Video Game Designer

Chapter 520 Relying entirely on peers

No matter what kind of business it is, there is always such a saying that it all depends on peers.

For example, if you are also in the game industry, you originally made a not-so-smart decision, which may attract players' scolding; but at this time, your peers made a worse decision than you, and directly changed yourself Became the head of public criticism.

At this time, the players will aim their main firepower at the worse person.

On the contrary, it is your original bad operation. Under such a sharp contrast, you will find that it is actually quite good.

As the saying goes, generals are drawn out of dwarfs, and this is the truth.

"The 15% commission is 3% higher than EPIC's 12% commission, but it still has a lot of advantages compared to the steam platform, and the manufacturers who jumped to EPIC before have gained a lot of infamy , we still have some advantages in this regard." Ive from Ubisoft concluded.

Including that the new platform is about to be launched, and the temporary headquarters of the new platform has been established. The headquarters is located in the EA Industrial Park in Redwood City, USA. At the same time, the Ubisoft headquarters in Rennes, France will also divide an area for operations. new platform.

The Huaxia branch is located in Hong Kong, which is almost an operating model like the steam platform.

"Put us on the opposite side of EPIC, so we will be much more comfortable." Chuhe nodded slightly.

It's like a line hidden in the game that Tianhe Network just launched: When people agree with something, they will unconsciously criticize its opposite; when people criticize the same thing, they will unconsciously agree with its opposite.

This is a kind of human instinct, not a characteristic of a certain country. Now everyone agrees with the steam platform, and countless players are cursing EPIC.

Foreign players scold EPIC because EPIC allows many games to be digitally exclusive on its platform; domestic players scold EPIC for taking these games off the Steam platform because of the monopoly, and EPIC also locks the country.

This kind of invisible discrimination and contempt makes players even have no chance to buy the genuine version. To paraphrase the words of many players, if you don’t even pay attention to your own user group, how can you let players support you?

The time-limited exclusive is undoubtedly because the manufacturer believes that the game will be launched on the steam platform, and the benefits accumulated from sales in the country are not as good as EPIC's low commission.

But you don't want to give up this market, so what should you do?

Exclusive for a limited time, when the hype has passed, wouldn't it be a pleasure to make money on the steam platform?

But there is no doubt that it is because of this attitude of not paying attention that it annoys the players the most.

For foreign players, they hate the exclusive behavior of a certain platform, but for domestic players, exclusive is exclusive. If your platform is easy to use, players who are not fans of the steam platform will not give much advice, okay Use me to go to your place.

But the most important thing is that if you monopolize it, you monopolize it, but you directly close the door, and you are short of writing a slogan like "Chinese and dogs are not allowed" on the door.

"Huaxia District is a big market, and it is also your base camp, and Ubisoft's reputation in China is also very good. We can put the main entry point in this area, let game manufacturers know the strength of our platform, Putting it on our platform, they can make a lot of money." Wilson said excitedly to Chuhe.

Of course, he also had a little doubt in his heart, he just said that Ubisoft and Tianhe Network have a good reputation in China, as for their EA... let's not talk about 2333, let's not talk about it.

Small and medium-sized game manufacturers are the targets they need. As for attractive masterpieces, Tianhe Network, Ubisoft, and EA alone can actually support this platform.

"But for the release time, we need to prepare well. A masterpiece will be launched on the 15th of every month." Chu He said to Wilson and Eve.

Launching more than two masterpieces in the same month is a serious crash.

The best choice is to only launch one masterpiece on the 15th of each month, such as Ubisoft on the 15th of this month, and EA on the 15th of the next month.

Originally, everyone did not carry out strategic cooperation, so it depends on their own abilities.

But now that everyone has reached a strategic partnership, this kind of internal competition will be a meaningless behavior.

"15% commission, in addition to the necessary platform operating expenses in the early stage, we need to use most of the profits to attract players to settle in." Chuhe continued.

It is basically non-existent to expect merchants to take the initiative to lower prices, unless their TEU platform is large enough to deceive customers.

In this case, if you want to transfer profits to players, they can only pay for it from the platform.

It is also spending money to promote the game, EPIC chose to use this money to buy game manufacturers, and let their games land on the EPIC platform for exclusive use.

After researching, Chuhe and the others decided to use money to buy players and give them actual discounts to attract players, while manufacturers can get a lower commission than the steam platform.

As for the extra cost, sorry, they don't want to pay for it.

Anyway, you don't want to monopolize it, you can also go on other platforms if you want.

"At the same time, we can support independent game makers to attract ordinary small independent game teams, such as selecting a few excellent independent games every month, giving them technical and financial support, and helping them with distribution and marketing. Help from above." Chu He continued to add.

The former is to attract players, while the latter is to attract small-scale independent game teams.

Since it wants to be a platform, rather than a launcher for its major game titles, then a variety of games are also necessary.

"It's almost time for a press conference, and just taking advantage of this wave of unwise operations by EPIC to let everyone know that our TEU platform is coming." Wilson nodded slightly and said.

"The channels of Alipay, WeChat, and UnionPay have been established, and the relevant materials have been reviewed."

"The key lies in the legality of the game. After all, whether it is the steam platform, Uplay, or Rotten Orange, it can be regarded as half gray to some extent. It can be said to be legal or illegal." Wilson said.

This is a big problem. Although the Steam platform, Rotten Oranges, and Upay are all improving the experience of Chinese players, active promotion is almost non-existent. After all, whether this thing is legal or not depends entirely on it. Thoughts from above.

"Establishing the Huaxia special price zone separately is like the steam platform. At the same time, the game review is carried out to ensure that there will be no games with political insinuations or purely bloody and violent games. In addition, 18X games also need to be controlled." Chuhe told the upper department I know a lot about the bottom line.

There are some things that the steam platform can do, but TEU can’t do, because it has the shadow of Tianhe Network. Although the market share of things like Little Butter is quite large, Chuhe thinks it’s better not to do TEU, after all, this thing is too sensitive up.

Putting aside the pornographic elements, as long as some other games are not purely bloody for the sake of blood, or violent for the sake of violence, basically there will be no major problems.

After all, TEU is almost the same as the operation model of the steam platform, but there is always the power of Tianhe Network, so there are some things that must be observed.

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