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Chapter 233: For the Emperor!

"Master, I drank too much yesterday, and my brain is still a little confused. I can't remember the boxing... who taught me." Qin Chulin stammered. I don't know how to call the other party, so I can only put it off like this.

"I think you are being lazy!" Jiu Shu scolded.

At this time, Yue Si walked out and said with a smile, "Daoist friend, I think you have misunderstood. Qiu Sheng is not being lazy, but forgot the boxing technique I taught him."

When he saw Yue Si, Qin Chulin was at a loss for a while. There was no such person in Qiu Sheng's memory, and in his movie viewing records, there were no characters like Yue Si in the movies in which the ninth uncle was the protagonist.

Yes, although the plot is wonderful, it is just a movie after all, and some things are not very clear. For example, Mr. Feng Shui, who was robbed of the cemetery by Mrs. Ren, and then secretly tricked, causing the Ren family to be almost wiped out, he started from the beginning. The feet never appear in the plot, they only exist in the background.

This should come as no surprise if Mr. Zombie is viewed as a world rather than just a movie.

However, when facing Yue Si, Qin Chulin was in a trance for a while, as if he had encountered a natural enemy, and he felt a sense of fear for no reason.

Yue Si restored the chainsaw sword, held the long handle and pressed the switch, the sawtooth began to rotate rapidly, and the rotation beyond the speed of sound caused it to make an angry roar.

Even if Yue Si was not targeted, Jiu Shu couldn't help but get goosebumps when he heard the roar that cut through the air. The sound gave people a subconscious sense of oppression.

"Chainsaw sword!" Qin Chulin shouted when he saw the strange weapon shape.

This is "Mr. Zombie" and not "Warhammer 40k". Why does the chainsaw sword appear? Could it be that the world of "Mr. Zombie" is actually a remote world that has not yet returned to the Empire of Humanity and has not yet been shrouded in the glory of the Emperor ? The so-called Taoism is actually an application of psionic energy? The so-called spirit monster is actually the result of the corrosion of the warp power?

Rather than crossing into this world, he might as well just die.

Yue Si didn't show any surprise because Qiu Sheng called out the name of the Chainsaw Sword. As he guessed, as the absolute protagonist in a series, those traversers would move closer to Jiu Shu no matter what, before. There is an infinite flow, and now there is a soul wear - this is the performance delivered to the door.

"Fellow Daoist, maybe you didn't realize that the Qiusheng in front of us is no longer the Qiusheng we knew before. Although the skin has not changed, the inside is already a different person."

Yue Si turned his eyes to Jiu Shu and said, "Although I don't know what happened, Qiu Sheng has already been taken away, and someone's soul has returned from a corpse, replacing Qiu Sheng's body."

Then Yue Si raised his voice and asked, "The one over there, aren't you Qiusheng?"

Qin Chulin just wanted to answer, but found that Yue Si had come to him, and the distance between him and him was crossed by him in an instant.

The chainsaw sword that was roaring and roaring was held up high by Yue Si, and it seemed that he was about to slash down without a doubt, cutting himself in half.

"Wait a minute, I have something to say before I die!" Qin Chulin was so frightened that his heart jumped out of his throat. out.

Yue Si's chainsaw stopped on top of Qiu Sheng's head and asked, "I'll give you a chance, if you have any last words, tell me quickly!"

"Fellow Daoist, wait a minute!" The ninth uncle over there said to stop: "We can think of a way to drive the alien soul out of Qiu Sheng's body!"

"It's too late!" Yue Si responded, and then said to Qiu Sheng, "If you have something to say, hurry up, you only have a chance to say a word!"

"Even if I die, I will use the last chance to shout." Qin Chulin's face showed a kind of magnanimity that looked at death as if at home. At the same time, he shouted hysterically with his last strength: "ForTheEmperorofMankind! (For the Emperor of all mankind!) )”

"Yo, I'm still a hammer guy. Since that's the case, I'll send you to the world of Warhammer 40K."

This was the last sentence Qin Chulin heard before he lost consciousness.

In the end, the chainsaw sword in Yue Si's hand was not cut down. After all, this is the territory of the ninth uncle. He turned his apprentice 1 into two halves in front of others. How can he participate in the plot later?

What he wanted was that this transmigrator who had lost Qiu Sheng's soul was afraid.

The time for the traveler to arrive is still early, and it has not yet fully integrated with Qiusheng's body. Qiusheng's own spirit is constantly resisting the devouring of the traveler.

Yue Si pinched the seal with one hand and slapped it on Qiusheng's forehead, and a ghostly shadow was captured by Yue Si from Qiusheng's body.

Although it was broad daylight, it was surrounded by Yue Si's mana, and the soul of the transmigrator was not burned by the sunlight, but was caught by Yue Si's backhand.

Qiu Sheng's body was instantly paralyzed, and he was about to fall to the ground. Yue Si quickly supported him with his eyes and hands.

Qiu Sheng, who was being supported, opened his eyes with all his strength, and said to Yue Si with a reluctant smile, "Thank you, senior, if you delay for a while, my three souls and seven souls will probably be swallowed by that guy."

"Don't talk, your soul is damaged now, just say a word to let out a bit of vitality." Ninth uncle said to Qiu Sheng with serious concern, but he said to Qiu and then bowed his hands to Yue Si solemnly: "Thank you very much. Daoist friends help, if not for Daoist friends, I am afraid I will lose my beloved disciple!"

"There is a specialization in the art industry." Yue Si said, "Just as fellow Taoists are good at looking at Feng Shui for others and choosing a house for yang and yin, it is equivalent to my own job for this kind of soul-snatching, the arrival of extraterrestrial demons, and the like."

Regarding Yue Si's remarks, although Ninth Uncle couldn't understand what he said, he felt very powerful when he heard it, and then said: "Fellow Daoist, leave Qiusheng to me! I will take him down to recuperate, and boil some to replenish his vitality. The decoction to calm the soul, after training for a few days, it is estimated that it will be almost recovered."

Handing Qiusheng over to Ninth Uncle, Yue Si shook his clenched fist: "I have to deal with this divine soul too."

Supporting Qiu Sheng, Jiu Shu said solemnly: "Fellow Daoist, although this spirit almost killed Qiu Sheng, but God has the virtue of good life, and it is against the law of heaven to let his soul fly away."

Yue Si put on an expression of "seeing a ghost" and said, "Fellow Daoist, why do you think so, I'm just sending him to where he should go."

"So that's the case." Uncle Jiu understood that Yue Si would send the soul of the lost body to the underworld for reincarnation, but in fact, Yue Si was sending him back to his original world.

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