Villains Template

Chapter 203: Correct posture for apology

Although the road is bumpy, but with the support of survival, a group of bear children finally returned to their home.

There was a party going on in the town, everyone gathered, and the bear children who had survived the death immediately burst into tears.

Seeing the frightened appearance of their own children, I learned from their intermittent words that a murderer appeared nearby and used a chainsaw to kill one of their friends.

Hearing this, the child's parents were instantly furious, and the rest of them joined in, rummaging through the house to find a shotgun and a pistol, and went up the mountain to investigate, eventually killing the killer on the spot.

All of the above are the beautiful imaginations of the bear children in the process of escaping for their lives. They are still pedaling their bicycles with difficulty, traversing the rugged mountain roads, and after riding for a while, they will be able to find the road.

On a flat surface, their speed will be guaranteed, and the two-legged murderer will not be able to catch up with them anyway.

Just as they were carrying the joy of escaping, the terrifying sound of the chainsaw sounded again, flickering from left to right, forward or back, near and far in the woods around them, making They could not tell which direction it came from; under the cover of the night and the trees, the burly figure was completely hidden, and the unknown fear haunted the hearts of the bear children.

A bear child cried out in despair. Although he pedaled his bicycle hard, he still felt that the speed was not fast enough. He wanted to leave the woodland and return to the open place as soon as possible.

It's just that the sound of his crying has not yet fallen, and the sound of the chainsaw suddenly came from behind a big tree by the roadside. The burly and tall figure had blocked in front of them at some point, waiting for them to surrender. snare.

"Do not…"

In the terrified eyes of the bear child who was closest, the burly figure slashed at him with a chainsaw, and he was dead before he could shout a word.

Because of the intense exercise, the pumping of the heart makes the blood flow out like a fountain, falling on the surrounding leaves, like a shower.

A stench suddenly spread through the forest, and the bear children, whose bodies were stained with the blood of their accomplices, were even more afraid, and they drove the car to the distance.


Yue Si, who was under the mask, let out a low and gloomy laughter, and said slowly: "Run, children, run quickly, fear of death, escape because of fear, this unwilling but powerless struggle, in the You deserve the fear before your final fate."

Waving the chainsaw, Yue Si added: "This thing is easy to use, but it's too noisy. The gasoline-fueled two-stroke engine is too noisy. If there is time, it will be changed to a fusion engine. "

After all, Yue Si activated his stealth skills, merged into the darkness, and followed the fear.

The bear children who were riding and running along the road were not relieved. The tall figure rushed out from the road again. With a wave of the chainsaw, only half of the bear child was left. Under the influence of inertia, the bicycle was carrying The second half rushed out a distance before falling to the side of the road.

And his upper body was grabbed by Yue Si and slammed to the side.


Seeing such a tragic scene, the bear children screamed hysterically and pedaled their bicycles even more desperately.

Yue Simai started chasing after them. Although he had a heavy weight on his body and the chainsaw in his hand was a drag on his actions, his speed was still not slow when he ran, and he even kept reducing the distance from them.

The one led by the bear boy turned his head and glanced at the sound of the approaching chainsaw, and his heart was broken.

We must find a way to delay that monster's footsteps!

Thinking like this, the little boy took out something from his pocket—the stolen Steve's cell phone, grabbed the handlebar with one hand, and smashed the phone hard at his partner.

Because it was in a charge-forward posture, the mobile phone smashed out by the bear boy hit the face of a companion who was one position behind.

The bridge of the nose was hit hard, and the boy's intuition was sour and rushed to his brain. Tears flowed out all of a sudden. He lost his balance and fell to the ground, and then the place where he was hit did not feed back to his brain the feeling of pain. .

And at this time, there is no difference between pain and no pain. Yue Si stepped on him, holding the chainsaw high and about to swing it down—taking this opportunity, the other two bear children rode their bicycles to open a constant distance. .

This situation made Yue Si think of a joke: "When encountering a bear, you don't have to run faster than the bear, you just need to run faster than your companions."

Because bears are not humans, it is enough to hunt enough food, and they will not slaughter prey beyond their food needs in order to satisfy the desire to kill.

In order to stop the pace of his "bear", the bear child in the lead sacrificed his teammates.

"Courageous and ruthless enough, if you are not my goal, I would like to train you."

Looking at the remaining figures of the remaining bear children under the mask, Yue Si revealed an inexplicable smile.

The bear child who was trampled on by him heard Yue Si muttering to himself, and begged for mercy with tears streaming down his face: "Please, let me go, I'm just a child, I didn't do anything!"

"Oh, child, poor child." Yue Si took the chainsaw back into the card, took off his mask, and smiled and looked at the unlucky guy who was pushed out by his accomplices to block the knife: "Yes, you didn't do anything, no harm was done. To anyone, he didn't stop his companion when he did something that might hurt others, didn't smash other people's cars, didn't steal other people's things, didn't tear down other people's tents, didn't **** on other people's clothes..."

Listening to Yue Si's somewhat familiar voice, and seeing his face again, this bear child cried even more.

"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry, I was wrong, my parents will compensate you, I'm sorry..."

"Really?" Yue Si squatted down and patted the bear child's head with a smile: "But I'm sorry, I don't need your compensation... Or the compensation plan your parents can come up with can't satisfy me at all. requirements.”

"I'll only be satisfied when you're all dead—not just you, but your parents who let you grow up like this."

He took out a hook for hooking pork from the freezer, and Yue Si put it into the bear child's ankle, then dragged the bear child who was constantly crying and begging for mercy and walked towards the original hut like dragging a whole fan of pork. .

As he walked, Yue Si played the tune of "Tisted Nerve", showing a very relaxed state, as if there was no one who was about to be brutally dealt with, a living person in his hands.

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