Villains Template

Chapter 250: 7 steps away, the gun is fast

That night.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and the full moon in the sky was obscured by fog. The moonlight, which was enough to illuminate the earth, became hazy.

A strong wind blew everything on the ground, scraping over the corners and eaves, and it made a shrill scream, like a ghost crying and wolf howling.

In the mourning hall of Yizhuang, Mr. Ren's coffin is placed in the middle, and the offering table in front of the coffin is filled with tributes such as fruits, and there is also an ever-bright lamp.

It was just a cloud of yin that struck, and the ever-bright lights suddenly went out, causing the interior of the mourning hall, which had only a mild tone, to fall into darkness.

Grandpa Ren's coffin lid was suddenly pushed open from the inside, and a terrifying-looking zombie stood up straight from the coffin, then jumped out and jumped into the wing.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng slept deeply, completely unresponsive to the outside world, and let the zombies come to their bedside.

The dry palms were spread out, and the three-inch-long nails had corpse poison on them, and then stabbed Qiusheng and Wencai's chests violently.

In the screams of the two, the zombie lifted them from the bed, then tilted their heads and bit Wencai's neck.

Ninth Uncle was awakened by a nightmare, and when he touched his forehead, a layer of cold sweat broke out.

Although it is said that day and night dream, but the soul of the cultivator is stable, and it is easy not to dream. Once dreaming, there must be an omen in the dream.

As a famous person in the surrounding villages and towns, it is impossible for the little Shuanzi's family to take care of the hospitality of the ninth uncle. At least there is no spare room in his house for the ninth uncle and Yue Si to stay. They live in the house of the village chief of Lijia Village.

Ninth Uncle hurriedly put on his clothes and walked out the door. As expected, Yue Si was waiting for him in the courtyard.

"Fellow Daoist, I had a nightmare just now. I dreamed that Mrs. Ren's corpse turned into a zombie, killing Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng. I'm afraid this is an omen."

Yue Si nodded: "The arrangement I left just now was also touched. I think it was caused by the mutation of the corpse of the old man. If Qiu Sheng is more alert, I will temporarily lend him the chainsaw sword and let him defend himself. It should be fine."

Ninth Uncle smashed his hand with a fist and said with a sigh: "The Taoist friend taught Qiu Sheng the boxing technique and the use of the chainsaw sword, and it is estimated that it has been calculated to this day - only Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai are the kind of incompetent weapons, I am afraid they will not I'll keep an eye out for what I tell you."

"I hope this doesn't happen." Yue Si said, "Since you are so worried about Uncle Ninth, then tomorrow morning, we will go back to Renjia Town to see what's going on."

"That's the only way to do it." Looking at the natural full moon, Jiu Shu said with a sigh.

Early the next morning, without even having breakfast, Jiu Shu said goodbye to the village chief of Lijia Village and Xiao Shuanzi's family, and then embarked on the return journey with Yue Si.

When there was no one around, Ninth Uncle took out the Divine Travel Talisman from his pocket and was about to use it. Yue Si held him down and said, "Ninth Uncle, I have a more convenient means of transportation here."

With that said, a fully-fueled motorcycle was released from the "American Empire" card.

After using the magic talisman, although the walking speed has improved a lot, it is not as fast as it is to ride a motorcycle.

When Yue Si and Ninth Uncle returned to Renjia Town, they heard the sound of gongs and drums, and a person shouted on the street: "Dead, dead!"

Jiu Shu stopped the man and asked, "Who died!"

After seeing the ninth uncle, the man said: "It's the watchman who was on the watch. He was killed last night. He was poked with several blood holes, and the blood on his body was drained... He died miserably. "

"Where is the body, take me to see it!" Ninth Uncle grabbed the man's clothes and asked anxiously.

I kept saying in my heart, don't be a zombie! Don't be a zombie!

The man led the ninth uncle to a street corner, where the watchman's body was placed, covered with a ragged straw mat, and the security team guarded the surroundings with batons to prevent anyone from tampering with the body.

However, after seeing that it was the ninth uncle, they still moved away - the cause of death of the watchman was strange, and this kind of thing is more suitable for the ninth uncle who specializes in dealing with the gods and ghosts.

Ninth Uncle walked to the corpse and squatted down, lifted the straw mat, and saw the watchman's face was pale, and there were many blood holes poked out of his body, and the real fatal wound was on the neck. Although the blood was blurred, there were two A very obvious blood hole, according to ancient books, this must be the work of zombies.

"Oops, Yizhuang!"

After Ninth Uncle checked the body, he got up and ran to Yizhuang, but the security guard guarding the watchman's body remembered the captain's instructions and stopped Ninth Uncle: "Ninth Uncle, your two apprentices Wencai and Qiusheng It is now in the Ren Family Mansion."

Upon hearing this news, Jiu Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go and have a look." Yue Si didn't think this would be good news.

Seeing Yue Si's expression, Uncle Ninth became serious and walked towards the Ren family's mansion.

When he arrived at the Ren's house, Uncle Jiu saw that the Ren's house was guarded by the security team with live ammunition, keeping the other people out. go in.

Just in the living room, Uncle Ninth's face became ugly, because there was a stretcher covered with white cloth, and Ren Tingting sat on the side and only knew how to cry. Captain Awei tried his best to comfort her there.

Several prominent figures in Renjia Town came, and sat on the side discussing something in a low voice.

Ninth Uncle's heart sank, and it was obvious that the one who died in this battle was not an ordinary servant, but Master Ren.

When he opened the white cloth, he saw that as expected, there was a look of horror on Master Ren's face. It was obvious that something terrifying happened before his The state of death was exactly the same as that of the watchman.

After covering the white cloth, Uncle Ninth said, "Where are my two apprentices, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng?"

Captain Awei stood still, and said to Ninth Uncle in a arrogant manner: "I now suspect that you have something to do with the murder of Master Ren, my cousin and uncle. I announce that you have been arrested!"

After speaking, countless security team members rushed out from all around, and the guns in their hands aimed at Jiu Shu and Yue Si.

Being pointed at by the dark muzzle, Ninth Uncle felt horrified, and there was great terror shrouding his body. No matter how high the Taoism was, he was only flesh and blood. If he was shot, he would be injured and die, not to mention so many guns.

"Captain Awei, have you heard a word?" Yue Si said.

Captain Awei didn't understand why and asked, "What?"

Yue Si said with a smile: "Seven steps away, the gun is fast; within seven steps, the gun is fast and accurate."

Hearing this sentence, Captain Awei thought that Yue Si was showing weakness, so he let out an adulterous laugh and said, "I've never heard of it, you see, of course we are quick and accurate with so many guns."

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