Video Game Designer

Chapter 467 Layoffs

With the core gameplay, art style, background and brief story settings, the whole project has entered the stage of formal development. It is still the same as before, collecting external actions and other materials, and then making the simplest one. The game demo to see what the actual gameplay effect looks like.

After confirming that this is the direction I want, including the material production of Meisu, as well as the core basic process of the game, etc. will be started.

After discussing the name of the project with several people in charge of the participating studios in Chuhe, the tentative order is: Dawn.

When Chuhe was developing the game with the whole team, a news broke out suddenly, which caused some shocks in the industry.

Activision Blizzard announced that it will cancel its 3A-level sci-fi online game "Titan" under development, and will lay off more than 500 people. Among them, Blizzard Entertainment, which was responsible for the development of "World of Warcraft" and the dead "Titan", will lay off 209 people , including the person in charge of each position, as well as the main core studio employees.

Externally, Blizzard claims this is to secure the company's future.

Then the players explode.

‘Although I like World of Warcraft, I still have to say: Good! '

'Let's cut it, let's cut it, I guess it won't be far to cut off the company. '

‘The 209 people laid off should all have no mobile phones, right? After all, without a mobile phone, there is no way to play Diablo mobile games. '

‘The current Blizzard is no longer the Blizzard it used to be. The inside of the body is probably in the shape of a net billion, right? '

‘No, maybe there are Activision and Penguin shapes too? '

'Every violent black was once violent white! '

The layoffs of game manufacturers actually have nothing to do with the players, but I have to say that Blizzard's amazing operations in recent years have really chilled the hearts of many players.

Although World of Warcraft is still one of the most popular MMORPG games on the market today, compared with the original content, in the subsequent updates, basically most of the missions have a strong dark style, the kind that makes your liver die .

At the same time, at the carnival, Blizzard will be the finale of the Diablo mobile game in cooperation with Wangyi, and revealed the best quotation of the year at that time, "Don't you all have mobile phones?"

Coupled with the subsequent failure of Blizzard DOTA, the cancellation of "Titan", which is still in development today, and the layoffs of the studio.

In an instant, countless players were excited.

However, the players don't know Chu He's feelings for Blizzard, but there is no doubt that this is an excellent opportunity, a good opportunity to poach the wall.

These people who were laid off by Activision Blizzard are all talents!

It would be a waste not to poach the wall, and at present, Tianhe Network Studio actually lacks these talents, especially the talents in numerical planning.

What is the most important game?

Programmer, art, level design, gameplay design, plot?

Few players' first impression is numerical planning.

There are even quite a few players who think that numerical planning is important, and it is important in online games. After all, there are so many krypton gold items that need numerical planning to balance. To be able to pass, these are numerical planning.

However, this is not the case, including the value in the stand-alone, involving difficulty and even the entire game crashing.

At present, there is really little about numerical planning in Tianhe Network, even web games, and mobile games that have lost a lot of popularity. In the stand-alone multiplayer mode, the numerical planning is completely for training newcomers. Nice words, bastard.

Based on the original values, fine-tuning and changes will be made in subsequent updates.

Database structure, participating in the planning of your own data dictionary, and a qualified numerical planning, you must understand lua, C, VBA, fortran and other languages, not just pulling data in the table as imagined.

The same advanced mathematics, probability, statistics, linear algebra, discrete geometry, and matlab tools are basically things that a qualified numerical planner must understand to get started.

And when it comes to designing values, you need to write some basic tools in your own code language, such as drop simulators, equipment generators, character creation tools, battle simulators, random maps, item generators, and pathfinding Scripts and these are all things that a qualified numerical planner must understand.

It’s not the same as most web game and mobile game manufacturers in China. If you ask him why this value is done this way, he will tell you back: XX games under Tianhe Networks do this. I have made some fine-tuning on it. .

Numerical planning like this is basically a bastard in the industry.

Of course, such bastards cannot exist in the Tianhe network, but they are also very scarce, or any game manufacturer lacks them.

In addition to numerical planning, programs, level design, etc. are very lacking. As for what is missing, it should be responsible for art.

Everyone is scrambling to get the awesome ones, but there is really no shortage of grassroots ones.

Immediately, the People Operations department of Tianhe Network announced the recruitment news on Twitter. Although they didn't name them, anyone could understand that they were referring to those who were laid off from Blizzard.

In addition to Tianhe Network, including EA, Ubisoft, Microsoft, etc., basically also participated. Although it is really difficult to make a lot of money in 3A-level games, but the game is biased toward 3A, which is a trend of development today. up.

Especially for these big game manufacturers, the release of 3A games is not only for the profit, but also about the influence of 3A games.

And these talents who have come out of Blizzard and already have experience in 3A game development and operation, team logistics, etc., can be said to be very needed by every manufacturer.

For Blizzard, a manufacturer, it has always followed the 3A boutique route, so there is a saying that Blizzard products must be boutique.

But with the development of the game industry, the games produced by 3A can even be completed on the assembly line, and the development cycle is done every three years. For example, the most classic ones are Activision’s own COD, Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed, and EA’s. Fifa, Need for Speed ​​and so on.

Unless Blizzard can shock the world with every game and bring about an earthquake in the game industry, such as innovations in the screen and gameplay, otherwise, it will basically eat its money.

It’s not that the game is bad, but that players’ tastes have become trickier. After all, several or even a dozen 3A-level games are released to the market every year, and players’ tastes are constantly improving. If the game produced in 20 years is not amazing, it will be really difficult to win the praise of the players, and it may even have a negative effect.

The best example is the game "Duke Nuke Forever". After 13 years of bouncing tickets, there is no obvious innovation in terms of the screen, the performance of the physics engine in the game, and the gameplay.

With its cinematic narrative, in-depth plot, and mainstream graphics at the time, if it were an ordinary game, it wouldn't be too bad.

But when the IP of Duke Nukem and the 13-year bounced titles are crowned, for players who know this game, it is obvious that this is a very failed work, although its own quality is not that bad. But times have changed, and so have player tastes.

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