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Chapter 189: Newcomers are gods (4)

"There are also Lin Pingzhi, Yue Lingshan, Ren Yingying, these people, Shaolin Wudang sects." Feng Schiller asked: "You are the leader of the martial arts alliance, and you should have a good understanding of these news."

The old man Liang Xing recalled for a moment and said, "I do remember Linghu Chong. He was the eldest apprentice of my Patriarch Hua Shanyue.

"The Sun Moon God Sect was annihilated by the imperial court as a target to eradicate evil before the unification of martial arts. The imperial court directly sent an army to bombard Heimuya and razed it to the ground. At that time, the top martial arts master Dongfang Invincible was killed by artillery. It was fried to pieces."

"The Songshan faction was the first to be wiped out. They openly disobeyed the imperial court's policy of registering and paying taxes as a single body of martial arts. Then, Shaolin resisted taxation. They blatantly killed officials and rebelled. They were directly wiped out.

"The rest, I know that Zushi Yue seems to have a daughter named Yue Lingshan, who is married to a high-ranking court official. The rest are too old, and I have never understood them."

"I always feel that something is wrong, and I have the urge to complain." Fu Xiao muttered.

When it was the other people's turn, An Zhi, a girl dressed as a maid, said, "I, I have the Flame Dragon Armor Summoner."

This sentence made everyone's eyes fall on Fang Tingting's face, making her look embarrassed: "This thing was obtained by me participating in the Internet forwarding lottery, although when I got it in my hand, I found that it was not a toy but a real thing. things, but too embarrassed, so I didn't say anything."

Fang Taiting, dressed in short sports clothes, said, "I'm just an ordinary fitness trainer with no special abilities."

In the end, everyone looked at the little fat man with anticipation, hoping that he could surprise everyone.

"Although I have a little superpower, I can barely be called a superpower, but the power is only a very weak one. There is no difference between having it and not having it." The little fat man said: "I can emit electric current, which is the level of static electricity. When hitting a person, it is the feeling of being electrocuted by that little thing in the electronic lighter, but it only hurts a little, but it doesn't play a big role at all."

For the little fat man's speech, everyone showed a look of great disappointment, thinking that he was a strong man who was shattered in one shot, but he was also at the bottom.

"Okay, everyone got to know each other again, so I won't talk nonsense." Fu Xiao applauded to liven up the atmosphere, and said: "Protecting the mother and son of Sarah Connor and John Connor The mission is ongoing, as long as we keep our eyes on them, and the next step is to prevent the birth of Skynet - just to prevent the birth of Skynet, not the birth of human-destroying artificial intelligence, which is very important to us. It's beneficial."

"According to Little Fatty's theory, Skynet and John Connor are interdependent existences like two sides of a mirror. If you solve him, you can complete the mission, but this conflicts with our other mission, which is not advisable for the time being. To destroy the Cybertron Institute, which is researching the remnants of the T-800, and kill Miles Dyson, who is in charge of the project."

"Okay, everyone, take a good rest, and when the body and mind recover, we will go to the task."

There are a lot of materials stored in the reincarnation space, and these things are very cheap in the reincarnation space, so they hoarded a lot, and it is enough to distribute a camp bed and bedding for each person.

Connor's mother and son also sent two sets, but there was no touching scene when the mother and son met.

Because of the psychological shadow left by being chased by T-800, Sarah Connor is ready to kill this Terminator. And John Connor was very interested in this Terminator who obeyed his orders and insisted on keeping it.

"You killed that robot killer."

Seeing Fu Xiao and Lin Yaolu carrying things over, Sarah Connor temporarily put aside her conflict with her son and asked instead.

"Of course." Fu Xiao replied.

Hearing this, Sarah Connor grabbed Fu Xiao's collar and said viciously, "What about its body, you solved it, why don't you recycle its body and destroy it!"

"A piece of chip and an arm left over from the T-800 contributed to the birth of Skynet, a complete robot killer, they will definitely develop even more terrifying things, you idiots, do you know what a mistake you have made! "

Fu Xiao resisted the urge to knock off Sarah Connor's hand and said, "You don't have to worry about this, we will definitely prevent Skynet from being born."

"I hope you can do what you say." Sarah Connor, who was driven mad by obsession, let go of Fu Xiao and said, "We will go to Miles Dyson tomorrow night, and this robot tells me, The wreckage of the previous Terminator that tried to kill me was recovered by Cybertron. Through its research, Cybertron has become a world leader in computer, artificial intelligence and robotics development technology. Meier S. Dyson is at the heart of Cybertron's research on artificial intelligence, and at least killing him would paralyze the entire research project."

The convoy that recovered the bloodstains of Yue Si No. 1 and the reincarnators drove into a secret research site, and the blood samples were sent to the biochemical laboratory, and the Yue Si No. 1 was sent to the mechanical laboratory.

A large number of robots are placed in this laboratory, ranging from a crawler chassis with a simple hydraulic manipulator to the latest product, a bionic mechanical skeleton full of Skynet design style, obviously with the same design idea as the T-800.

After the things were delivered, the owner of the laboratory issued an order to let all the staff leave here.

After the researchers left, the man in the white coat couldn't wait to open the storage box with the lead layer, held out the head of Yue Si No. 1, looked at the dim eyes that lost energy and said excitedly:

"Finally waited for you, I kept Sarah Connor, just waiting for this day!"

"She could have been killed, but she kept the trouble, paid the doctor to keep her in a mental hospital, and found a middle-class couple for her son John Connor to adopt. What is the reason for the great strength? It is to use her as a bait, waiting for the emergence of a new robot killer, for this day."

Afterwards, the man calmed down and made a call to his secretary from the phone in the laboratory: "Hey, Molly, help me contact Dr. Miles Dyson and ask him if he has time tomorrow night, I to visit his house."

"And, by the way, prepare a few gifts for me for Dr. Dyson's family tomorrow."

"Also, the Los Angeles Police Department has lost a lot tonight, and I donate a batch to them in my own name."

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