Villain Is on Vacation

12 Awakeners Training Academy

After checking everything in his room, Rain started thinking about the training plan to restore his old strength. After all, strength is essential to living in this world.

Rain felt he ought to go to the library of the main building to get some general knowledge of this world. Even though he got all of his memories, it was still blurry.

Rain's memories were still blurred. The two lives he lived till now were like viewing two movies at one time. So his memories are blurry for him and it applies to his both life.

Rain trained in swordsmanship and marksmanship for self-defense from a young age. However, after getting memories of his previous life, even his mastery of them somehow decreased.

It was like, Everything was familiar to him but still unfamiliar.

'My knowledge is quite small now. I think reading about this world will be beneficial for making some good plans, and maybe after reading some books in the library I will remember some details of the plot.'

As Rain was thinking about this. He remembered something.

'Come to think of the plot…'

'Awakeners Training Academy'

This is the name of the academy that will be the center of the plot. Yeah, the "Saga of the Magical Knight" game was one of those games where the protagonist goes to the academy to learn and get stronger as the story progresses.

Most of the main characters, supporting characters, and even villains will attend this academy.

The post-war period was marked by significant changes that affected people's lives in many ways. It was a time of adjustment, as individuals and families tried to adapt to new circumstances and move on from the past. For many families who had been directly impacted by the war, this meant finding ways to rebuild and create a better future for themselves and their children.

One of the ways that many families decided to do this was by coming together to educate the younger generation. This was seen as a way to save time and resources, as well as to create a more competitive environment for learning. By pooling their resources and expertise, families could create an academy that would offer a high-quality education to their children.

In this environment, students would be encouraged to develop their talents and skills and to forge connections with others who shared their interests and aspirations. This would not only benefit the individual students but would also help to support mankind as a whole, by creating a generation of talented and motivated individuals who could contribute to the advancement of society in various ways.

Overall, the decision to educate the younger generation together was seen as a positive step forward, as influential families worked together to build a brighter future for themselves and their children. It was a symbol of hope and resilience in the face of adversity, and a testament to the enduring human spirit of innovation and progress.

However, the underlying reason for this kind of education was not entirely altruistic, as these individuals were preparing themselves for the possibility of war breaking out again. The people had little faith in 'The Peace Treaty', and they believed that they needed to be ready for any eventuality. Despite this, the collaborative approach to education was an excellent way for people to ensure that their future was secure, both intellectually and strategically.

Most of the students enrolled in the academy after becoming 20 years old. At first, the academy will take the entrance exam. Additionally, they will be put in the appropriate class based on their test results.

Rain knew that the enrollment date for the academy was 10 days from now. That's why he was on such a tight schedule.

According to the plot, the Protagonist will also join the academy this year. He has quite a talent and will rank first every time in every exam and event. Every student has to study for four years in the Academy and after that, they will graduate.

But Rain knew, in these four years…

Academy will be in chaos.

The protagonist will meet villains, demons, heroines, and friends. He will discover the secrets and truth about the world. Strangely, the peace that was maintained for years will be destroyed and Academy will be at the center of these events.

After graduating, Protagonist and his party will slay the final boss. A monster that nobody can defeat will be defeated by them. Kinda cliché, though.

After defeating him, the protagonist will become a hero of the world and live happily ever after with his harem or the route he chooses.

But they are almost every route has the same Happy Ending.


After reading this story that was Rain's reaction.

There are more than five heroines and many sub-heroines and as they are described as Heroines, you will think they will be kind and gentle right? But then, sorry for destroying your fantasies.

The majority of them are just cheeky and trouble magnets.

In the whole story, so many supporting characters will sacrifice themselves.

The villain is just some moron or misunderstood character and Protagonist is just some Justice-loving moron and Dense idiot.

This is the story of the 'Saga of Magical Knight' game, which ate Rain's overtime in the company.

Although, Rain didn't want to say bad things about it. Many characters were just forgotten, like my parents. Never have any villains got a redemption arc. There were many empty details in the game. That's why Rain wanted to get some knowledge of this world.

Rain hoped that his every doubt will be cleared after reading books in the library.

From Rain's point of view, the plot of the game was trouble. He wanted to stay away from the plotline as much as he could.

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