Villain Is on Vacation

96 Meeting The Group

[Virtual World, Mythosia]


This number is Rain's current rank in the arena among C rankers.

"It's still low." Rain muttered.

After emerging victorious against Misty, Rain remained dedicated to improving his skills. He relentlessly defeated opponent after opponent, gradually crossing 80 million in ranks.

Rain wanted to reach at least top 50 million before the practical exam of freshmen.

"I think it must be nighttime in the real world," Rain mused aloud.

"System, log out," he commanded.

With those words, Rain disconnected from the virtual world of Mythosia.

[Rain's bedroom]

After a brief moment, Rain emerged from the VR simulation capsule, returning to the physical world once again.

Stretching his arms and legs, Rain took a deep breath and looked around his room. The dim light of the night lamp illuminated his surroundings, casting a warm and cozy glow.

As he stood up from the simulation capsule, Rain felt a wave of dizziness wash over him for half an second. He took a moment to steady himself, his mind still adjusting to the transition from the virtual world.

He came out of the capsule and sat on his bed.

"What time is it now?" He mumbled, as he gazed at the clock hanging on the wall, it was 8:23 PM.

'I gotta eat my dinner. I barely had anything to eat these days.' Rain walked into his kitchen and started making dinner.

You can also say he didn't make anything today, He placed the food in the oven and set the timer, then leaned against the counter and sighed.

"I really need to raise my ranking soon," he thought to himself.

As he waited for his food to heat up, Rain checked his phone and caught up on some latest information about the academy.

[News of the day- Academy edition]

"Results of Theoretical Exams were declared today"

"Few students failed in the exams. What can they do? Will they be expelled?"

"A student who tried to cheat in exams, was caught red handed. He Ranked 10th among freshmen. Know more about him."

"The enemy of Rain's Fan Club strikes again. What are his goals?"


As Rain scrolled down, he didn't find anything. Most of news was already known to him.

Finally, the timer beeped, signaling that his food was ready. Rain took the container out of the oven and sat down at his kitchen table to eat. Though it wasn't the most satisfying meal, it was enough to fill his stomach and give him some energy.

After finishing his meal, Rain cleaned up his kitchen and washed the dishes. It is important to properly wash dishes after a meal to maintain cleanliness and hygiene.

After cleaning up the kitchen, Rain headed to his private training room to continue his physical training. He knew that he had been neglecting this aspect of his life lately, and wanted to make up for lost time.

Once inside the training room, Rain took a few deep breaths and centered himself. He then began practicing the Mana Breathing Technique, a technique that allowed him to increase his mana capacity and control.

As he practiced Elemental Transmutiton Breathing Technique. He visualized mana particals around him, this time he show wind attribute mana particals.

Like that he continued practicing for several hours, until he felt satisfied with his progress.

Although he wasn't able to store that energy smoothly inside him. He was still improving gradually.

He took out 'Shadow sword style' from his space ring.

"It was stored for so many days." Rain murmured as he stroked the manual. As this was his first sword style he anticipated great things.

As he studied the techniques and forms in the manual, Rain felt a surge of anticipation and excitement. He knew that mastering this sword style would take time and effort, but he was ready for the challenge.

As Rain was deeply engrossed in studying the 'Shadow Sword Style' manual, an alarm suddenly rang, jolting him out of his concentration.

"Huh? Is it already midnight?" he muttered to himself, realizing that he had been studying for several hours.

He checked his schedule and remembered that he had set an alarm for midnight. He had been eager to get back to the virtual world of Mythosia and continue grinding his ranking there.

Quickly putting the 'Shadow Sword Style' manual in his space ring, Rain made his way to his VR simulation capsule. He couldn't wait to log back into Mythosia.

Time was essential.

As Rain made his way to the VR simulation capsule after checking his schedule, he felt a sense of determination wash over him.

After settling into the capsule and putting on the VR headset, Rain closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. He focused his mind on the task at hand and cleared his thoughts of any distractions.

With a calm and steady demeanor, Rain logged back into Mythosia, as usual he appeared in his home.

"System, Enter the Arena." Rain didn't waste a moment and directly entered the Arena.

After entering the Arena, he started finding for the opponent. He also set up his user settings as start finding match whenever match ends.

Soon, an opponent appeared before Rain.

"Shall we say hello to our opponent?" Rain smirked and started fighting with his opponent.


[Next morning, According to Real time]

Rain wandered through the bustling streets of Mythosia, he neither felt amazed by anything as he pretty knew this beforehand. He show many things, from towering buildings and busy marketplaces to sprawling parks and peaceful gardens, the virtual world was a cornucopia of sensory delights.

As he strolled through the crowded streets, Rain noticed a building that caught his attention. It was a large, ornate structure with a sign that read "Auction House" in bold letters.

He entered that building leisurely like it was his second home. As he stepped through the doors, he was greeted by the sight of a massive hall filled with people from all walks of life.

Rain made his way over to the counter where the auction staff were gathered. He approached one of them, a young woman with a friendly smile.

"Excuse me," he said, "I was wondering if you could tell me a bit more about some of the items that were up for auction tonight."

The woman nodded and a large hologram appeared before Rain. It looked like catalogue of items. "Of course, Which item are you interested in?" She asked.

"Items that will be listed for [Premium Auction] today." Rain replied nonchalantly.

When woman from staff heard this, she was surprised.

"Premium Auction? That's quite a bold move," she said with a raised eyebrow. "The items listed there are incredibly rare and valuable. Are you sure you're prepared to bid on them?"

"I can even bid on your body," Rain said provokingly, "Just tell me about it."

"Sure." Surprisingly, that woman wasn't offended. "[Premium] Auction is going to held today however you need to meet the criteria to participate in the auction."

As she said this a hologram appeared before Rain again. It was filled with conditions to attain the auction.

- You need to be permanent resident of the Twilight city.

- You need to be ranked among top 10,000 of your corresponding rank. While your rank shouldn't be lower than C grade.

- Your coin balance should be more than 500."

Rain didn't even read it and dismissed the hologram as soon as it appeared.

"Just this?" Rain mumbled.

"Check your system, I already meet the conditions." Rain said with a confident smile.

Staff woman was puzzled. She could see that Rain made his ID couple of days ago. He didn't wear any expensive clothes or accessories either. Still as it was her job. She checked to see if the person before her met conditions or not.

Soon, she widened her eyes.

"Looking at your reaction, I guess I am eligible." Saying this, Rain went upstairs were [Premium] auction was going to held.


After logging in yesterday, Rain kept fighting all night.

He felt that he had became a fighting addict. Hopefully, he was able calm himself and control his mentality.

He didn't stop, didn't rest kept fighting. It was like he had entered some sort of enlightenment.

That night, he made many achievements.

He won 100 fight consecutively. He was one of the few people who did that.

He also got iron pass for the library.

The more he won, the harder opponents he faced, however he kept wining.

While fighting he never used his sword or gun.

After defeating those opponents he replaced their ranking.

The guys who slept at night were shocked at the morning. Because there was new name in top 10000 ranking of C rank.


[589 matches, 589 won, 0 loses, 0 draws]


As Rain entered the venue for [Platinum] auction, he glanced in the hall.

Although many of people changed their appearance however Rain was quickly able identify them.

"Looks like many of the main characters are here, huh." Rain raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that there would be this many characters here.

"I guess It would be fun to watch the auction." Rain smiled mischievously.

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