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Chapter 263: church gathering

In fact, the Umbrella Company in the movie simply blocked the city at the beginning, but still left a passage for citizens to enter and exit, but there is a quarantine station at the entrance and exit, and only citizens who are confirmed to have no symptoms of infection will pass until the umbrella is protected. The top management of the company found that the spread of the T-virus had reached an uncontrollable situation, so they completely blocked Raccoon City, and then swept the citizens who dared to punch the card.

However, the battle robot sent by Yue Si infiltrated the hive base and packaged and copied all the technical data in the hive base and Noah's Ark base, which aroused the vigilance of the umbrella company, so they blocked everyone in the raccoon In the city, no one is allowed to enter, and even helicopters without IFFs will be shot down with anti-aircraft weapons. The company's property and scientific research results are the most important things, a mere city, and all the people in the city, are not important at all.

At midnight, former S.W.A.T.S elite detective Jill Valentine helped his friend Black Peyton and walked into the church with Terry, a female reporter in a professional suit.

As for why Jill is a former S.W.A.T.S elite detective, because Jill violently enforced the law and shot and killed many people not long ago, the external influence was not good, and even this incident was published in the news paper, so he was suspended by his superiors.

In fact, those killed by Jill are actually zombies transformed by infection with the T-virus. Jill has long discovered the anomaly, and has mastered the key information that headshots can really kill zombies, but the helpless truth is in the hands of a few people. In her hands, she had no choice but to rest at home for two days.

Then I learned on the radio that the zombie virus completely broke out in Raccoon City, I immediately brought my weapons and equipment to the police station to resume my duties, and showed it in front of my superiors - I'm right, only headshots can kill those with Violent bloodthirsty madman, zombie.

The location of the church is relatively remote, and there are not many zombies infected with mutants around. In addition, the houses of the American emperor are generally made of wood materials. The church is made of stones and bricks. The windows are also very high and the gates are very high. It is also a solid wood door with four corners of iron, and it is difficult for ordinary zombies to rush into this place.

As a temporary shelter, a church is a very good choice.

But it's just a temporary resting place after all, and they still have to find a way to get out of Raccoon City - even if you have full protective equipment, it's better to be in a safe place than to be in a place where the Geiger counter is screaming.

The black Peyton's leg was injured by a stray bullet from the armed personnel of the Umbrella Company. Although it was only a scratch, no skeletal blood vessels were injured. Jill took his friend to a safe place and urgently bandaged him to stop the bleeding, but he lost blood and was injured. It still greatly slowed Peyton's mobility, and he had to rest for a while to relieve the exhaustion caused by some blood loss.

"Stop!" Although it was a big night, in addition to the pastor of the church, there was a smart young man hiding here, and he also knew that the walled compound was a good place to hide.

Seeing that the stranger entered the hiding place that he had found on a whim, the nervous young man immediately took out his self-defense revolver and aimed at Jill and his party of three.

Female reporter Terry raised her hands swiftly, while Jill and Payton immediately took out their guns and aimed at the young man, and showed their police badges to show their identities.

Fortunately, the bald priest in the church came out to reconcile, and preached that this zombie disaster was God's punishment for the world. The words showed the ignorance of the zong religion to the people, and the female reporter also took out the DV for the first time to prepare the priest's words. filmed.

After going out, this kind of argument will definitely be a very strong selling point.

It's a pity that this is the world of "Resident Evil" instead of "Death Video". The outbreak of the zombie virus is caused by technology and man-made disasters, not by some occult force.

Then just heard a "bang", the door of the church was kicked open from the outside, Jill reacted quickly, and immediately pulled out the pistol from the holster around his waist and aimed at the person coming at the door - it would be bad if it was a zombie.

The wounded and bleeding Payton was only one point behind Jill, and he also drew his gun and aimed at the door.

Fortunately not, but not good news either.

It was a team of fully armed people with guns and live ammunition. The weapons in their hands were not standard rifles, but light machine guns and grenade launchers. The small pistols in their hands could not compete with each other in terms of firepower. Bulletproof vests are not just decorations.

Except for Peyton's bulletproof vest, the others on Jill's side were just wearing ordinary clothes, and one round of strafing could turn their side into scum.

And in Raccoon City, apart from the police S.W.A.T.S, which Jill belongs to, the only one that can prepare such an armed force is the umbrella company that covers the sky.

It's just that Jill didn't find any signs of his identity on this team, and there is a high probability that it was a third-party force.

The two men aimed light machine guns at several people in the church, and then the others dispersed, carefully inspecting every corner with their guns, and waited until a few armed men opened the side door of the hall and wiped it towards the rear where the clergy rested. The bald priest showed a panicked look on his face, and then one of the guards in charge of Jill's group pulled the bald priest out of the crowd, and a three-point shot ended his life, causing a sharp burst of sharpness from the female reporter Terry. Call.

Afterwards, Yue Sicai walked in armed zombies followed behind him.

This bald priest is not a good person. His sister was infected with the T-virus and turned into a zombie a few days ago. He tied her sister's hands and feet with iron wires and placed them in the rest area. It was knocked unconscious, and then dragged in front of his sister for him to eat.

Outsiders, sisters, churches, bondage, captivity, rearing...

The battle robot that went to check the situation shared the news with other battle robots. According to Yue Si's instructions, the bald priest was pulled out and executed, as was his zombie sister, who was executed with a headshot.

Gather the battle robots that have been inspected up and down the church. Except for the bald priest's sister, there are no other zombies here, so it is safe for the time being.

Although the heroine Jill Valentine is right in front of you, this is the movie world, and the real heroine Alice is still on her way. Except that the laboratory with strict disinfection standards cannot penetrate, the clay worms released by Yue Si She is always monitoring her position. According to her movement trajectory, she will eventually reach this church. Yue Si intends to wait here.

As for the bioweapon lickers swarming outside the church, it wasn't much of a problem at all.

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