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Chapter 246: Zombie out of the coffin

"I see that you hugged Ninth Uncle's thigh so hard just now, why, you don't want to learn Taoism with him now?"

Taking a wisp of qi from Han Wenjing, and with the authority of the Multiverse Administration and the assistance of the Divine Tree of Time and Space, Yue Si measured the world where his soul came from, while gossiping with him to measure his mind.


That Han Wenjing looked like a five- or six-year-old child, but inside, he contained the soul of an adult. His sigh was full of childish voices, but he looked like a kid and made people laugh.

"Look at my home with a body. Although it can't be said to be a family, it is not a rich family. It is not difficult to eat and drink enough, but it is extremely difficult to eat and drink well."

"Learning Taoism with Ninth Uncle is not just to learn a craft, so that you can eat and drink well in the future. Look at that Ninth Uncle's Junior Brother Four Eyes Taoist Master, but he took out a box of golden eyes and didn't even blink; Four Eyes Daoist Master Qianhe Daochang’s younger brother, he also serves the royal family.”

Han Wenjing said: "If I take Uncle Jiu as my teacher, at least I can't lack in food and drink, and I can learn my skills. In this world of monsters and monsters, it's good to have Taoism by my side, at least I won't be confused. Died for some reason for nothing."

"However, even so, in terms of food and clothing, what Uncle Ninth enjoys is comparable to when the productivity of later generations exploded. In the past few days, I have used bamboo chips to wipe my butt, not even a piece of toilet paper. It is estimated that he will get hemorrhoids before he is eighteen years old."

"And I learned Taoism, I want to eliminate demons and guard the way, and I have to deal with those monsters, ghosts, ghosts, and evil things. Are those things easy to deal with? An old man is about to make Ninth Uncle overturn. It's not enough to go!"

"Just like the Daoist Qianhe, who escorted the corpse of the prince guarding the border back to the customs for burial. He encountered a corpse on the way, and the apprentice died cleanly, and he even folded himself in. I am a man who cherishes his life."

Han Wenjing rambled about his thoughts, Yue Si also determined his mother world, and then took out Han Wenjing's soul with one palm, and sent it back to the original body with a brush of the divine tree of time and space. .

And the little embolus fell to the ground softly, just like Qiusheng before.

Yue Si lifted it up, activated the "Dari Tathagata" card, and used the Buddha's light to soothe the wounded soul of this little embolus - the transmigrator was reborn through rebirth, how could he not hurt the original owner in the slightest.

Qiu Sheng has been practicing Taoism with Uncle Ninth for many years. He has mana in his body, and his spirit is stable. He is occupied by transmigrators and has to be nurtured by Uncle Ninth for some time. This little boy is only five or six years old, and Han Wenjing has taken him for a while. Ri's body is lucky enough not to be lost.

"Okay!" Yuesti slipped Xiaoshuanzi out of the house and said to Xiaoshuanzi's family who had been waiting anxiously.

Xiaoshuanzi's mother immediately rushed over and hugged Xiaoshuanzi, crying.

Feeling his mother's cry, Xiao Shuanzi woke up and said subconsciously, "Mother, I want to eat candy."

"Okay, my mother bought it for you, my mother bought it for you." Hearing the tone of Xiao Shuanzi's voice, Xiao Shuanzi's mother immediately knew that this was her own child, and not some evil spirit occupying his body.

Yue Si took out a handful of candy bars from the Medica and stuffed it into Xiao Shuanzi's hand, making the kid laugh so hard that he couldn't see his teeth, but he hadn't forgotten to put a candy bar in his mother's mouth, and then is his own.

This Lijiazhuang is quite a distance from Yizhuang. Jiu Shu and Yue Si set off at noon, and when they arrive here, it is almost evening, and the sun is setting in the west.

Seeing that their grandson has returned to normal, the Li family is very grateful to Yue Si and Ninth Uncle, and they want to stay with Yue Si and Ninth Uncle. Although the family is not very wealthy, they still have some spare money. Two taels of wine, slaughtered two live chickens and stewed them, it's still okay.

These two chickens belonged to Uncle Jiu and Yue Si, one for each person. The Li family followed by cooking noodles with chicken broth and scalding some green vegetables was enough.

Yue Si pushed the soup pot containing the stewed chicken in front of the old man of the Li family: "I have reached the realm of fasting, and food on earth is like chewing wax to me. Your grandson is recovering from a serious illness and needs some good supplements. Replenish your body."

Ninth Uncle also followed suit, but he had to eat something. He asked for a bowl of noodles, tore off a chicken leg, and let the rest go out. He came here, but the Li family wanted to pack red packets. A chicken is nothing.

It's just that Yue Si and Ninth Uncle didn't expect that they would stay this night for a big event.

"The task is completed, get a teleportation charm."

The sound of the system awakened Ren Deyun.

After a day and a night, Ren Deyun's corpse qi condensed to a certain extent, and if he collided with the ink bucket line, he would not be injured like the night before.

And the system told him that Ninth Uncle had left Yizhuang for some reason, and now he doesn't know where he was. Among the Yizhuang, there were only Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng, two incompetent apprentices.

Now is the time when Ren Deyun came out of the coffin. He first sucked the blood of Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng, and then went to find the father and daughter of the Ren family. He hid in an uninhabited cave to digest the income, and when he came out, Ren Deyun, who had become a corpse, faced Uncle Jiu again. The opponent was definitely not an opponent.

Ren Deyun raised his hands and slapped the coffin lid fiercely. The powerful force mixed with corpse qi and yin qi shook the ink bucket line, but the yin qi he released touched Yue Si on the coffin board. The bullet, the mantra Buddha statue engraved on the bullet emitted a golden light, burning Ren Deyun's like a hill, and pressed him to the bottom of the coffin.

It's just that the coffin was buried underground for 20 years. Although it was intact, the wood inside was already repaired. Ren Deyun rushed like this, and the bottom of the coffin was completely shattered, and then fell on the floor of the mourning hall.

If it was Uncle Ninth, this kind of movement would definitely wake him up, but Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng are left behind. They are two tired goods. Unless there is a thunderbolt in their ears, the two of them will not wake up. over here.

Ren Deyun stood up straight in a way that violated the rules of physics, jumped three feet away, went directly from the mourning hall to the courtyard, then looked at the moon, opened his mouth and inhaled, a trace of the moon's brilliance was really sucked into his mouth.

This is a different kind of cultivation method brought by the system. It is a bit weaker than absorbing human blood, but it is more stable.

When the moonlight entered his stomach, Ren Deyun's corpse aura condensed a bit, his skin moved closer to the blue-black color, and there was a hint of metallic luster on his blue nails.

At this moment, a scent poured into Ren Deyun's nose, which made him have an urge to rush to that room, bite his throat, and drink blood.

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