successfully obtained the corresponding version number, and it has also been sold on platforms such as wegame. The results are not outstanding, but they are still acceptable.

Counting the sales of the steam platform, the sales volume in the national area has exceeded 500,000, and at the same time, the overseas platform has also exceeded the million mark.

Just like Left 4 Dead, Portia Time is only 68 yuan for sale on the PC platform, not to mention making Paz Meow a lot of money, but it is definitely not bad.

What they have to do next is to slowly optimize the game, fill in the content of the game, and develop the online multiplayer mode.

As for the several games currently approved by Tianhe Network, those with some sensitive elements such as heavy rain and massacre prototypes will definitely be shot.

The source engine is quite special, but the module content in it is estimated to be very likely to be shot, and the God Realm of the Black Light Studio is hard to say, it depends on whether the Black Light Studio will suddenly do something when developing the game. It's okay, otherwise it is very likely that it can pass the audit.

The only one that can pass the review with 100% confidence, that is, the League of Legends that is currently in the process of being approved, has exploded with the one under development.

After Meng Xiansheng visited Chuhe, he probably listened to Chuhe's words, or maybe his team already had an idea before.

Wangyuan announced that the development of a new martial arts style game "Shenzhou" has officially started. It is not an action mode, but a semi-real-time system that has been complained by countless players.

Although many players complain that the turn-based system is boring, domestic game manufacturers know how to make it turn-based, and domestic games are reluctant to spend money because the turn-based system saves money.

But in many cases, it is a very helpless choice to make a turn-based system, not because of the gameplay, but because of the cost return.

A game with a domestic market, especially a stand-alone game without in-app purchases, if its cost exceeds 30 million, it is almost difficult to recover the cost of the game.

And want to make that kind of ARPG open martial arts world with outstanding effects?


Of course, there are many domestic high-tech talents, including Huaxia Ubisoft, Huaxia EA, there are many big names, and even the optimization team that Ubisoft worked on for Prince of Persia in Sands of Time, has also won international awards. Technical nomination, and the optimization team is composed of domestic technical personnel.

If Wangyuan expands its strategy to overseas markets, then investing a lot of money, including outsourcing technical teams, can make an excellent ARPG game, but for some unexplainable reasons, Wangyuan’s game strategy is a characteristic of Chinese culture game.

This means that Wangyuan must give up overseas markets, develop semi-real-time games, and accumulate team experience to prepare for the next work. This is the most appropriate method.

At the same time, around the end of the month, Chuhe also received what Meng Xiansheng said before.

In the middle of next month, a Huaxia Game Conference will be held in the middle of next month, which will include changes to the review agency.

However, as in the past, Chuhe pushed all the matter to the company's senior management and asked him to participate instead of Tianhe Network.

How do you say, how does Tianhe Network do it.

This is not the first time either.

Compared with this meeting held in Beijing, Chuhe is more interested in a TGO industry summit in Los Angeles.

The industry summit led by industry leaders such as Nintendo, EA, Sony, Microsoft, and Ubisoft will invite major manufacturers and game authors from all over the world to bring their games to the summit for game exchanges.

These include the selection of game awards, as well as the display of games.

Almost all world-renowned manufacturers have accepted this invitation.

Although the external slogan is to exchange games with manufacturers and enterprises, it is not difficult to see the large-scale publicity, and the invitation of a lot of awesome manufacturers. The newly established TGO industry summit wants to promote itself Create an authoritative event.

Divide the cake and sit in rows. Although they didn't say it, this time TGO obviously has such a meaning.

And Tianhe Network is obviously qualified to enter it.

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