Video Game Designer

Chapter 413 Artificial intelligence life theme

"VR?" In the office, Chu He listened to Cage's introduction and nodded.

"Yes, the sense of substitution. This is what interactive movie games focus on. Through the control of environmental details and characters, the combination of music and the atmosphere of the environment, and the overall narrative of the game, it brings players the best immersion. The sense of substitution, this is the most interesting part of this type of game." Cage said.

The highly acclaimed rainstorm they produced before may not be the best picture, but it must be top-notch. Even in terms of character modeling details, they can be said to be the world's top level.

And this is all a huge amount of money spent dollar by dollar.

VR games, in fact, have already entered the primary level. Many game manufacturers are ready to complement VR, including launching VR versions of their various games.

But none of them achieved very good results. Instead, it was a neon game manufacturer specializing in the production of 18X. The VR game it launched was well received, and it won the annual VR sales champion in one fell swoop.

Chuhe, who heard the news at that time, felt a little bit of emotion and thought of a joke that was circulated on the Internet without knowing whether it was true or not: the technology of online payment methods was first invented from the use of cesium pornographic websites for membership payment.

Although I don't know if it's true or not, I have to say that the strength displayed by the players is really strong when facing something.

It fully demonstrates the truth of "you show me Naizi, and I will give you money".

But I have to say that Chuhe is not very optimistic about the field of VR that Cage and the others want to get involved in, because there are many things that need to be resolved.

Needless to say about the software design of the game itself, how to solve the problem of whether players will be dizzy or not can be solved through testing.

But the key is that the current price of VR is not very affordable, this is the main problem, and the limitations of VR itself dooms many games that cannot be played through VR.

It can only be said to be in one direction, but it is indeed something for interactive movie games.

Regarding the direction of VR, Chuhe and Cage discussed it. Although this direction may be the way out for interactive movie games in the future, it is at least impossible to realize in the short term, because the high cost is doomed to make VR equipment difficult to use. may be popularized.

However, although Chuhe Ben Cage thinks so, in fact, the headquarters of Tianhe Network, including the branch of QD's own studio, are also trying VR games.

At the same time, including Sony and other hardware manufacturers that deploy VR, they all have a cooperative relationship with them.

After all, the biggest contributor to the promotion of hardware sales is the game.

Especially the game console.

After talking about the content of VR, Chuhe also officially met the game that Cage mentioned before.

"Are you using the same shooting method as the live-action movie?"

Looking at the document Cage opened, including the demo presentation, Chu He nodded.

The motion capture performances in the game, including the motion trajectories of all the characters in the game, are all captured by real people, and the shots in the game are also shot by special photographers.

Although the original heavy rain was provided with the action quality of special actors, it was not shot with real actors throughout.

"Detailed options reduce the player's QTE environment interaction, and real people play to deepen the sense of immersion." Chu He nodded slightly.

"However, the real core lies in the plot." Chu He looked at Cage and said.

This type of game, whether it is technology or other things, can only be used as an auxiliary, icing on the cake.

The real main core element is the plot of the game. If the plot of the game is not good, then everything is useless, let alone how much sense of substitution the player can have.

"Yes, this is the most important part, but I believe in our ability, and with our brand-new technology, it will definitely bring players a different feeling." After speaking, Cage opened his mouth in front of Chuhe. A demo demonstration.

"Look what you've done? Your purpose is to serve humanity, not kill them!"

On the screen, a man grabbed a little girl with a gun, and a man in a suit pointed at the dead body on the ground.

"What was I designed for..."

"I've followed orders all my life! Now, it's my turn to call the shots!"


"Put down the gun, if you touch it again, I'll kill you!"

"You can't kill me, I have no life!"

The same scenes in a row, but different stories appeared in front of Chuhe. This was just a simple demo, but it did surprise Chuhe a little.

"Excellent game performance!" Chuhe praised: "But the plot of the game, artificial intelligence life? It's a very philosophical subject."

In fact, there have been various debates about the life of artificial intelligence robots.

For example, if artificial intelligence life is really created one day, and they have their own intelligence, will they betray human beings?

Will it go beyond the classic three laws of robots, and should these artificial intelligence life enjoy the same rights as humans?

Countless people who have been fed by Mr. Yuan Longping have been arguing endlessly about these issues.

But as far as games are concerned, this is indeed a topical and attractive subject.

"For the content of this episode, we took 11 days to shoot the action material alone!" Cage said proudly.

The light and shadow in the game, details including character movements and modeling, are absolutely top-notch.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the picture of the next era, but it is a pity that this level of picture can only be seen in games of this type of interactive movie games.

Due to functional limitations, it is not enough for him to become an ARPG type of game. To put it in an inaccurate but simple and clear way, this is actually similar to the principle of broadcasting.


At the end of January, the audition for the League of Legends Huaxia Kings League has been completely over, and the teams that stand out will participate in the official competition in February.

At the same time, Blizzard has also shown amazing strength. In just three months, they have completed most of the production of Blizzard DOTA, and have put in advertisements for publicity.

Instead, the previously announced Diablo mobile game has no sound.

As for the DOTA trademark copyright lawsuit, even if there is a final result, it is estimated that the dispute over the game is almost over.

In the promotion, Blizzard has clearly targeted their user group, that is, new players and their own Blizzard fans.

The main publicity points focus on the big fights of classic IP characters such as Warcraft, Interstellar, and Diablo. At the same time, it claims that the game cancels the knife economy system, so that players can get rid of boring money and directly enter team battles from the early to mid-term. The fast pace of the game, ten minutes a game.

Although no one has tried the actual effect of the game, but in terms of the current publicity momentum, it can be said to be menacing.

At the same time, Blizzard itself also made a high-profile announcement that a Blizzard DOTA Grand Prix will be held after the game is released, with a prize pool of US$1 million.

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