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Chapter 224: Dainichi Nyorai

"Character Card: The Great Sun Tathagata (from Prehistoric and Westward Journey

"Explanation: Originally a Buddha of absolute truth, but under his writing, his personality fell to the level of a saint, and he became an incomparably powerful strategist."

"Note 2: The character card produced by this system is not as powerful as the deity, but a virtual shell with only realm. How strong it can exert its power depends entirely on the user's own strength."

"Remarks: Why sunlight can disperse evil, but pure light can't - because evil will only succumb to and fear more powerful evil, and that round of brilliant sun is the most powerful evil."

After activating this character card, Yue Si's whole body exudes brilliance, with a halo behind his head, and a lotus flower suddenly grows under his feet, supporting his feet so that they do not touch the dust.

Those mountain spirits, wild monsters, snakes, worms, rats and ants suddenly sensed something before, and they turned back one after another, knelt down around Yue Si, and kowtowed sincerely.

Although the Great Sun Tathagata written by those fantasy writers is scornful, but the strength and realm are there, and when the Buddha's light shines, all beings have the opportunity to obtain the Tao, not to mention the possibility of listening to this "Tathagata" lecture.

In "Journey to the West", none of the goblins associated with the Tathagata have a good relationship with each other. The scorpion Jingneng, who heard Tathagata preach the scriptures, and Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong fought to a tie, and the Tathagata himself was in unbearable pain. The bronze-skinned and iron-boned Sun Wukong was beaten on the head, but he had to reluctantly be defeated; although the golden-nosed and white-haired mouse spirit was mediocre, he also ate the lamp oil from the oil lamp in front of the Tathagata's seat. It was done by moving and rescuing soldiers; the golden-winged Dapeng eagle was even surrendered by the Tathagata himself.

You can listen to the Tathagata preach once, but they have accumulated merits over several lifetimes.

Those mountain spirits and wild monsters didn't come empty-handed, they offered spiritual medicine and precious fruits one after another, and all kinds of animals also brought herbs, wild fruits, or mountain flowers and seeds, and all kinds of things were placed around Yue Si.

And Yue Si was also very happy, and felt that what he should say, it would be good for him.

It's just that Yue Si knows what Buddhist classics and magic Dao exercises are known a lot, but these are simply explained by the knowledge of the digitalization of human consciousness in the world of "The Matrix", regardless of this group of mountain spirits who are obviously on the mysterious side Can't understand the wild monsters - when Sakyamuni smiled, he didn't say anything, it all depended on the disciples' self-comprehension.

Anyway, the knowledge Yue Si has already talked about how much he can comprehend, that only depends on the good fortune of this group of mountain spirits, wild monsters, wolves, tigers and leopards, snakes, insects, mice and ants.

Although Yue Si only has one side, but no matter which direction the listeners see is Yue Si's face.

As Yue Si opened his mouth and spit out a syllable, there were petals falling from the sky, and the sound of Dharma snails and Dharma drums accompanies Yue Si. A sandalwood scent permeated the surrounding jungle, immersed in this environment, only the ears and eyes were clear. The air is refreshing, and I can better understand what Yue Si said.

After the lecture, Yue Si waved his sleeves: "Let's go away!"

Those mountain spirits and wild monsters who listened to the scriptures dispersed, but they also turned their heads at five steps, and kowtowed every ten steps, constantly expressing respect and gratitude to Yue Si, the "true Tathagata"—they listened to the scriptures but paid almost nothing. of.

In "Journey to the West", the two venerables, A Nuo and Kasyapa, begged for benefits from the four masters and apprentices who took the scriptures, but an example was given. The monk went down the mountain and recited the scriptures at the house of the elder Zhao in the State of Shewei to protect his family's life. The deceased is safe, the deceased is detached, and it feels like a loss to get three buckets of three liters of rice grains of gold. What’s more, the person who preaches the scriptures is a “Tathagata”.

Taking back the "Great Sun Tathagata" character card, Yue Si was about to fly to the sky to see where there were crowded villages or towns nearby to settle down, but he felt that the fluctuations mixed with weak mana were coming from a distance, that The source is gradually approaching itself.

It was a Taoist priest wearing a yellow Taoist robe, with a long flag hanging behind him and a bell in his hand. The fluctuations mixed with mana were emitted by the bell in his hand. After long-distance transmission and the weakening of the woods , the voice was so low that it could not be heard, but that trace of mana spread far away.

It's just that the Taoist priest wearing glasses has a worried look on his face, and his mouth is also complaining.

In front of him, nine walking corpses in official uniforms of the Qing Dynasty were walking in the direction of Yue Si with their hands raised.

This Taoist priest is in the business of driving corpses. With the cooperation of the spell on the forehead of the corpse and the bell in his hand, plus specific rituals, he can freely control the corpse.

It relies on the use of weak mana to induce one soul and three souls left in these corpses, but the Buddha's light emitted by Yue Si's "Tathagata" is perceived from a distance. move closer in that direction.

They walked a straight distance, and of course there would not be any flat dirt roads. There was no problem with the walking corpses, and they didn't feel tired, but the Taoist priest was chasing after him all the way, and he was so tired that he was panting.

But before jumping to Yue Si's side, the sermon was over, and the "Tathagata" also disappeared in Yue Si's card box. These walking corpses lost their target and jumped in place.

The Taoist priest breathed a sigh of relief, took out the incense candle wooden sword from the box behind him, and only regained control of the walking corpses after opening the altar.

"Bosses, don't mess with me, it's almost dawn, we have to get to my senior brother Renjiazhuang before the sun rises, or you won't be able to get up again when the sun shines." Chant the incantation to make the nine walking corpses line up, leaning on the shoulders of the one in front, and jumping in a certain direction with their own pace.

Not two steps The Taoist priest suddenly looked alertly to the corner of the woods, where Yue Si was walking out.

The bespectacled Taoist had a rough grasp of the technique of looking at people's qi. When he looked at Yue Si like this, he felt that the other party had a light and spiritual qi. He must be someone who had accomplished Taoism. man of.

And although the other party looks very young, but he has spent a lot of years, and his face reveals a sense of justice and peace, he must be a senior.

The Taoist saluted Yue Si and sang a promise to himself.

Yue Si returned the courtesy, and simply called himself a man of Xianyun Yehe. After all, there was suddenly one more person in this world who had a relationship with him as a master and a disciple, and he came here here.

And the four-eyed priest warmly invited Yue Si: "My senior brother Lin Jiu lives in the nearby Renjiazhuang. If you don't dislike it, you can stay for the time being."

The four-eyed Taoist priest was in the business of chasing corpses, and the senior brother named Lin Jiu also dealt with dead people, mainly opening Yizhuang and looking at Feng Shui and picking Yin houses for others.

However, there are no taboos for cultivators, and the four-eyed Taoist felt that there was nothing taboo to bring Yue Si to Yizhuang to stay.

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